Chapter 17

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(Mark's Pov)

When I awoke what I saw in front of me scared me I saw a chair with my little brother in it looking defeated. I turned to the sides and saw Splycer and Harris who looked like they were there, but at the same time weren't. They were heading towards Ryan who didn't do anything to get out, which was so unlike him. Reacting fast I attacked and tackled Spycer while Harris kept moving forward, I kicked him hard sending him towards Cider who was just about to get up.

I ran over to my brother and grabbed his chin making me wince when I saw the damage he had cuts all over him. Ryan groaned from the sudden pressure on his cuts as he tried to look through his swollen eye. "M-Mark? Is that you? No, it can't be Harpers just messing with you." Ryan talked out loud hurting my heart. "Ryan it's me Mark your brother."

At that Ryan looked at me with little hope he had left in him. "Mark, is it really you?" He asked as I nodded with tears coming through my eyes. After I released Ryan from his restraints I hugged my brother. Once released, I was about to say something when I was thrown across the room landing harshly on my side. "MARK!" I hear Ryan yell as I heard footsteps come near me as someone grabbed the collar of my shirt.

"Aw look whose here Ry-guy it's your sad pathetic brother, Mark," Seth said as he smirked looking at the stun Ryan. "Only me and his idiotic friends get to call him Ry-guy!" I yelled at him through the pain that Seth was causing. Seth laughed as he harshly tugged me to his face as he smirked angrily. "Does it look like I really care?" He asked as he breathed in my face, "Dude you may be overpowering me, but theirs a thing called mint and you seriously need it. I still don't know why mom ever dated you."

Not liking my response Seth yelled and punched me square in the jaw making me hear a crack as I lost feeling in my jaw. I knew he broke my jaw as I felt a bitter taste and was seeing black spots play in my vision. Before Seth could do more damage and I fall unconscious I saw a blue light. I felt the pressure leave as I fell to the ground, but before I was engulfed into the darkness I saw Ryan and his eyes glow blue.

(Ryan's Pov)

At first, when I saw Mark I was ify thinking it was another one of Seth's tricks, but when Seth started hurting Mark it made me pretty mad. But what made me know for sure that it was the real Mark is when he yelled: "Only me and his idiotic friends get to call him Ry-guy!" That proved to me that it was definitely my jerk of a jock brother that I so knowingly love. I was pulled out of my thoughts when I headed a crack and saw Seth punch my brother.

Not knowing what came over me I felt anger surge through me as I felt the pain simmer down all I saw was blue. Next thing I know Marks on the ground and Seth is far away from him for my liking. Seth slowly got up as he looked shocked to see me as I stepped closer to him. "How is that possible?" He asked but all I did was kept trying to attack him like I would do when I was against one of his monsters. Thinking of plasma cannons I saw my hand glow blue and a ghost of the Mech's plasmas cannon was ghostly over my right hand.

"Leave my family alone and I may not hurt you as badly as I want to," I say as I kept shooting, but he kept dodging. "Ryan you don't realize all I was doing was trying to fix the world from the cruelty that the rest of the people have caused. You can still join me and together we can rule the new world." I laughed before thinking of the X-weapon, the red x started to form as I faced Harper who was surprisingly scared to death. "I would never a man who thinks to hurt other people will solve other problems."

I felt heat rises as the red light grew brighter than I ever have seen the real Mech do. "Mech excite!" I yelled as I sent the blinding light at him hopefully destroying the rest of Seth away for good this time. After he was gone I felt drained, but turning and seeing my unconscious brother laying on the ground I ran to him. "Mark wakes up bud he's gone were free," I said shaking him, but no use came with it so thinking logically I slapped him, luckily it woke him up.

"Ryan, what happened?" He asked as he held his probably still sore jaw, I just was happy he was ok and I hugged him. After a while, we broke as we looked around the darkness that we still were surrounded in. "We should probably try to get out of here, shouldn't we?" I asked Mark as I helped him up. He nodded as he reached in his pocket pulling thru remote that I remembered I used when I went into Seth's head for the first time. "I'll see you out there Ry-guy." I nodded as he slowly disappeared into nothingness. I let out a sigh as I also felt the shift and pull as light developed me.


I awoke to see Mark, Harris, Spyder, and Leo looking at me with glee as I groggily lift my hand to my head letting out a groan. "What happened and why does it feel like I've been asleep for ages?" Everyone laughed as I smiled from the familiarity of their presence they all helped me up as we walked out of the room like nothing happened. As we left the room I Turned around and using my powers to turn the lights off of the room.

Edited all on 12 April 2019

Mech-X4 Ryan turnsWhere stories live. Discover now