Chapter 15

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(Mark's Pov)

After discovering out who was pretending to be my brother we were scared not knowing what to do. "Harris, how did this happen?"

I asked waiting for my head to be filled with science junk, but all I got was a shrug which didn't help my panic in the slightest. Walking back and forth trying to find ways while the others just sat there again watching the great Mark Walker freaking out over his little brother.

"What are you doing just sitting there we should be solving this problem!" I yelled causing them to snap out of their thoughts, immediately the silent Demeter turned into a loud mess of people running around or thinking out loud. Before we did anything though someone came in and boy was I angrier seeing his face. "Ryan" stepped in surprised not understanding what we were doing. While he looked at us skeptically I tackled him without thinking.

"Mark!" Everyone yelled as I pulled "Ryan" up by his shirt as I did with Leo what felt like years ago. "What did you do to him, Seth?!" I yelled at him waiting for his answer, I pulled him into the lab and roped him up with cables lying around so he couldn't escape.

"I don't understand what you're talking about, Mark, it's me, Ryan." He said getting me to rage more than ever before I could do any more damage Leo pulled me out into the hall and closed the door locking it so I couldn't do anything. I kept pounding the door open until I got bored and just listened.

(Harris Pov)

Once Mark was out we looked back at our "friend", we just kept staring at each other not knowing what to do we have to find a way to free Ryan, but without knowing what's wrong with him it's useless.

"Umm, guys are you going to untie me?" Ryan asked as he kept trying to get free, Spyder being dumb as he is was about to untie him, but I stopped him.

"We don't untie enemy's, I agree where's Ryan what did you do to him, Harper?" He looked shocked that's when I knew it was true Ryan wasn't Ryan instead Seth he just smiled knowing the gig was up.

"Ah, I guess I need to work on my acting when I'm your dear technopath. Too bad I thought I was doing great, but I can see I didn't since you figured it out sooner than I wanted. The bad news is that Ryan is gone let's just say he's trapped and unsalable."

Ryan said that with an evil smirk, that I have to admit scared me, but I didn't want to show it for him to feel happy. "What did you do to him?"

Spyder asked as he pulled Ryan out of the chair he was sitting in. "Like I said he's locked in something you can't crack open or find real easy, up like last time."

"Do in other words we're stuck?" Harris asked getting nods and groaned from outside the door.

Mech-X4 Ryan turnsWhere stories live. Discover now