Chapter 16

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This story is dedicated to my friends who helped me relize I should continue and also to my fellow readers who didn't give up on me just yet.

(Mark's Pov)

I was staring at the door and finally getting fed up with sitting outside waiting for nothing I barged in. For being smart two of the three were very stupid, except that Spycer kid who was already stupid.

"So how are we getting Ryan back?" I asked calmly so that I had a better chance of winning this battle of the minds, between my brother and my mom's ex. "That's what we're trying to come up with, there's nothing we can do."

Leo said sitting next to Harris while Ryan just smirked happily thinking we were giving up. Spyder was throwing stuff around looking for something to break probably. "Eureka!" He yelled catching all of our attention for one eureka and tow what did he find. "What?"; "No?!"; "Why?"

"I may have been trapped, in an underwater base, but I know that's out of style." We all said while Ryan/Seth just nodded, at our assumptions. "Fine, whatever, why not the mind thingy." He said holding the mind invader thing that almost caused brain damaged to Ryan when he went into Seth's mind last time.

"That's- That's not a bad idea. Spyder you're a genius!" Harris said making all of us look at him now. "Did you really just say Spyder and genius in the same sentence?" I asked while Harris nodded, continuing dismantling the mind Vader device.

"One question though how are we going to use that if the only technopath is kind out of it?" Seth asked, making me grab a piece of tape putting on his mouth. "Thank you and I'm working on it."

Harris said while he continued messing with it while Leo kept correcting any mistakes. Once done Harris pushed me on a chair and put the headband like object on my head. "Harris what are you doing."

I asked as he continued strapping the brain fryer to my head. Once done he did the same to Ryan/Seth who also tried to fight back, but had given up after a while. "Mark to answer your question, yeah we know none of us can go in the others mind, but Ryan who's kind of unreachable right not. But if my calculations are correct maybe you can go in and save him."

He said stepping far way, Leo doing the same while pulling Spycer who looked confused. "Harris, what might happen if your calculations aren't correct?" I asked. "Well let's just say The great Mark Walker will be remembered just a different way."

He said and before I could ask what he meant he pushed the remote in my hand and made me push the button while he stepped far back. After he ran back I started seeing memories flash as the world turned black. All I know is I was either dead or trapped in my brothers head.

Shout outs to  EmmaHoekmanDancing_Angel88JazmynWatsonHolmesAshauntiKashmirCara_FrostLapisLazuli360SaylorS0 

Mech-X4 Ryan turnsWhere stories live. Discover now