Last Chapter : Own Happy Ending

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Kid's POV

I woke up at 8:00. Exactly. Yaaaay ! xD So symmetrical ! :)

I got ready for school. And at exactly 8:30,we're in the classroom.

"Bother telling why Lord Death's son is late ?" Stein asked.

"Overslept." I sighed then went to my seat with Ice.

Classes started. I took glances at the clock every minute,not being able to wait for the dismissal. I'm so excited… I'll finally see her again !


I watched as the clock ticked. And then…


Yeah ! Finally !

"Okay. Class dismissed." Stein sternly said as he started fixing his things. I kept my notebooks then carried my bag.

"Hey,you excited ?" Ice chuckled,noticing my rush.

"Hell yeah !" I laughed. I finished then took my bag.

"See ya later at the graveyard !"I smided then ran outside.

I activated my beelzebub then rode my way to the graveyard,smoke and dust following me. I went to her grave,then jumped off of my beelzebub.

"I'm so excited !" I smiled,leaning on the cross that was sticking up on her grave.

"I'm gonna see you again…" I looked at her ring around my neck,smiling to myself.

I sighed as I looked at the sky. It was orange and the sun's sleepy face is slowly setting.

I stared at it for a while,imagining what will it feel if she's beside me,watching this sunset.

"Stop emoting there. We're here." Ice's voice teased as he chuckled. I looked at him the chuckled.

"Shut up." I replied. Meimo's mom came with Maka and the others,walking to the grave.

Akise patted my head as he held Sachiko near him.

"Don't let this same thing happen to her again,okay ?" He chuckled. I just nodded.

Meimo's mom started mumbling some things as her hand drew signs in the air. A circle with a lot of lines and unreadable signs appeared right around Yukihara's grave.

We all continued to watch. After half an hour,something sparked and everything was covered in smoke.

I covered my nose and mouth,fanning the smoke off. When the smoke almost cleared,a somewhat tall,slim figure of a girl was standing behind the thick smoke.

As soon as the smoke cleared,I slowly recognized who it was.


I heard Yukihara's soft voice once again,after all those months that I didn't. My eyes brightened up as I saw her once again.

"Yukihara !"

I smiled then went to her for a tight hug. Damn,I missed her so much !!

"O-ow… Kid… Air…" She mumbled,rubbing my back. "Oh… Hehe… Sorry…"

I slightly released,but my hands won't just let her go once again.

"U-uhm… Kid… About the… letter…"

She awkwardly sighed. I smiled then looked at her icy blue eyes,while she was trying to look at something.

"Look at me." I smiled,lifting her chin up. She just sighed,looking nervous.

"Please,don't do that again,okay ? If you're gonna die… Please,give me time to say goodbye…" I sighed. She just giggled.

"Sorry." She replied. I just nodded.

"Other than that,I want to tell you something…" I sighed. Maybe now's the right time… I don't want to waste another chance again.

"Yep ?" She smiled,her cheerful voice back again.

I leaned closer to her then made my lips meet hers. At first,she looked shocked about it. But she returned the kiss after. I never thought her lips would be this soft… But who cares? I'm with her and she's with me. Nothing can change that for now.

When we both sensed that we need air,I released then placed my forehead on hers.

Cheers were heard from the crowd. But I care less right now. The important thing is she's back,alive,and she'll be with me once again.

"I love you,Yukihara Death."

I mumbled. She let an airy laugh escape her mouth,looking straight back at my eyes.

"I love you too…"

She replied. I was about to kiss her again when she placed her finger against my mouth,laughing.

"Uh-uh,one's enough for a day. Akise's watching."

She giggled then ran off,hugging her brother now. I stood still at my place,watching her laugh and talk with that cheery voice once again.

I can't even believe what's happening right now ! That she's here,alive. Cheery again. I just smiled as I watched her talk to her brother once again. Her smiles and laughs were the best sight and sound worth seeing and hearing.

"What are you staring at ? Come here ! Join us !"

Yukihara laughed as she turned back to me,taunting me to come with her hand. I chuckled then ran to them.

"Coming !!!!" I laughed,going beside her. Maybe this is the time where my happy ending starts. So,I'll just set anything aside and keep her happy until the rest of our lives,I guess. Bye bye !


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