9. Laughter Is The Best Medicine... Most Of The Time

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Jade’s POV

We decided to confront Carol and she had the point of which I had guessed. She didn’t want Rick to know that she was teaching the children to kill walkers with knives. “Isn’t that what I told you, huh?” I said with a smirk. He sighed before saying, “Why must you be so smart?” I giggled before replying, “Cos I am”. I suddenly was lifted into the air. Carl had thrown me over his shoulder. “Put me down… please”, I demanded. Carl just ignored me and started walking with me over his shoulder. “I must be heavy”, said I. “Nope”, he said popping the p, “You’re as light as a feather”. Since we were on the pavement outside he carried me inside. “Young love”, a voice I recognised as Hershel’s said. I laughed at that thought. Suddenly I saw Michonne talking to Daryl. “Little help?” I asked as I started to feel dizzy from the blood rushing to my head. They both laughed at me and replied “Nope, it’s funny”.

Carl then walked into our cell and plonked me onto the bed. “Thanks for the lift”, I said half sarcastically. “No problem”, he said and then gave me a kiss on the forehead. “You’re being quite affectionate lately”, I said in realisation. He chuckled and then said, “Only because I love my wonderful girlfriend and she deserves to be showered with affection”. I blushed at the thought of him calling me his girlfriend. We’d been in a relationship for a while now and I still blushed when he called me his girlfriend. “Well I love my lovely boyfriend and he also deserves to be showered with affection. How did I ever get this lucky?” I said with my signature smile. He leaned in and gave me a kiss on the lips. It was short yet sweet.

Suddenly Rick came running into our cell. “Hey Dad, what’s up?” Carl asked casually. “There’s a sickness going around. Some type of flu. Once you get it there is a high possibility that you will die. Patrick died and he turned. Several of the Woodbury people are now dead. You guys haven’t been infected yet. I need you two to get Beth, Judith and Hershel and move them away from the people that have been infected. The rest of the group are moving the sick people into quarantine in Cell Block A”, Rick said fairly quickly leaving us quite shocked. “Right on it”, Carl said coolly. Rick nodded before pacing off.

“Wow”, Carl said. I nodded slowly as I said “I know. Carl, the people we care about might die. Patrick’s dead and all the others might as well. There were some nice people in Woodbury and they could die”, I said in a slightly panicked voice. “Look Jade, everything will be alright. We were friends with Patrick although I’m sort of glad he’s… you know… dead”, Carl said slowly. Suddenly filled with confusion, I asked, “Why? He was our friend?” Carl chuckled slightly before answering, “because he wouldn’t stop hitting on you. Hope we don’t ever meet any other guys our age because all they’d do would be hitting on you”. I blushed and slightly giggled. “It’s not my fault I’m fabulous”, I said in a posh voice as I elegantly threw my head back, as a rich person would. He laughed at me before standing up and walking out of the cell. I quickly ran out to him and we went on our way to get Beth, Judith and Hershel.

We went into where the Warden’s office would be. Maggie would occasionally come to the door talk to Beth, through the door as she had been exposed to the virus. I stood at the door with my gun as did Hershel. When Carl shot that young man he had his gun taken away from Rick. “Jade do you mind holding Judith while I get her formula ready?” Beth asked me. I smiled and took Judith out of Beth’s arms. Judith looked up at me with her big, beautiful blue eyes. “You’re such a gorgeous baby”, I whispered to her. She gave me a gummy smile, as she had no teeth quite yet. I smile back at her. She lifted her little, left hand and tangled it in a strand of my curly hair. She slightly tugged on it and it kind of hurt. I pulled her hand away from my hair and grabbed the little toy puppy that Rick had found for her on a run and gave it to her. She gave it an intent and curious look before squeezing it gently. In my peripheral vision I saw Beth so I walked over to her and handed Judith to her. “You’re good with her”, Beth commented. I smiled as I replied, “She’s such a beautiful girl. You’re way better than me though. I have no experience”.

“Didn’t you have any siblings?” she asked. I sighed in remembrance of my twin, my other half. “I had a twin brother, Ashton. We would go everywhere together. We were basically best friends. We looked quite alike but he always had his hair in a quiff sort of style. All the girls liked him”, I commented. Beth looked at me with sorrow in her eyes. “He didn’t make it, did he?” She asked. I shook my head. “I had to shoot him. My best friend, Ashton and I were alone. Our parents and Lucy My best friend’s parents had turned into walkers. We would raid stores and find places to stay. One day we walked into a store but walkers invaded it. My brother had gotten bit. Once we had escaped the walkers I had to shoot him. It’s the hardest thing I’ve ever had to do”, I replied sadly. Beth stayed silent for a moment.

“What about your best friend?” she asked curiously.

“Lucy? We were running through the forest a couple of months after Ashton had died and walkers chased us. One of them had bit all down her neck. I had to shoot her. After that I ran deeper into the forest and cried and that’s when Carl and Rick found me. In a matter of ten minutes of shooting my best friend I had ran into a childhood friend”, I stated, still saddened by the thought of Ashton and Lucy. “I’m sorry”, Beth whispered as she rubbed my arm. I smiled back at her with a look of appreciation.

 “Carl!” Rick’s voice rang through the halls. I opened the door slightly and ran with Carl to Rick. “Karen and David are dead”, Rick said. “The flu?” I question. Rick sighed before he said, “They both had the flu but somebody killed them. Tyrese found both of them burned alive”. I winced at the thought. Who on Earth would burn two people, two nice people? Sure they were sick but still! I thought. Rick pulled out a gun which I soon recognised as Carl’s and handed it to him. “I need you to be safe. If anyone gets sick find me”, He said before walking off. Carl nodded and grabbed my hand. “Carl, this is getting really serious”, I said in a serious tone as I faced him. He stood in front of me and put a hand on the small of my back. “I know but we’ll be fine. My dad will be fine, Daryl will be fine. So will Glenn, Maggie, Carol, Beth, Hershel, Michonne and Judith. We’ll all be fine. It’s the Woodbury people I’m not too sure about”, Carl reassured me. I nodded before continuing walking back to where Beth, Judith and Hershel were.

A/N- Hey Guys! Sorry it was a bit short but 3 updates in 1 day woohoo!  64 reads! If you know anyone who likes The Walking Dead pwetty pwease get them to read this! By the way that was Pretty Please in a baby voice.

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