14. Go Your Own way

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Jade's POV

We were now quite a distance from the prison. Carl was angry. He missed Judith, it was obvious. I was the same when Ashton died.


BANG! I had just shot my brother. He was bit and would've died anyway. I tried as hard as I could to hold back tears but Lucy was balling her eyes out. "You alright, Jade?" she asked me as she lightly touched my arm. "WHAT DO YOU THINK?! I JUST LOST MY GODDAMN BROTHER!" I screamed at her. She flinched at my harsh tone. "Apologise", she whispered. I laughed at her with clear anger in my laugh. "Me apologise? It was your fault, Lucy! You're the one who said that we should go on a raid", I growled. She started crying even harder.

"Oh, toughen up princess. I just lost my brother and you don't see me crying, do you?" I said as I punched a wall, causing a hole in it. Who knew I had that much strength? "J-Jade, you're a m-monster", Lucy whimpered. I suddenly stopped in my place and stared at the ground. No, I'm not a monster. I'm nothing like a monster, am I? I thought.

"Look, I get that you just lost your brother but you have no right to get angry at me", Lucy said slowly. I exhaled deeply and my eyes started to water. I quickly wiped my eyes so no tears could escape but I broke. I crouched down the ground and huddled myself in a ball. I slowly rocked and burst out into tears. "I-I'm sorry, Lucy. Just go away... please?" I asked. She nodded and walked away slowly.

End of Flashback

That was almost a year ago now. You see, I know exactly how he feels. It's one of the worst emotions, knowing that you'll never see someone again.

"Carl, slow down", Rick yelled to Carl. Carl was a fair way in front of us and he kept walking at his fast pace. "Carl, help your Dad. You're being a bit of a jerk right now", I yelled. He turned in his place and gave me a harsh look before continuing to walk. I sighed. "Are you alright, Rick? Do you need us to stop?" I asked with sympathy. Rick shook his head, "Just keep on going", he said, "I'm fine". I nodded before continuing to walk. "Jade, can I ask you a question?" Rick asked quietly. I nodded as he continued, "How did your brother die?" I sighed. Rick obviously knew my brother as we were from the same town and our parents were friends. "He uh, he was bit. We went on a raid with Lucy and he got bit. I had to shoot him", I said softly.

"What about Lucy?" he asked.

"She got bit as well. We were hunting in the woods and she wasn't looking were she was going. When she got bit, she screamed and it attracted a herd. I had to put her out of her misery so I shot her. Straight after that I ran away and that's when you and Carl found me", I said as a tear slid down my porcelain face. I quickly wiped it away.

"I'm sorry", he said as he looked at me in concern.

"Don't worry about it. It's in the past now. We just have to move forward", I muttered.

Soon we reached a small town with hardly any walkers. We found a little diner which we stopped outside of. "You stay here until I clear the place of walkers, alright?" Rick warned us. Carl shook his head, "No, I'll do it. You're hurt. You guys stay out here", he said before withdrawing his gun from his holster and walking into the store. Carl soon walked out. "All clear", he started. We carefully walked into the store. I immediately found the food. There were a few packets of chips, some jars and other food. I got out my bag and shoved as much as I could in there. So did Carl and Rick. "This'll last for a few days, maybe a week", Rick said as we headed back on the road.

"The sun's starting to set. Maybe we should try and find a house for the night", I suggested. The others agreed and we set off to find a house.

"That one doesn't look to bad", Carl suggested as he pointed to an almost pristine, two story house. Rick and I cautiously made our way inside, whereas Carl didn't seem to have any regard to enter cautiously. "Carl", Rick warned him. "I've got it. All the doors down here are open", he said as he held up his gun.

"Just stop", Rick and I said at the same time.Suddenly Carl started to bang on the wall as he did that he yelled, 'Hey asshole! Hey shit face!" Both Rick and my eyes went wide.

"Watch your mouth", Rick growled.

"Are you kidding me? If there was one of them down there, they would've come out", he said before exploring the house.

"You alright, Rick?" I asked as I walked into the kitchen. Ricked nodded as he carefully sat down. "He's just... angry", he said. I chuckled, "You think?" Carl came down the stairs with a wire.

Later that evening Carl tied the door shut. Once he had finished Rick and I started to push the couch towards the door. "I tied the door shut", he snapped.

"We don't want to take any chances?" Rick snarled as we pushed the couch.

"You don't think it'll hold. It's a strong knot. Shane taught me. Remember him?" Carl says. Rick glared and Carl and said, "Yeah, I remember him. I remember him every day. Is there something else you want to say to me?"

Carl slowly walked towards the couch and helped us push it.

"This'll have to do for the night", Rick said as he sat down on the couch.

"It's better than nothing", I said before yawning. Rick picked up a packet of chips. "Are you gonna eat it?" Carl asked.

"No, you two should eat", Rick said. That was something I admired about Rick Grimes. He would also but other people before him. He was selfless in that matter.

"We should save it", Carl suggested harshly. Rick opened up the packet and walked over to us. "I don't want any", Carl retorted.

"Eat some now", he said as he handed me the chip packet.

"Thanks Rick", I said softly.

I fell asleep next to Carl. When I woke up I noticed he had his arm around my waist. As I slowly sat up, Carl woke as well. He pecked me on the lips before standing up and walking over to the bag to pull out some cereal. He gestured for me to have some so I slyly got out of the bed, attempting not to awake Rick. Carl poured a bowl of cereal for himself, his dad and me. "Thanks", I said quietly.

After we ate we went up to a teenage boys room where we each found an interesting novel. Joking! The book was terrible. All of my belongings were still at the prison, except for 2 guns, a knife and my bow and arrow. "Are you alright?" I asked Carl.

"I'm fine. Why would you ask that?" he asked seriously.

I looked at him in disbelief. "You were snapping at your dad and me yesterday. There's something clearly wrong", I said as I put my hand on his shoulder.

"I-I'm fine. It doesn't matter right now", he said quietly. I gave him a small smile, which he returned.

"Wanna go back downstairs. Should probably check on my Dad" Carl said. I nodded and grabbed his hand as we walked down the stairs. "Dad?" Carl asked when he saw that his Father was still asleep. "Dad wake up!" he yelled repetitively as he shook him. Suddenly a walker started banging on the door. I jumped in fear before slowly kneeling down next to Carl. I grabbed Rick's wrist and I found a pulse. "He's alive", I whispered, "He was exhausted yesterday. He'll awaken soon".

"Stay here. I'll be back in an hour or two. Keep my dad safe", he said. I nodded as I put my hand on Rick's forehead to see if he had a fever. He was a little warm. I sure hope that nothing would happen to Carl.

A/N- It kind of angered me when Carl was like that to his dad. I was like "Carl! I love you but please be nice to you're dad. I understand that you think Judith's dead but he's the only family you've got"! Still love you, Carl!

Hope you liked this chapter. I'm offically on holidays so I'll update as often as I can!

Update soon!



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