Chapter 4

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Last time: Ryan finally wakes from the fall, but before he can get more rest a monster attack. Ryan is injured again.                                                                                                                                                      -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


Right after defeating the lion mix with a scorpion, I was about just about to celebrate. Instead, I stopped... dead in my tracks, when I heard a scream from Ryan's direction. I looked at him as he was grabbing his chest, then he collapsed. If it wasn't for the harness holding him up, he would be laying helplessly on the ground. "Ryan!!" Harris, Mark and I yelled as we ran to our friend who by the way was not having a good day.

I got there before Mark and Harris did. I nervously helped my friend up, putting all his weight on me. "Ry are you ok? What's wrong?" Mark asked, but he nervously checked it out you could hear the fear in his voice.

"I... I'm... fine...jus-just my chest...ARRGGHH!" Before he could finish he screamed, again he grabbed at his chest. I may act fearless, but right now I was freaking out for my friend. 'why does he always have to get hurt?' I asked myself as we walked to the med bay.


I felt bad for Ry, he keeps getting hurt. First, his heart got broken when he found out his parents are in hiding because of... Seth. Next, the headache and now this would make anyone feel bad. Once in the med bay, I checked his chest to make sure there weren't any other problems.

"Just a sting, if the tail was in there any longer, then we would have a major issue," I said calmly to Mark, Spyder, and Ryan, as I was shutting off the machines. Once everything was turned off, I walked to Ryan, who was scrunching his face, probably because of the pain.

"Ryan are you ok? Is there anything else bothering you?" I asked. All I got was a shake of the head. After he did that he left and went to the hangout area. Once he was out of hearing range, I let out a sigh. "I'm nervous guys, Ryan hasn't been in this much pain before," Mark said in a monotone voice looking at the door, that his brother left open. "Why is the 'Great' Mark Walker worried?" Spyder said in a mocking tone, because of this I slapped him in the back of the head. Why does Spyder always have to act like an idiot?


I was getting worried about Ryan every minute. The moment I let my guard down, he ends up hurt. Why did he have to have this power? "I'm nervous guys, Ryan hasn't been in this much pain before."

I said in a low-toned voice, I was scared and I couldn't hold it any longer. I guess Spyder (yeah I know his name) talked, but I didn't care. I walked to the hang out space to find Ryan sitting staring at the wall. Harris, Spycer and I sat on the couch with him. After a few minutes of quiet, Spycer started playing video games. One part a bomb went off in his game, Ryan yelped a little, but what got me is everything technology started short-circuiting.

"Ryan!!" I yelped, but I got no response, I saw him grab at his head and close his eyes. "Ryan, snap out of it!" Again, yelling, finally getting his attention, the technology that was going haywire stopped and went back to normal. Ryan looked around, scared, he looked at Harris, then Spyder and then me.

"What's wrong with me?"

Mech-X4 Ryan turnsWhere stories live. Discover now