Chapter 1

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After the defeat of Seth, Ryan was tired and had a slight headache from controlling too much technology for a day.


After hanging out on top of Mech-X4, the headache that was small was starting to aggravate me more and more. Once we were in the control center, it was getting so bad the whole room was starting to spin, and I felt my legs grow weak. Mark must have noticed my face and saw how I didn't look well."Hey, Ry are you ok because you're not looking too well?" He asked me as another dizzy spell overcame me.

I just nodded, but I even didn't believe that lie that came from my mouth. As I was going down the ladder, I all of a sudden felt so weak, and the room was spinning too much. I could feel my grip loosen and the floor was starting to grow closer until I felt the hard pressure spread through my body. The last thing I recalled before the whole world turned black and I gave to falling unconscious was Mark, Harris, and Spyder yelling.



Once I saw my little brother fall I felt my heart drop as my little brother layed there unmoving. Not caring about the height I descended to the hard metal ground that Ryan was. I grew more scared as I picked him up in my arms to see his body take in the shallowest breaths easing me a little. Feeling two presence behind me, I knew that it was my brother's annoying friends that I work with. "Harris get the Med bay ready, Spicer help him I'll get Ryan there! Now go!" I yell as they left me to my hopefully sleeping brother that was still unconscious in my aching arms. Getting up I start to think about an explanation on how I was going to explain this to our mom if he gets sick or worse. Finally getting to the elevator, the doors closed and lowered to the chest, where we would find out what happened to my kid brother.

I decide that since this was written a long time ago in my opinion and going through it again, I noticed so many problems and fixed. So, though they will still be short chapters I plan to fix these chapter as best as I could. Also sorry for not updating any of my books, I've been so busy with a lot and I say this a lot, but life is life and when you try to plan It's hard to stick with it. Again sorry and expect more fixes in the near future in a lot of these books. 

Mech-X4 Ryan turnsWhere stories live. Discover now