Chapter 11

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I awoke to see eight eyes looking back at me, which scared me so I jumped until I realized that it was Leo and the annoying brats that helped him destroy me. They kept looking at me with scared and concerned eyes, which again creeped me out. We sat in silence until Mark broke it when he asked me a question.

"Hey, Ryan are you ok?" Again everyone sat in silence, I waited for an answer until that Spyder kid elbowed me in the gut. I quickly realized that he was talking to me, well Ryan but still me. "Yeah just tired that's all."

After I said that I realized that this was going to be harder then I thought. Leo got up and sat next to me looking me over like he knew something was off, which I hope he didn't. "Ryan, what happened while you were asleep?"

"Huh, what do you mean?" I pretended to act stupid like I didn't understand the question, but Mark knew I was only holding it off. "Yeah, Ryan in your sleep you yelled Seth's name and started moving around like you were restrained or something."

Harris asked looking at me waiting for my answer. Dang, it now it's going to be a little harder to put this off for right now. "Yeah, I had a......... I had a....... nightmare of Seth hurting me?" I may be smart, but it is hard to come up with an excuse.

"Oh ok?" Mark gave me a questionable star and same with Leo and Harris, but the Spyder kid bought it at least. I was about to say something when the room shook, I didn't understand why until Harris phone started beeping.

"Monster attack let's go!" I stayed put while everyone left to deal with the monster I guess. Mark stopped in his tracks and hit me in the back of the head making me yell ow. "What was that for?"

"Aren't you coming dummy?" I gave him a confused look until I realized I'm the only one that can pilot the robot. "Uh-yeah!" This was going to definitely harder then I thought, I walked to the ladder and climbed up waiting to see what might be my end.


Ryan was acting weird like especially when we were battling the monster. At first, he didn't know how to connect with his powers then he kept forgetting what are weapons were. Which made it difficult for users and him especially, because the monster was fast and always getting the upper hand. Ryan ended up getting hurt badly, but even though he was sore it didn't stop all four of use from yelling at him. "What the heck Ryan what was up with you today!"

"Yeah, you acted as you've never fought monsters before or how to control your powers either." We kept yelling at him until we couldn't do it anymore, Ryan was lost in thought making me angry. I pulled Harris and Spyder out of the med bay into the hallway once they were there I grabbed Leo and did the same to him.

"Ok, Ryan is definitely not himself," Spycer answered the obvious I rolled my eyes and Harris slapped him in the back of the head. I kept thinking about whatever is wrong with Ryan, I'm going to find out and help him.

[Ryans head]


I awoke cuffed to the chair I still felt weak, but I had some strength left. I looked around to see find the person who put me here, but he was no were to be found. I struggled through the restraints until I remembered I'm in my head meaning I can do whatever I want. I thought of being free and the restraints came off my wrists. I rubbed my bruised hands softly and looked around. I knew Seth is somewhere around here and he may think he has an upper hand on me, but I will find a way to free myself from his evil-doing some way.

Mech-X4 Ryan turnsWhere stories live. Discover now