Chapter 10

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"How are you in my head last time we saw you were blown up with your monster," I said looking at him with a glare that would make anyone run, while still struggling with the cuffs around my wrist. "Oh, Ryan you didn't think Leo would make something without a side effect."

Even though I hate to agree with him Leo has a hard time making anything without a side effect. If the Mech gets hurt I get hurt, so I'm not surprised that something happened. So wait for Seth and I are sharing a mind that's weird to imagine.

"Wait so because of the memory hacker device you and I share a brain?" I questionably ask still trying to find a way out of the restraints that were piercing my skin. I have to find a way out of this or I'm in trouble. "Yeah he's a great inventor, but he needs to work on his bugs."

"What do you want with me, Seth?" I gave up on struggling even though I'm trapped in my mind I still can get hurt I guess. I hate feeling trapped and useless, especially with the culprit standing there while I'm trapped here. "Again, what do you want with me, Seth?"

"Oh well since you destroyed my life, I thought why not give you a front-row view of me destroy your life. While you sit here I'll be having fun with the real world, but before I thought why not let some of my frustration out a little."

He gave me a scary glare and I'm not going to lie I was actually scared of him, what is he going to do to me. He came up to me and let released me from the cuffs that once restrained me, he grabbed me and threw me on the ground. I got up and all of a sudden I felt a prick in my neck and suddenly felt weak. It was actually had a hard time getting up and on my feet, once up Seth punched me making me fall on the ground hard. I started to see stars and my vision got blurred before I could black out he pulled me up by the front of my shirt. "What's wrong Ry-guy can't fight?"

"Don--- don't call me---- Ry---Ry-guy only--- my friends and mom can call me------ that." I struggled to try to talk whatever Seth did to me has a big side effect on me, I couldn't take the pain and fell limp. Making me fall on the ground I tried getting up, but after the third time I gave up Seth laughed at me and for a reward kicked me right in the ribs. Earning me a wheeze from lack of air in my lungs. I couldn't take the pain and fell into unconsciousness hoping that what happened was all just a dream.


I had fun torturing him, but once he fell unconscious I lost interest, I picked him up and cuffed him back into the chair. It was finally time for me to get revenge on them for what they did to me. It was time for me to have a little fun. I faded into the real world while my little prisoner stayed back. I blinked and saw four pairs of eyes look back at me.

Mech-X4 Ryan turnsWhere stories live. Discover now