Chapter 5

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Last time Mark, Harris and Spyder were getting more worried about Ryan. Now Ryan's power is going Haywire.                                                                                                                                                                    -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


After finding out it was just a wound, my head felt like cannons were going off, Harris was talking, but I could barely understand what he was trying to say. I nodded 'no' and walked out of the room, I heard them talking about me, but I didn't really care. I couldn't handle it anymore and for some reason, the wall seemed very interesting. Mark, Harris, and Spyder soon later join me, but I kept looking at the wall. We were in silence for a long time, or so it felt like to me after a while Spyder started playing video games. One part was Spyder blowing up a bomb when it exploded the headache made me yelped. Previous battles kept flying by in my head as all I could feel was the past pain.

Like the time when the jagasaurs attacked and hit me in the chest for the very first time. Then the battle between Clawboon and I, he got the upper hand and ended up jabbing a claw through the glass which made me feel like a fork was jabbed into my brain.

More and more previous battles played in my head like a fast-moving video that wouldn't stop. 'Please stop, why won't they stop?' I kept thinking as I grabbed my head and closed my eyes hoping it would help, but nothing would make it stop. As it passed by more I saw Harris, Spyder, Mark, Leo and my mom all the pain they went through. If I had never been born with this power they wouldn't be in danger, nearly every day trying to protect the world and mostly me every day. If Harris never joined he wouldn't have almost died or almost turned into a monster. 

Spyder wouldn't of a most died because of, ok yeah eh does stunts that almost kills him, but if he never joined he wouldn't die because of me. Mark wouldn't have a little brother to worry about and have to feel like protecting every day. If Mark never joined he wouldn't have been kidnapped by that creepy man in the first place. Next, there's Leo he was captured trying to protect me. Almost dying too, especially to get the Mech working again just so I wouldn't die. Lastly, there's my mom if I hadn't gone to Seth's to open the heart we wouldn't have gotten them to start dating. She wouldn't have almost hurt and in the way of use against Seth.

I was slowly growing Frustrated with myself and didn't want to be in control of my life and power anymore I just wanted to be Gone so I wouldn't experience this sadness and regret.After punching myself mentally I awoke hearing Mark yelling at me, the technology was going haywire. I shut it down and was a little scared 'was I song this?' I looked at my friends than Mark and hastily asked a question.

"What's wrong with me?"

Mech-X4 Ryan turnsWhere stories live. Discover now