Chapter 9

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Last time Ryan was forgiven by his friends, but ends up still hurt. Will Mark, Spyder, Harris and Leo be able to help him.                                                                                                                                                ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


I waited for Ryan to wake up, but he never did making me be excused from class, but Harris and Spycer still came and visited every hour they could. Even though I got to miss a class I still helped take care of Ryan by changing his towel when it became dry. Hours upon hours Ryan still hadn't woke up and since mom was out of town it left me to drive him home. The nurse told me to let him rest, which I wasn't going to break. I met up with Harris and Spycer who waited by my car, hoping for their friend to be ok.

When I showed up their face darkened and helped me put him in the back with Harris. After making sure Ryan was safe I pulled out of the driveway and instead of heading home I went to Mech were Leo should be. As I was driving the car been to start and stop. I looked at Spycer who was also confused about the sudden change of pace, I then realized Ryan was talking in his sleep and rolling around, but still not waking. After a minute or two he finally calmed down enough for me on continue driving the rest of the way.

I pulled in behind the trailer getting out and disturbing the silence that we had by slamming m door hard. Before thinking I grabbed a rock and threw it at the little trailer giving a little dent in the process. I kept doing it and screaming "Why, why, why?"

Non-stop until my throat felt raw, but even then I still kept going make the once little dent grow and grow. I finally couldn't hold my weak body and fell on my knees, letting one final scream out in the process. I started shaking and put a hand to my face, realizing I had been crying the whole time. I didn't stop looking at the ground until I felt a hand touch my shoulder, but even then I didn't look up. I was broke, the once stone pillar of the great Mark Walker was shattered by one piffle stone, which was my little brother.

"Mark lets get Ryan to Leo," Harris spoke, but my throat was so raw that I couldn't speak, so instead, I simply nodded. Getting up slowly I cleared the tears from my wet tear-streaked face while walking to the Mark mobile. Slowly opening the door I grabbed my still unconscious brother from the back and carried him to the elevator.

Once in I went to the couch and put Ryan there to rest some more, while Harris looked for the inventor of the Mech. I sat there on the armrest wondering why this was happening to him he was innocent fighting for the world and this is what he gets in return. After looking at my brother Leo and Harris finally showed up, looking very confused at the time.

"Why did you need me so urgently I was in the middle of doing something when you-" Leo stopped in his tracks when he saw me and Spyder looked sad, he definitely knew something was wrong when he saw my red eyes. "What's wrong? Where's Ryan?"

He looked at all three of use we just stood or sat there doing nothing, a minute of silence had passed before I pointed on the couch. Looking at the couch he slowly walked forward before stopping seeing why we were all so quiet. "What's wrong with him, did another monster attack? Wait no I would have known. Yet what happened to him?" Leo crazily asked we all looked at him showing that we didn't know with our eyes, he looked at Ryan and didn't stop.

More silence was greeted to our ears as we all didn't want to move or blink nervously that Ryan would disappear from use. Minutes passed and I couldn't take it anymore the silence was disturbed when I grabbed Leo by the front of his shirt and slammed him into the wall. I may be weak inside, but I was still strong and the anger was making it easier for me to lift him up off the ground. "What's wrong with him? What's wrong with my brother Leo?"

"I......I...DON'T KNOW?" Not liking his answer I pulled him even higher and had a fist aimed right at his scared stricken face. "WHAT'S WRONG WITH MY BROTHER LEO? ANSWER ME!"

"Really....... truly........I don't know." I was about to punch the daylights out of him when four hands grabbed my snacking fist. I knew Harris and Spycer were trying to stop me, but I still tried. While in the huge commotion we didn't realize the lights flickering on and off or Ryan talking in his unconscious state. What got used to stopping in our tracks is what we did hear though.

"No....... Stop......... Stop" What he said next got used all to freak just two words and we knew what the cause of all this. Believe me, were we shocked to know who the culprit was of this whole mess.


I woke from my sleep and found myself no longer in the school hallway, but in complete darkness again. This time I was freaking out why was this happening to me, I fought monsters technically for a living, but this monster was the hardest to overcome. Especially by myself, I felt weak more and more every day. I slowly got up from the ground and walked around the deserted darkness that I guess was my mind.

After what felt like hours I noticed something it was a metal chair, which got me curious. I slowly walked to it and examined it while questioning it upon why it was in my head. Tired from the walking I decided to sit which at the time wasn't a bad idea until I was settled. Cuffs wrapped around my wrist and ankles restraining me from getting up and moving. I struggled to try to get out not noticing the mysterious shadow coming towards me at the time. What got me to notice the person is what he said.

"Oh, what's the matter RY-guy is the restraints to tight for you?" Recognizing the voice I let out a gasp and looked out to the familiar face slouching in front of me. "No it can't be you died you can't be here? Especially in my head!"

"Oh but I am and pretty soon this isn't going to be your head anymore." I looked at him still not believing the person was alive in front of me In my head. Out of everyone it had to be the person who tried to kill me. "What do you want Seth?"

"Oh, I think you know what I want Ry-guy." As he gave me a mischievous grin.

Mech-X4 Ryan turnsWhere stories live. Discover now