Chapter 12

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I walked around in the dark that was my so-called head, I kept going and going hoping for any chance of light. All I got was complete and utter silence and darkness that I was getting tired of more and more every step I took. I may have been tired from walking and wanted to just give up, but if I give up I'm letting Seth win. The more I thought about what he could do to my friends and family the more I encouraged myself to continue.

"Ugh, why is this happening to me!" I screamed as I continued walking as my head filled with Higgins of just giving up and letting Seth win while the other half of me kept fighting. The more my brain went on and fought the more the small headache earlier grew and grew. I finally was just about to stop and rest until I finally saw the light. All the strength I thought I had lost came back and gave me enough stamina to run to what felt like freedom.

When I finally made it to the light I didn't expect for it to be my worst nightmare, it turned out the light would be Seth standing there all in his glory.

"What the-- but-but how?" Seth realized I was there and turned around shocked but smiled at how worn out I looked. "Aww I see you finally got free, but not for long."

He stuck out his hands and all of a sudden I was back in the chair restrained again, what is up with him and restraining me. "Ryan nice to see that you could make it and don't try to get out this time I'll know if you escape."

I struggled again but stopped earlier than last time since my wrist was still hurting me from the last time I was restraint. Seth came over to me with an evil smirk that I may or not have been scared of. He just stared at me with his creepy stare, probably trying to think of ways to torture me.

"What do you want this time Seth?" He just stared at me not answering while he was doing that I was starting to worry about my family and friends and what Seth might do to them again. At that moment he looked away with a more wider and creepy grin that made a baby cry and you feel your skin crawl.

"What's with the creepy grin?" I asked him as he walked back under the light, he gave me one last devious grin before turning around. After that, the light disappeared and again I was left in darkness until the lights came on, but also people came into view. I got again excited because I recognized the people it was my family and friends. Except something was off about them like they were there, but at the same time, they're not themselves.

"MOM! MARK! HARRIS! SPYDER!? Leo?" I stopped screaming happily and started to get worried about what did Seth do to them why are they acting like this. Mom came up to me and looked innocent like nothing was wrong the rest of them just stood there with a dazed look in their eyes. What happened next I will never forget for the rest of my life.

Mech-X4 Ryan turnsWhere stories live. Discover now