Chapter 27: A Year Passes

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Kid's POV

A year have passed since Yukihara died. I visit her grave every weekend,replace the flowers,and made sure that no one's disturbing her rest.

Maka and Soul's in a relationship right now. I knew it from the start. Those two really are a cute pair.

Blackstar never changed. He's still bragging about his 'Spotlight'. Tsubaki happily follows him around. And they're getting stronger day by day.

Akise found someone to be his weapon. He can choose between being a meister and a weapon,but he chose to be a meister. The girl's name is Sachiko Reiki. She's a katana. Perfect for Akise.

Liz and Patty ? I don't know. Rumors say that they moved on to another country. And they're now fine by they lives. Liz is a very popular fasion designer,and Patty's now a singer. I can't believe she know's how to sing. But hey,her voice's cute and it suits her looks. So she became really popular. I'm happy for them. One time Patty invited Liz as a guest in one of her concerts. Sang together,and even left a dedicated song for me. I watched them from the television.

And now ? Me and Ice are still partners. Meimo's living with us,and she's still the usual happy child. Me and Ice are in a mission,anyways.

"You ready ?" I looked over at Ice,who was in his pistol form.

"Hell yeah !" He chuckled,his face flashing on the side of the pistol.

I pointed at the kishin egg in front of us,then aimed right at it's head.

"Die." I smirked,pulling the trigger.

Smoke covered the creature's body. I went near the source,and when the smoke cleared up,the smal red kishin egg's soul was floating.

"Itadakimasu." [Thanks for the food]

Ice smiled as I threw him to the air,him transforming back to his human form.

"88 !" He chuckled,eating the soul.

"Cool. It's perfectly symmetrical." I smiled.

"Are you gonna go back on ranting about it ?" He looked at me with a sigh.

"If Yukihara gets back. Maybe." I chuckled,starting to go to a corner.

"Shut up." Ice laughed.

I did the hand signs and stuff,then both of my rings flashed and showed father. Well,I'm wearing Yukihara's ring as a necklace. I used it as a pendant.

I had to use my two rings cause I use it for calling father all the time.

"Hello hello,Kid-kun ! How's the mission going on ?" Father's happy tune asked.

"Success." I smiled. "Ohhh,good !" He clasped his hands together.

"Well well, I have some good news for you. I'm looking forward on meeting you as soon as possible. Bye bye !" Father waved then the rings stopped on glowing.

"I wonder what the news is." Ice spoke as we walked to the city.

"Maybe some reward or stuff." I answered.

We quietly went to the Death room,where father's waiting for me.

"Kid-niisan !" Meimo smiled as she released her hand from some woman taller than her. She hugged me tight,so I smiled and patted her head.

"Hey,Meimo." I smiled.

"Kid,meet Laira Yukiro. Meimo's mom." Spirit said as the woman turned at us with a smile. She waved then looked at us.

"Hi." She greeted. Meimo started dragging me and Ice near her.

"Uhm… Hi." I shyly smiled. "So… What's the good news ?" I asked.

"Well,Mrs. Yukiro wanted to tell you something,Kid." Father said.

"Well,you're Death the Kid,right ? Nice to meet you." She smiled. "I'm a witch also,but some meister named Maka Albarn knew that I'm Meimo's mother,so she brought me in here." She explained.

I saw Maka and Soul on the other side of the room,doing a soldier salute with a laugh. I just smiled.

"Then I heard that Meimo's in your hands. So they fetched her then brought her here. She told me stories about how you took care of her,until now." She patted Meimo's head as she looked back at me.

"She went missing for over a year. Everyone thought that she's dead,but I didn't believed it so I looked for her. Then here we are,finding each other again." She looked at Meimo as she giggled,holding her mom's arms.

"So… What's the good news in there ?" I blinked,looking at Ice.

"She told me that someone you love died." She spoke. "So now,as a thanks for taking care of my daughter and for keeping her safe,I'm willing to use some of my magic and bring your loved one back to life." She happily said.

My eyes shot wide as I heard her last statement. I looked at Ice,who was also surprised.

"R-really ? You would ?!" I asked. She nodded.

"B-but that's against the law,right…?" I looked at father,who was clapping his big hands together.

"Well,son. Reviving someone bad is against the law. Yukihara's kind-hearted. So it's accepted." He cheerfully said. My eyes brightened up as I took the woman's hand.

"Thank you !" I bowed,shaking her hand. She giggled,patting my head.

"Anything for Meimo. She wished for it." She smiled. I looked at Meimo then she hugged me tight.

"Be happy." She giggled.

I just nodded then patted her head.

"Thank you…" I mumbled.

She just smiled as she ran back to the woman's embrace.

"Well,we should call this a night. We'll be doing the ceremony tomorrow." Father said. We all agreed then left the Death room.

"One nice wish to be granted,huh ?" Maka laughed as she walked beside me.

"Yeah… I can't believe it happened either !" I smiled.

"Well,thanks to her. If she killed the witch already,this won't be happening." Soul grinned.

"Yeah… Thanks…" I smiled. She just nodded. "Anything for a friend." She giggled then took Soul's hand.

"Let's go home !" She started running off with Soul.

"Bye Kid !" She yelled as she turned to a corner.

Ice and I just laughed then went back to the Death Manor. I can't wait for tomorrow !

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