Chapter 2

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What happened last chapter: Right after the battle of Ryan and Seth, Ryan starts to feel weak and had a major headache. While getting down the ladder he all of a sudden feels weak and falls of the ladder.                                                                                                                                                            -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


I hate it when Mark calls me names, but this time I didn't really care that he called me Spicer. Just a few seconds ago, I saw my best friend fall to the ground and wasn't moving. What was worse was we couldn't do anything about it and just watched. Harris was a still shocked but acted calmly, while I was freaking out from the events. I wish I could help and say Ryan's going to be just, but we all would have known it was a lie. I would have known it was a lie.

"Hey, Harris?" I asked waiting for his response, but he was more focused on getting the scanners ready. Knowing he was listening, even if he wasn't, I continued. "Ryan is going to be just fine. Remember when he went against Clawboon? He never gave up and still ended up beating him. So, Ryan is going to be fine, he's going to make it."

He looked at me and smiled, and was about to respond when Mark walked in with Ryan bridal style in his arms. As he sat him down on the bed, I started thinking, about being right about Ryan.


I walked into the room were Spycer and Harris were waiting. I gently at Ryan down on the bed and Harris did the rest. Once he was done setting it up, he started checking for any injuries that the fall might have caused. This reminded me of the time Clawboon attacked, I was so scared for Ryan when the claw pierced through the glass hurting Ryan.

Instead of Ryan being awake and moving, all you could do to tell he was alive was by his chest moving. I guess I was zoning because the next thing I saw was Spycer in my face yelling, "Mark!" making me jump a little but I acted as nothing happened. "What do you want dingus?" I yelled at Spycer, as I started looking back at my young brother who was still sound asleep, I think.

"Did you not hear Harris, he said he's fine just going to have a headache once he wakes probably." I was relieved when he was done telling me about how my brother was going to be ok. Even though I was happy, I still felt like something still wasn't going to be right.


After looking at the scanners to see if Ryan broke anything, I was relieved to say, "He's going to be fine, just a headache once he wakes." I turned around to see Mark still looking at the wall, "Mark! Mark did you hear me, he going to be ok?!" I still got no response, Spyder went to his face and screamed Mark's name, it soon went quiet after their yelling session was done. All we were waiting, for now, was for Ryan to wake up.

[Ryan's Head]


I woke up and was crowed by darkness and no one was around, I was all alone. I knew something was up, where were Mark, Harris, and Spyder? "Hello? Mark? Spyder? Harris?" I looked around to find any movement, but all I got was darkness. "Ok guys, very clever, you can come out now!"

I yelled, but again total and complete silence was my answer. I decided to sit and wait for something to happen. As I waited for the headache that I thought was gone came back, but even stronger this time. "Aaaggghhh" I grabbed at my head, but the more I fought it, the more it hurt. No longer fighting the darkness any longer, I slowly fell into unconsciousness once again. 

(????? POV)

I saw him standing there and yell for someone to answer, but I decided to wait. He sat down and started to scream and grab at his head. The next thing he did was fall backward and layer on the ground. Still clutching his aching head, slowly calming down until he was out. I strolled over to his body and watched as it disappeared back to reality. Soon, Ryan Walker, I'll be the one fading back to reality instead of you, just you wait.


So another edit to this book fingers cross I get all the edits done today, school has just been hard for me right now and just life. I know I have been making promises that I would finish one of my book or make a new one, which I do have some new book ideas. I just won't publish them until I'm fully done with them. Thank you to those who have put up with my flakyness in my books. 

Also the reason why I'm not like fully changing the whole idea in this story plotline is because this was my first ever book I was brave enough to publish and share with you guys. So, if I had totally revamped this plot line I felt like I would be giving up on the story that inspired me to keep making books like this. Ok enough of this long authors note, if you guys have shows, movies, or any reccomendations for me please message me on here, account or private message me. Other than this I'm done and I hope you guys don't hate me as much as I am right now. 


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