Chapter 6: Untitled

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Yukihara's POV

I woke up because of the sunlight from the… Upper window ? Tch.

"What the hell…?" I said in surprise. I sat up then looked around.

"When did i… Got here…?" I blinked. I'm in a cell ! >< How did i—

Oh,I think Akise locked me in here.

I tried to look through the window,but the chains around my hands are stopping me. I tried to transform,but it didn't worked. It seems like this chains are stopping me… Tch,now I'm starting to get thirsty.

"Oh,so you're awake,Yukihara." A girl with a short blonde hair with large snake tatoos said. Is this… Medusa ?

"Who are you ?! Let me go !!" I yelled. She just laughed. "I'm Medusa… And,Nah. You'll hurt me when I do. Or you'll kill me cause that's what I did to your parents."

Those words made me angry. "It's your brother's request,anyways. As a good girl,I granted his wish." Medusa snickered.

Grrrr… Say more and I'll do anything to kill this… "It was easy though…" She grinned. And that made me want to rip her guts out of her.

"SHUT UP YOU SON OF A B**** !!!" I said as I tried to get near her. The chains were long enough for me to stand in front of her face-to-face,but my hands are held away by it so I can't punch her face.

"Give up,shinigami. You're just like your father. A weakling." She snickered then punched me in my stomach. It made me fall on my knees. That hurt ! 

"As I was saying. You're still a weakling." She laughed then went outside,then locked the door. "SHUT UP !!" I yelled loudly,creating somewhat… Soundwaves ? That broke the door.

"What the hell ?!" I saw Akise startled. He stood up,then glared at me.

"How the hell did you break that door ?!" He yelled. "I don't know…" I mumbled. I saw him grin. "You're really strong,even your voice can break doors. That makes me want your soul more,sis." He laughed. He then walked infront of me then held my chin up.

"Enjoy your powers. Later on,you'll rest. Forever." He smirked.

"Grrrr… You know,I'm not the one to be killed here. It'll be YOU and Medusa's allies." I glared back. "Really ? How are you gonna kill us ? You can't even get out of those chains." He laughed.

"She won't kill you. We will." Kid's voice was heard from behind. My eyes brightened up when I saw him,with Maka and the others.

Akise turned around,seeing them. "Kid,me and Blackstar will hold Medusa. Take Yukihara !" Maka commanded. Then they started to attack Medusa.

Kid ran to me,then started thinking of a way to remove the chains. "Can you transform ?" He asked. "No. These chains are stopping me." I sighed. "They're the same model of chains back in Death City. Aha ! Wait a minute…" He did something on the chains,then it suddenly broke.

"There. Weapon form,then let's help Maka and the others !" Kid smiled,taking my hand. I nodded then changed into my weapon form,as usual.

Kid is running to Maka and the others,then Akise suddenly popped out infront of us.

"Back off !!" Kid yelled,shooting at him. Akise just grinned,then started sending attacks on us.

Kid used me to block the katana. It stayed like that for seconds,then a wound started to form on my side.

"K-kid,my side—Ow !" My face automatically appeared on the gun's surface. His blade's starting to make a wound ! But… How…? I'm in my weapon form !

"Sh*t !!" Kid pulled me away from his blade,then shot him with the other gun. (She's a dual Death eagle,kay ?)

"You okay ?! Is that deep ?!" Kid worriedly asked. I panted for a while. I saw Akise standing again.

"It's… It's fine… Go on ! Akise's standing back up again…" I mumbled. He just nodded,then shot him again.

Akise blocked with his katana. "Yukihara,Just so you know,this katana's different. It can cut even a scythe in just a second,but because you're a shinigami,you lasted for a while." He chuckled then used his katana to attack.

"Grr…" Kid grumbled. Akise looked straight at the both of us. "Hmm… If my sister's soul can make me strong,what will happen if I take both of you two ?" Akise grinned,gripping his katana. "Sounds amusing,okay then. Give me your souls." That sentence of Akise made me mad. He can hake mine,but don't he dare touch Death the Kid !!

Kid shot at him. Akise blocked and dodged,as usual. When Akise rushed at him,Kid jumped then used the butt of the gun to knock him out. After that,I involuntarily went back to my human form.

"Yukihara ! Are you okay ?!" Kid looked panicked. I held my side then sat up. Damn,I didn't thought it was deep !

"I-I'm fine,let's leave before he wakes again…" I reached for help,so Kid helped me up.

"I'll tend to that first." Kid sternly said. I saw Akise's finger twitch. Damn !

"Not now,Akise's waking up ! He might hurt you ! Let's move !" I yelled. They got startled so we left. Maka and Soul are on Soul's motorcycle. Kid and I are on our own Beelzebubs. Blackstar and Tsubaki's running on foot.

"Yukihara-chan,that wound looks deep… Let's stop first then tend to that…" Maka said while looking at me.

"I'm fine,Maka-chan. And besides,the city's near. I can take this." I sighed. She just nodded. Minutes continued passing. I started feeling light headed,but I didn't mind.

"Yukihara,you're starting to get light-headed…" Kid mumbled. How did he…

"I can feel it through the sync…" He sighed. I looked at him.

"Shut up…" I mumbled. My beelzebub started fading as I started losing balance.

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