Chapter 2: Girl on a broomstick

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Yukihara's POV

"Hey,the girl with the braid and ponytail. Come here." The guy with a screw in his head said. He's obviously calling me,cause he's looking straight at me.

I have no choice. I went beside him,sighing. "Introduce yourself." He patted my head then smiled.

"Uhm… I'm Yukihara Death. 15 years old… A weapon and a… Shinigami." And boom,that made students go "Oooohhhh" and "Wooow". What's so special with that ? =____=

"So,Yukihara-chan. You'll be taking special classes with Death the Kid over there. Okay ?" The guy said. I just nodded then got sent back to my seat,which was beside a dirty-blonde haired girl with pigtails.

"The guy in front is Professor Stein. He's our homeroom teacher." The girl whispered with a smile. I just nodded,looking at the blackboard.

"I'm Maka Albarn by the way." She made a slight giggle. I just giggled with her.

"Nice to meet you. Say,are you Death the Kid's friend ?" I asked. She nodded in reply.

"Yep. Well,this guy beside me is my weapon partner. Soul Eater Evans." She turned to the guy,who was sleeping on his table. Maka just sighed.

"He's a lazy 'Acting cool' dumba**,so be used to it." Maka whispered with a chuckle.

"I heard you,Tiny t*ts" The guy with the white hair laughed. Maka got angry (I guess) then took a book,which she slammed on his head.

"Ow !! TT~TT" He exclaimed,holding his head. "Nice way introducing AND embarrasing me to the new girl." He snorted. Maka just laughed.

"I'm Soul by the way." He said with a grin. I just smiled then nodded. Time passed then Stein's dissecting lessons finished. The bell rang,meaning it's our lunch break.

"YAHOOOOO !! FINALLY,I'LL EAT !!! XD" Soul,Maka,and I got startled by the guy with blue hair's voice. His partner,who has black hair,sighed. "Calm down,Blackstar…" She apologetically mumbled.

"Tsubaki-chan ! Let's go eat lunch !" Maka said with a smile. Well,I'm awkwardly silent here. "Yeah,sure. Oh uhm,hi there,Yukihara. Right ?" The girl asked. I shyly nodded.

"I'm Tsubaki Nakatsukasa by the way… And—" "Heyya cute chick ! I'm your god,Blackstar !!!!" The other guy laughed. Let me guess,he's REALLY hyper.

"Sorry about that,Yukihara-chan. That guy's too energetic. You'll get used by time." Maka said with a smile. Well,I was wondering…

"Where's Death the Kid ?" I blinked,looking around. "Right here." He laughed,patting my head.

We headed to the cafeteria,then took a table for six. Tsubaki volunteered to take all our orders. While Tsubaki was out,everyone was talking about stuff.

"So,Yukihara,you're a shinigami,right ? Are you somehow related to Kid ?" Maka asked.

"Nope. I just met him yesterday. Well,Lord Death's not the only Shinigami in the world. My dad's also a shinigami. So,here." I explained with a smile.

"If you have your parents back there,why are you here ? Did they sent you ?" Soul asked.

"Her parents were dead. Father thought Medusa might target her because of her ability,so he told her to come here." Death the Kid sighed.

"Exactly as Death the Kid said." I sighed also.

"Just call me Kid. 'kay ?" He smiled. I nodded in reply.

"Why did they die ?" Blackstar asked. I looked at the side,sighing.

"I don't know the name,but a witch with dirty blonde hair and another witch with a white hair and frog-like hat,killed them right in front of me. The witch in that black hoodie said that she'd come back. For me." I mumbled,sighing.

"Tch. It's Medusa and Eruka…" Maka gritted her teeth.

"Don't worry,Yuki-chan. We'll protect you from her." Kid smiled.

"Yuki… Chan ?" I blinked,cause no one used that nickname. For me.

"Yep. We'll call you that now. Okay ?" Soul said with a grin. I just smiled then nodded.

Meanwhile,Tsubaki came back. So we ate our lunch. Everything went normal until the end of the day.

Kid's POV

We were walking at the alleyways tonight. Well,we're too lazy to use our beelzebubs so,here we are. Yuki was staring at the moon while walking,and me. Watching her.

"You might slam your face into something if you keep on doing that." I said with a chuckle.

"No,I w—" And that made me laugh hard. She did slam her face into a pole.

"I warned you." I laughed. She just backed off,scratching her head.

"Yeah yeah." She laughed. We just continued walking,then suddenly,Yuki stopped.

"Yuki ? Anything wrong ?" I asked with my eyes looking at her. She was staring at the sky,blinking.

"Is it just me or there's something or someone on a broom stick up there ?" Yuki looked confused,pointing at the moon.

My eyes widened as I recognized the person. I quickly grabbed Yuki's hand,looking at her.

"Weapon form,now."

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