7. I Can't Tell If It's Killing Me, Or Making Me Stronger

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Jade’s POV

Rick, Hershel and Daryl had come back from their little meeting with The Governor so Rick had held a group meeting. “So I met this Governor, I sat with him for quite a while”, Rick started. “Just the two of ya?” Merle asked. “Yeah”, rick replied. Merle muttered something under his breath. Rick looked back at us and continued, “He wants the prison. He wants us gone, dead. He wants us dead… for what we did to Woodbury. We’re going to war”. Rick slowly walked out of the room leaving us all in awe. Everyone looked at each other with a look of determination mixed with a little fear. I knew that I sure of hell was scared but I wanted him gone for gone, gone for good.

A couple of days later…

No one in our group could find Merle. We looked everywhere but no luck. Daryl was sure as hell determined to find him. They were brothers after all. Daryl had just left the prison to go out and find him. I was nearly almost certain that he would still be alive. Daryl said to me a few weeks ago, “Only a Dixon can kill a Dixon”. If that’s true Merle should still be alive.

Soon enough Daryl had come back… but with no Merle. “Merle’s dead”, Daryl whispered.  I ran up to him and gave him a hug, which he returned. “The Governor shot him. He turned and I had to kill him”, Daryl said. “You alright?” I asked gently. “I’m fine”, Daryl replied in a harsh voice before walking off. “Look, Daryl’s-” Carol started to say but I interrupted her, “Daryl’s brother just died. I get it”. 

Another couple of days later…

We were settling up for war. Carl was angry. I’d never seen him this angry. Rick hadn’t let him be able to fight but allowed me. Rick had said that I was handy with a weapon and was more than capable of defending myself after spending so long by myself. Carl on the other hand wasn’t ready to fight. He didn’t have the experience. “I’ve never seen him this mad”, I heard Glenn say to Rick. “Just give him some space”, I replied, “He’ll come around eventually”.

As the Governor came into view Rick told me to go with Hershel and Carl. I took my gun and Bow n Arrow just in case. We walked through the forest on alert. The ruckus and commotion from the group leaving the prison had caused some walkers to wonder astray in the opposing direction to which we were heading. In other words, they were coming straight for us. I could easily take them all. I didn’t want to attract more walkers so I shot them with some arrows. Suddenly there was a rustling from the bushes behind us. We turned to see a young man, maybe teens there. “I saw you in Woodbury!”I exclaimed as I had recognised the man. He wasn’t that nice as he would always hit on me… a thirteen year old girl. “You’re one of the Governor’s soldiers?” Hershel asked. He nodded. “Put your gun down”, Carl said as he pointed his gun at the young man. Carl’s eyes were filled with rage. I put my hand on his shoulder and whispered, “Don’t do it Carl”… but he didn’t listen. He shot the man. “Carl, why?” I asked softly. Carl looked quite shocked at what he had just done. Rage shocked me and I immediately run away, scared of the monster that Carl was becoming. “Jade, stay here!” Hershel yelled. “Hershel, he just killed a guy!” I rationalized. “Look, we will sort this out later. You’re better here than on your own”, Hershel said. I paused before sighing and then saying, “Fine but once we get back to the Prison I’m keeping my distance”.

Soon we headed back to the Prison. The others had come back from Woodbury. They had brought back the people from Woodbury who had survived. “Who are they?” Carl asked. “Woodbury survivors. They needed a place and we had one with plenty of room. We’ll designate a cell block for them”, Rick responded.

I was still quite angry at Carl… Well, I was furious. You can’t just kill a person! Especially a person who was surrendering!

“I took out one of the Governor’s soldiers”, Carl said to the group. Hershel immediately called him out. “He wasn’t a soldier. He was a kid running away. He gunned that kid down”. Rick suddenly looked astonished that his own child would do that.

Rick’s POV (A/N- A little but different, huh!)

My own son had shot a kid. Jade sure as hell looked furious at him. I grabbed Carl and took him outside. “He had a gun”, Carl demanded. “Was he handing it over?” I asked. “He had just attacked us”, Carl replied. “Was he handing it over?” I repeated angrily. “I couldn’t take the chance. I didn’t want Hershel to get hurt and especially Jade. I couldn’t stand to see Jade get hurt”, Carl argued. I sighed as Carl continued about how he didn’t mean for Dale to die and Lori to die. “Look, you need to apologise to everyone, especially Jade. She’s your friend and she’s furious that you killed an innocent person”, I said. I looked through the door to see Jade talking to Michonne. “She’s not my friend”, Carl piped up. I looked at him with a quizzical look. They were so close though. “She’s my girlfriend”, he continued. Of course they were dating. They were thick as thieves ever since they met each other. It was only a matter of time before they would’ve started dating. Although, I thought it would be sooner. “Oh. But you still have to apologise to her. She’s heartbroken”, I replied before walking away, leaving him on his lonesome.

Jade’s POV

Rick had taken Carl outside to have a chat with him. When Hershel had told Rick that his own son had shot down a man who was surrendering, Rick seemed quite taken aback. “You alright?” Michonne asked me. “Oh, I’m fine”, I lied. I was the opposite of furious. I had mixed emotions but infuriated and confused was the main ones, and they went towards Carl. I was mad that he had shot a person but confused to why he did it and why he seemed as though it wasn’t a big deal. “I know you’re not fine. Tell me what’s wrong”, she requested. I sighed. I didn’t know Michonne all that well but she seemed quite nice. “Carl shot an innocent man”, I replied softly. Michonne looked into my eyes before replying, “He must have had a good reason. He probably didn’t want you to get hurt. I haven’t been here long but I know you mean the world to him. I can see it. There’s something going on between you and Carl, isn’t there?” she said. I smiled at her. From then on I knew we were going to be good friends. “Well, I thought there was but evidently he doesn’t care about me”, I replied. Suddenly Beth walked in. “Gosh Jade, you’re so stupid!” she said. I gave her a questioning looked. “He cares about you so much. He absolutely loves you and I know you love him too”, she replied. I sat still for a moment before walking away. Beth was right but I couldn’t admit it. I was in love with Carl Grimes.

A/N- Hey Guys! Haven't had internet so I haven't been able to update :(

Sorry about the large amount of changes in Point of Views!

So it's (drumroll...)

QuEsTiOn Of ThE dAy!

Have you guys listen to the Arctic Monkeys, if so, what's your favourite song by them?

I really really really like the Arctic Monkeys and there is a slight possibility that I could see them live in May (When they come to Australia)!!

Please comment your answers if you like!!!!!!!

Remember to





peuvent être les chances jamais en votre faveur, au revoir


Bye the way the thing I wrote in french (The other language in my sign off) said:

May the odds be ever in your favvour, good bye.

You know, like how Joey Graceffa says it!

We Found Love in a World Like This- Carl Grimes (Chandler Riggs) FanficWhere stories live. Discover now