22. I Am Not A Robot

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Jade’s Point of View


Eugene knows how to stop this? There’s a cure? Why couldn’t this happen when my family was still alive?  I asked myself in my head. I sat down against the back of the train cart, my mind boggled with thoughts.
“Jade, are you okay?” Carl asked me as he sat beside me. I nodded.
“I’m fine. I was just… thinking”, I replied with a fake smile.

In reality I wasn’t okay. I wanted this to be over as much as the next person but I felt as though I was lacking in empathy. If someone died in front of me now, only a fraction of my mind would care. I’m a robot. I’ve become emotionless. I want to feel real though. Where would I start? Perhaps by showing Carl more affection. Ever since the prison I’ve been like this. I’ve seen far too many people get hurt.

Suddenly Rick spoke up. “They’re gonna feel pretty stupid when they find out, they’re messing with the wrong people”.
Rick gave me hope. He always seemed to say the right thing at the right time. I gave him a smile. Maybe I wasn’t emotionless. I am not a robot. I turned to Carl and wrested my head on his shoulder. Everything was going to be okay.


Some of the men came around and took Rick, Daryl and Glenn. Carl started to pace around the cart in anxiousness.
“Carl, your Dad’s going to be fine”, I reassure him. “So are Glenn and Daryl”.
“You don’t know that!” Carl yelled at me.
“I do. Your father is one of the bravest men I have ever met. You don’t think I’m anxious as well. Daryl is the closest thing I have to family! I see him as a big brother. He was always there for Ashton and I!” I yelled back at him.
Michonne suddenly intervened. “Hey, stop it. You guys are being idiots. I know you’re both worried but that doesn’t give you the opportunity to scream at each other. Now come and help us trying and get out of here, okay?”
Carl and I both nodded and sighed.

I got out one of my knives and tried cutting at the hinges of the door.
“Sorry”, I whispered to Carl.
“I’m sorry too”, Carl replied. He gave me a small smile which I immediately returned.

They had been gone for a while now and we continued to try and break out, but it was no use. Abruptly, a loud explosion occurred outside causing us all to jump. Did Rick do this? Are we saved… or are we in even more shit? I thought to myself. Everyone stood up and stared at each other.
“What was that?” Rosita asked.
“Don’t worry about that… just keep trying to get out” I said assertively. Everyone nodded in agreement and continued to try and escape the wrath of Terminus.

Not long after, the door opened. Rick stood there and ushered us all out. There were walkers everywhere. I reached for my bow but then suddenly remember I didn’t have it. I withdrew my knife and impaled a few walkers before running and climbing over the fence of Terminus.

“We made it, Jade. We made it”, Daryl said to me. I smiled and gave him a hug. We all walked for a bit before seeing someone we thought we wouldn’t see ever again- Carol. Daryl ran up to her and engulfed her in a hug. It was adorable. I walked over to Carl and laced my hand with his. Rick then walked over to her and hugged her. She had saved our lives.

“Jade, I believe this is yours”, Carol said as she held out my bow and arrow set. My eyes illuminated and I hugged her tightly, almost tackling her.
“Thank you so much, Carol. You saved us. I am eternally grateful,” I said graciously to her with a grin. I was on top of the moon.
I am not a robot, I reassured myself again. I walked back to Carl and gave him a hug as well.
“I’m so happy I could cry” I laughed. He nodded in agreement.

“Follow me”, Carol said. We all started to trail her.
“Where do you think we’re going?” I asked Carl.
“Maybe somewhere safe”, he responded.
We had been walking for a while. I started talking to Rosita. She was a very lovely lady. She was also very pretty.
We told each other stuff about what had happened in our lived before this catastrophe. I told her all about Ashton, my parents, how I knew Carl, Lucy and just random facts of my life. She reminisced about her job, her family, her love life and most of all, her friends.
“I think we’re going to be great friends, Jade”, she mentioned to me.
“I think so too”, I smiled.

Suddenly, I saw people. I saw Tyreese… and Judith! Rick and Carl sprinted towards Judith and consumed her into the biggest hug. Sasha ran to Tyreese and practically jumped on her. The only person missing was Beth.
“Did you see what happened to Mika and Lizzie?” I asked Carol. She suddenly went gloomy and I realised what had happened.
“They were with me for a while but Lizzie… oh, Lizzie killed Mika. She was going to kill Judith. I don’t know what would have happened if hadn’t got there in time. I had to… kill her. It was for the best”, Carol said with sorrow.
“I’m sorry Carol… I knew you cared for them”, I said compassionately.

“I’m so happy”, Carl said to me as we started walking again.
“So am I”, I replied with a grin.
“I love you so much, Jade. You don’t understand how much I love you”, he said to me with genuine care.
“I love you too, Carl. To the moon and back”, I replied before leaning in and connecting our lips softly.

A/N: Hey guys! It's been a long time between updates but guess what.... I'm back baby!

I was stuck with a severe case of writers block for a month. How terrible is that? But I'm back now and have thought of an imaginative storyline. 

Oh my lord guys, have you watched the Season 5 mid-season finale?! I won't spoil it for those who haven't seen it yet but I cried ;'(

BTW check out the video I've linked to this chapter if you haven't already. It's Carl Poppa by Bad Lip Reading. And while you're there, you should check out their other The Walking Dead Bad Lip Reading videos. I love them so much haha. My friend and I know all the words to them... not even joking!

I'll update ASAP and until next time I see you, have a good day!


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