Chapter 17: Siblings

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Yukihara's POV

I started feeling dizzy as I reached the dart. "Yukihara-neechan !" Meimo squealed. "G-go tell Kid…" I mumbled as I fell on the floor.


I woke up in a cell. A very dark cell… The door was locked and I was chained to the wall.

"H-hello ?!" I spoke. My voice echoed in the room.

The window is closed. I am really afraid of dark. So my imagination started messing with me.

Gas went out of somewhere then I saw red smoke. It wasn't much,but I was shocked at what I sensed.


I mumbled. I'm really starting to be afraid right now. First,the darkness. Second,that frigging smoke. I can't stand it longer. I'm getting suffocated…

I started coughing for air. The window is closed and the door's locked.

"H-help…" I mumbled.

I can't cover my nose because my hands are chained. I laid on the ground then closed my eyes,hoping for all of it to stop.

"Tsk tsk tsk,I thought you were stronger than Death the Kid."

My eyes shot open as I heard the words in my head. Wait,IN MY HEAD ?!

"W-who are you ? Show yourself…" I mumbled.

"Me ? I'm inside you. In your own head."

"S-shut up…" I mumbled back.

"Why would I ? I'm just telling the truth."

"I said shut up." I grumbled.

"No can do,Yukihara Death. I'm you,you're crazy side. See me ?"

And when I blinked,I saw the large mirror infront of me. But in that mirror…

"What the ?!" I gasped. I'm still on my dress,but it was completely stained with… Blood…

And,my hairstyle ? Messed up. My hair's falling down all over my back. I have crimson red eyes and a devious grin,a grin that sent me chills to my spine.

"This will be your look when Lady Medusa does her little curse."

The 'me' in the mirror spoke. I gasped then looked at myself. I was still in that dress Kid gave,but it's still clean. Unlike what the mirror says.

"Where the hell do you came from,anyway ?!" I yelled.

"I was activated from the smoke you inhaled. Hello."

It chuckled.

"I don't care. You better shut up…" I sighed.

"Everytime you get afraid,I'll get stronger. You have no chance,you're here in the dark. The place you're afraid of."

"I SAID SHUT UP !!!!!" I panted.

I sighed in relief when it finally did. I can't stand it much longer…

The door started clinking,so I stood up then tried to run to it. But the chains connected to my hand and the wall stopped me.

"Oh… You're awake." Medusa's face was the first thing that I saw when the door opened.

"Shut… Up…" I mumbled. "Hmm… You're soul looks like it's fighting my madness from entering you,isn't it ?" Medusa grinned.

"I won't let you take control over me !" I yelled.

"Oh shut up… I know you'll give up,sometime." Medusa chuckled.

"I SAID I WON'T !" I yelled at her face.

I saw her face look annoyed,then she summoned her vectors.

"Say that again." She looked pissed.

"Are you deaf ?! I said I won't ! Even if you kill me !" I repeated. She looked pissed then she sent those arrows at me.

"Ah !" I groaned,feeling her sharp arrows hit my side,leg,back,and others…

"Now… You're body's weak. After two days of starvation and dehydration,with that weak state,and daily release of the madness fog,I'm sure you're words won't last long." Medusa grinned then left.

I coughed up blood,falling on my own knees. I can see the other me in the mirror,laughing maliciously.

"You can't stop madness~ And by you're state right now,you'll die if you continue resisting."

"Sh-shut… up…" I mumbled. I'm starting to look like the thing I'm seeing in the mirror.

"Kid,help me…" I mumbled as tears slid down from my eyes,closing them.


Akise' s POV (rare ! xD)

"What did you do now ?!" I yelled. "Nothing. Made her weak and helpless so she can't resist the madness." Medusa's grin sent me chills.

"Tch… I told you,not to hurt her !" I grumbled.

"What ? You'll fight me ? Pft." She chuckled.

Wondering why I'm caring for her ? Simple… Guilt. I just realized it. I was too dumb to try and kill her…

In that time,when she had the chance to kill me ?

"Even though I have thousands of reasons to kill you,I won't… Cause I can't… You're still my brother,good or bad…"

That's what woke me up. She had that one chance to blow my brains out of my skull. I can sense the anger she feels in her soul. But she contained it in herself.

Just not to kill me,her own brother who tried to kill her many times.

"Grrrr…" I mumbled,taking my katana.

"Wrong choice." She chuckled summoning her arrow stuff.


"You'll stay here with your sister.." Medusa spoke as she locked the door in my cell.

No,in me and Yukihara's cell.

Yukihara was asleep on the ground,her hands chained. I coughed then looked at her…

"Grrr… Medusa…" I grumbled. I knew I shouldn't have trusted that snake witch.

Yeah,like her title,she's a snake. A traitor.

"A-akise-kun…?" I shot my head up,seeing Yukihara awake.

"Finally ! What happened to you ?! Are you okay ?!" I went beside her,helping her sit up.

"Tch." She mumbled,coughing.

"I knew I shouldn't have trusted her…" I mumbled with a sigh.

"Why are you here…? She is your ally,right ?" Yukihara spoke,coughing hardly again. Tch… Good thing I always have my first aid kit with me ;)

"She was my ally." I corrected,starting to clean her wounds.

"Was ?" She blinked.

"I already don't trust her. After what she did to you…" I sighed.

She looked down,then sighed.

"Why are you even caring for me,anyway ?" She sighed again.

I looked down,then looked back at her.

"I just realized it… I'm sorry if I hated you for too long…" I sighed. But I know what I did isn't forgivable. I was the reason why our parents were killed…

"I-it's fine…. You're still my brother,even though you did a lot of stuff…" She weakly smiled.

I smiled back then patted her head. "Sleep. I'll handle your wounds."

"T-thanks…" She smiled then closed her eyes,drifting to rest once again.

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