Chapter 6

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Ok now I'm very scared about Ryan, just a few minutes ago he lost control of his powers what scared me was what he said to me when he woke from his trance. 'What's wrong with me?' those words keep playing in my head over and over not stopping. Last time Ryan had this bad of a power surge was when he was nervous to tell me he was adopted. After Ryan woke I grabbed Harris and Spyder by the front of there shirts, getting angry more than ever now.

"What is happening here, did you find something that I don't know about again?" I looked at both of their faces trying to seem tough, but in the inside, I was panicking. My baby brother could be hiding something from me trying to spare my feelings but hurting himself instead.

"No, we literally know nothing!" Harris and Spyder yelled who was also kind of scared about there friends healthy. I leaned against the wall behind me and just gave a blank stare. I don't know what to do I feel useless, Ryan is hurting and I can't help him.


Ryan now Mark, both scared and confused, but Mark was starting to unravel, he can't take it anymore. I tapped him on the shoulder a few times and nudged my head back in Ryan's direction. Getting the idea we all three started walking back to Ryan, who was staring at the wall again. Once we got in there I looked at Mark then at Spyder, both were looking at Ryan not taking their eyes off of him. I walked around the couch and sat next to Ryan, soon the other two joined.

"Hey, Ryan is there anything you want to tell us?" I asked trying to be calm so I wouldn't scare him. "No, I'm good just tired, I guess."

I nodded slowly, I can't blame him, he has been going, go, go all day today. Mark got up and helped his brother who was still a little weak to the elevator. Spyder and I followed exiting the robot, to get to our bikes. Mark was a little over-protective at that moment when his brother walked to his bike and started to get on.

"What are you doing?" Mark asked stopping Ryan from getting on any further. "Umm... riding my bike, what else should I do?" Ryan said getting back to his normal self a little, but weak at the time. "What No your not!" Mark's voice was started to get higher, but still calm.

"Why can't I exactly?" Ryan said getting more aggressive, as his brother tried to stop him. "I don't know because you could have another weak moment and fall off your bike in the middle of the road."

Mark was still surprisingly calm even though his brother is arguing back at him. Usually, if Ryan did this Mark would have already done something hurting Ryan, but in a brotherly way.

"Oh, so you think I can't ride a bike after getting hurt, huh? What about you? You kept driving after you got hurt playing football, so why can't I ride a bike? OH YEAH BECAUSE IM NOT MARK WALKER!"

Ryan was getting more angrier that he actually started yelling at his brother. What got used is he was yelling at him, Ryan never yells at use unless he needs us to do something during a battle. This wasn't Ryan the Ryan that we know. The Ryan we know would understand why Mark didn't want him to ride his bike.' What's happening to our friend.' My thoughts kept asking me, but I had no answer.


What's going on with Ryan, he never yells at Mark, like never, well unless its something they want. This isn't the Ryan we know, what's going on with him, I wasn't that scared, but now I'm freaking out. "Chill Ry I can't blame Mark, he just wants to make sure you're safe."

I said trying to calm him down, I can't believe he's freaking out just because his brother won't let him ride his bike. "OH, NOW YOU'RE WITH HIM SPYDER? I THOUGHT WE WERE FRIENDS, BUT CLEARLY YOUR MORE FRIEND WITH MARK. WHAT ABOUT YOU HARRIS?"

Ryan shouted looking at me then Harris, waiting for him to probably get mad at me and Mark. All Harris did was look away from Ryan and walked to me and Mark, I could tell he was scared of Ryan. I couldn't blame him I was starting to get scared of being around him.

"YOU'RE WITH HIM TO GREAT! MARK, HAVE FUN WITH YOUR NEW FRIENDS!! LOOK MARK I'M WALKING HOME MUCH SAFER!" With that Ryan left and started running, we tried catching up but was too far ahead that we were out of breath. "Ryan! Ryan come back here!"

Mark shouted, but he kept running until we couldn't see him anymore, once we got our breath back we walked back to our bikes. What is wrong with Ryan he would never do this, when I mean never I mean never. I'm more scared then ever, what's wrong with my best friend, the one who would cheer me up not yell at me. As I rode my bike I started crying what's up with him.


After my power malfunction Mark, Harris, and Spyder left me in the game room, again I looked at the wall. Minutes later they joined me, Harris asked me if I was ok, all I said is that I was tired. Mark helped me to the elevator because I was still weak, Once out the headache came back and everything went black. When I finally came to I was in front of Seth Harpers building, how did I get here and why does it feel like I've been running for the last hour or so. After standing there for a while I walked back to my house it was 9:30 when I got home. I was so tired that I went to my room and passed out on my bed, falling into a dreamers sleep.

(???? POV)

I was slowly taking over his movement and what he said, what was great is he doesn't even remember when I'm done. Oh, this is going to be fun! Soon, Ryan Walker, I'll be in control, just you wait.

Mech-X4 Ryan turnsWhere stories live. Discover now