2. Books and Comics

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Carl’s POV (thought I’d change it up a bit)       

I can’t believe I found her. Jade was one of those girls that were irresistible. We were friends before the outbreak and to be honest she was one of the only people who understood me. She was a girl with a compassionate heart and would always out other people first. She never had anything bad to say about anyone… except those small few that annoy the crap out of her. To be completely honest, I haven’t thought about her in a long time. I guess that I had better things… well, worse. When my Dad mentioned that my mom had died, you could see the sympathy and sorrow in her eyes. When we were both little my mother would always look after her. I think that’s why I always liked her. She used to be such a little cutie but now she’s grown up into a beautiful woman, inside and out. “Don’t let anyone bring you down”, she used to say, “They’re just jealous that you’re better than them. Everyone is special in their own way”

I sat against the wall in my… well Jade and I’s cell reading a comic book that I had found in a store that we raided. I found quite a few. One of them I knew Jade would like. It was The Simpsons. When we were at school together she would constantly quote and talk about it. Mostly Homer Simpson. Jade was out helping Beth with Judith. She and Beth seemed to hit it off fairly well and she loved Judith. Who couldn’t resist those little fingers and big eyes? Suddenly I felt the wait of my bed go down a little and turned to see Jade sitting next to me. “Do you mind?” she said as she gestured to the comic books. “Go ahead”, I replied with a smile. She looked at the selection I had accumulated and obviously picked The Simpsons: Tree House of Horrors one. “Knew it”, I said softly. “Of course you did”, she said as she stuck her tongue out at me in a playful way. Soon it was quiet and all you could here were our breaths and the flicking of pages. I looked at her. She seemed quite content and was smiling at something she had just read. Gosh her smile was beautiful. Carl, what the hell are you doing? She’s just your friend, nothing more! I said in my head.

After about ten minutes she had completed the book. “Thanks”, she said quietly. “No problem. Funny?” I asked. “Of course. Homer cracks me up. He’s such an idiot”, she said with a giggle. “Even in a Halloween edition?” I asked. She nodded with a grin. “Would you like to accompany me on a walk Miss Harrington?” I said in a posh voice. “Of course, Mr Grimes”, she mimicked. We stood up and walked out of the Cell Block and out onto the field. “It’s nice out here. Only if it wasn’t a zombie apocalypse”, Jade said as she sat and the ground. I laughed before saying, “Yeah. It sucks doesn’t it”.
“Agreed”. Suddenly she stood up and ran to another patch of grass before coming over with two dandelions in her hand. “It’s been so long since I’ve seen a flower”, she said as she handed me one and kept the other in her hand. I looked down and studied the dandelion before looking up at her dirt covered face. Everyone had dirt everywhere but you know… there’s nothing you can really do about it. “Make a wish”, she said before taking a pause and then blowing the petals off the flower. I do the same for standing and admiring the petals blow through the air. “What did you wish for?” I asked her. “If I tell it won’t come true”, she responded. I nodded. I had wished to get away from here. From all this mess, with the group and Jade. Well, I guess that Jade was now a part of the group.

Jade’s POV


I had wished for a kiss from Carl. I know it sounds cheesy but a kiss would be perfect. I wondered what he had wished about. “Come on, let’s go back. They’re probably wondering where we are. Plus, I need to catch up with Daryl”, I said before turning around and walking up to Block C closely followed by Carl. “Hey Daryl”, I said as I saw him. “Hey Jadey-Wadey”, he replied. “Jadey-Wadey?” I questioned. “New nickname”, he stated simply. “So… how’s life been since this all happened?” I asked. “Well, since the world went to shit it’s been… eventful. Rick left Merle handcuffed to the top of a roof in Atlanta, so to escape he cut off his hand. God knows if he’s still alive”, Daryl said. “Still the grumpy fellow he’s always been?” I asked. “I’m more than sure”, he replied. “So, you seem to be getting on with Carl quite well”, he commented. “Well, I did go to school with him before this happened”.

After a long chat with Daryl, I went to Carol to see if she need any help with Judith but she was fine. I went back up to my cell and climbed onto my bed. I opened the bag I had and took out the only book I had brought with me. Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince. It was my favourite of all the Harry Potter books. I was kind of getting tired of it because every time I finished it I would start it again. Suddenly Rick knocked on the cell wall. “Carl, Daryl, Glenn and I are going for a run. Would you like to come?” he asked. “Why not, just let me grab my gun and bow and arrow, just in case”, I said as I put my gun in the inside pocket of my jacket and my bow and arrow over my shoulder. “Nice bow”, Daryl commented as he ran his thumb over the pattern engraved in the smooth wood. “Thanks. Found it in an abandoned army surplus store”, I said.

We jumped in the car and Daryl rode his motorbike into a nearby town. We were running low on supplies like food, water and baby formula for Judith. I sat next to Carl in the back while Glenn and Rick sat in the front. Soon we had arrived. “Jade, Carl, you look in that store”, he said as he pointed to a food store. Rick, Daryl and Glenn walked into an alcohol store that was next to a pharmacy while Carl and I walked into the shop. “Score”, I said as I found a 24 pack of water bottles. I shoved it into my bag before looking around with Carl for more things. We ended up finding cans of soup and baked beans, eggs, baby formula and nappies (for Judith), a lot more water, toothpaste with a few toothbrushes, hair products (for me and Beth), a few cases of bullets and the last Harry Potter book! We divided them up and put them in our bags. We quickly ran into the bookstore next door where I grabbed a handful of books and comics as did Carl.  

We met up with Rick, Daryl and Glenn before heading back. “Get much, kids?” Daryl asked. “Filled up my bag”, I said. When we had arrived back into the prison I dumped my stuff on the table and quickly put my books and comics in my cell, as did Carl. We ended up having enough to last 2-3 weeks which was excellent. Carl and I had grabbed almost every can on the shelf in the shop, not caring what it was and we ended up with 30. We also had plenty of water. Everyone was quite happy with what we got. The boys (Rick, Daryl and Glenn) had gotten plenty of beer, wine and Vodka. They also got some flat soft drink for Beth, Carl and I, but we all knew that Daryl would most likely sneak us a drink.

A/N- I started writing this on my other account (Its_all_for_you29) but I decided not to. I have copyright on this by the way, so please don't attempt to steal it.

Have a nice day!


We Found Love in a World Like This- Carl Grimes (Chandler Riggs) FanficWhere stories live. Discover now