Chapter 7

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After last night I woke up refreshed and actually felt a whole lot better, what got me down was even though Seth tricked use into blowing up the school, we still had school. I can't blame them though we were off for a day and the whole city almost got destroyed. I changed and headed to the kitchen to find Mark texting at the table again.

"No, texting at the table mom's rule." I sarcastically said grabbing the milk to add to my cereal, Mark looked up at me surprised written all over his face. "You're actually talking to me instead of yelling?"

He asked me curiously, I looked at him like he was delirious why would I yell at him? He may be annoying and do stupid stuff to me, but he is my older brother who would protect me even if it meant hurting himself.

"Yeah? Are you ok because if you know me I rarely yell at you." I said grabbing a spoonful of my cereal and shoving into my mouth. "Wait you don't remember anything that happened last night?" He asked looking at me suspiciously like I killed someone or something. "Um no why what happened?" I asked curiously drinking the milk that was holding my cereal, a few minutes ago.

"What's the last thing you remember and be explicated." He told me a little worried for some reason I slowly started remembering why happened the night before.

"All I remember last was you helping me out of the robot, and then- and then-then everything went black. I woke up in front of Seth Harpers building, very sore and you guys were no were around."

I said starting to wonder how I ended up in front of the cruel man that tried to kill him and steal his mom, building. "Mark, what happened after I got to the bike? Please don't lie to me I can always ask Harris or Spyder." I was curiously wondered what happened after my vision went black and I let the darkness control me.

"Well... Do you really want to know??" He looked at me with hurt in his eyes, I've never seen Mark like this except when our dad left us. "Mark, what happened? Tell me right now you're scaring me." I started yelling, but I contained it trying not to make my big brother scared of me.

"Well... after I got you out of the robot you started getting on your bike. I asked what you were doing and you said getting on your bike. I got worried and said no you not, usually you would have listened, but instead you got mad at me." I was shocked like my brother said I would usually understand what he meant because its usually for a good reason.

"You started yelling at me, which I was hurt but ok with it, what made it worse was the next part. You started yelling at Spycer and Harris for not agreeing with you, so you got so frustrated you started running away from use. At least I know where you ran too, but what you said hurt Spycer, Harris and my feelings. Ryan was worried about you now more than ever."

He said I didn't hear him though I was more focused on what he just told me. How could I yell at my best friends and Mark, what is happening to me? I didn't believe him why would I yell at them before I could think I grabbed my bag and ran out of the house. I grabbed my helmet and skateboard and rode to school to hear it from my friends.

Mech-X4 Ryan turnsWhere stories live. Discover now