23. New Places

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Jade's Point of View

We were on the move again. We wandered through the lush, green woods. It was good to have everyone back together, well, except for Beth. I missed Beth. I hoped that she was alright. I hoped that she wasn't dead but the chances of that were pretty slim. I could tell that Daryl felt as though it was his fault that Beth got kidnapped. His guilt showed whenever he looked at Maggie. I could also see that he was over the moon that Carol was back. He would give his right arm for Carol. They would have been adorable together in a relationship.

I noticed that Daryl was walking alone, so I joined him. Carl was busy speaking with his father.
"Hey Daryl", I spoke softly as I walked next to him.
"Oh, hey Jade", he said as he saw me.
"Are you alright?" I asked with a sympathetic smile.
"Yeah, I'm fine", he said obviously lying as he took a glance at Maggie.
"No you're not. What happened with Beth wasn't your fault. I know that I wasn't there so I can't really say that, but I know that you would never let her get kidnapped on purpose. It was an accident. You were trying to save her. Once we find somewhere to stay we can go and find her. Stop feeling guilty", I lectured him like a parent would to a child. He chuckled a little.
"I know... I know", he said with a loud sigh.
"Alright", I replied, "We should focus on the positives. We have Carol, Judith and Tyrese back. Our group is back together again. We'll be okay. I have a good feeling about this".

Daryl and I continued talking until we heard a yell for help. We quickly ran towards the human yell. He soon came into view. He was a preacher who though he wasn't able to defend himself. I withdrew my bow and arrow and shot one square in the head. Rick killed the other.
"Thank you", the man spoke in a shaky voice.
"What's your name?" Rick asked him.
"Father Gabriel", he replied quietly.
"Why didn't you just kill them? It's a piece of cake", I asked with a confused look.
"It-it's against my beliefs. God said, 'thou shall not kill'", he spoke.
"You got a place?" Rick asked. Father Gabriel nodded and led us in the direction of where he was staying.
"I've only been out three times. This is the furthest I've gotten. I'm running out of food", he explained.

I started to walk to Carl.
"What's your take on this guy? He seems a little sketchy to me", I said in a hushed voice to Carl.
"He looks as though he has a secret... he's hiding something", he replied.
"Exactly. There's something off-putting about him. He's got a secret and I'm going to find out what it is. He's hopeless. I'm surprised that he isn't dead at this rate. He doesn't know how to defend himself", I said as I studied Father Gabriel's features. He had dark skin and was still in his preacher outfit. He seemed to be in his late thirties, possibly early forties.

After walking a few miles we reached a cemetery and then a church came into view. I assumed this is where he was staying. It seemed to be in pretty good condition. He opened the door and we put all of our stuff onto the pews of the church. We all decided to inspect the church. Daryl, Michonne, Glenn and Maggie inspected the inside. Carl and I walked outside.
"This place needs to be more secure. Walkers could easily get in here", I said as I examined the delicate windows.
We walked around the perimeter of the church before something caught Carl's eyes.
"What's that?" he spoke as he saw something engraved into the wood on the outside of the church.
We took a step closer and scrutinised it. 'You shall burn for this' was carved into the wood.
"I'll go get my Dad", Carl said before running towards his Dad who was at the front of the church.
"Look at this", he said as him and Rick walked closer. Rick read the words and studied it, clouded in thought.
"Something's up with this guy and I don't like it", Rick said with a sigh.
"What do you think it means?" I asked.
"I'm not sure but I bet he does", Rick said referring to Father Gabriel.

Soon it got dark and we all gathered inside and secured everything so no walkers could get in during the night. Rick was sat on the floor with Judith happily in his lap. It was pretty adorable. I sat next to Carl, who had wrapped an arm around me, pulling me closer to his body. I rested my head on his chest. Abraham raised his glass and proposed a toast.

"What are we going to do tomorrow?" I asked Rick.
"We need to go into town and get some food", Rick replied before turning towards Father Gabriel, "How far is the nearby town? Is there anywhere we can get food?"
Father Gabriel pondered for a moment before replying, "There's a food bank but it may have been cleared out by now. The town is about a mile from here. Behind the cemetery is the school. Follow the road by there".
"How long has it been since you've been into town?" he asked.
"Not since this all started".

"How did you survive this long then?" I asked to my dismay.
He gave a simple gesture to the copious amount of empty cans of food at the front of the church. I nodded in response.

Rick continued talking to the mysterious preacher and I decided to speak to Tara as I hadn't done so before.
"Hey, I'm Jade", I said with a beaming smile. "You're Tara, right?"
"Yeah, that'd be me", she replied.
"So, um... who were you with before you ran into Glenn?" I asked.
"My sister and her daughter", she replied.
"That's nice. I was with my parents, my twin brother and my best friend. They're all dead now. Luckily I ran into Carl and Rick, who I knew before all of this happened. They kindly let me join their group back at the prison", I explained.
"Oh, I'm sorry", she said kind heartedly.
"Don't worry about it. I've accepted it now. Took me a while but I pulled through", I replied.
"My sister and her daughter died as well. I don't know how but they did".
I looked into her eyes with a sympathetic look. We had all lost so many people but we had to move on. It made a life worth living. We had to survive.

I walked back to Carl and lied down next to him. I was getting comfortable and soon started drifting off into sleep.
"Jade", Rick said causing me to be awoken.
"Yeah Rick", I replied.
"Would you mind coming into town with us tomorrow? We need all hands on deck and you've got skills. It would be quite handy if you could join us", Rick requested. I nodded.
"Of course. I'll be happy to help".

A/N; Sorry for the extremely late update. It's been long overdue.

Anyway, thank you for the 2.9K reads! I'm absolutely ecstatic! If you have any friends that watch The Walking Dead, please reccomend this fan fic to them! It would mean the world to me!

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Update soon xxx.


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