Chapter 1: The Beginning

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/[:Mitch's POV:]\

   Waking up with a yawn, he sat up in bed and stretched. The light from the window shone on his face, signifying that it was morning.

   "Morning already? Ugh, why can't the world just let me sleep for once?" Mitch thought to himself as he closed his curtains in hopes that he wouldn't go blind. After cleaning himself up and putting on his normal attire, the Hunger Games champion set out into the kitchen downstairs. He was a bit surprised to find the one and only fish.

"Morning, fish," Mitch greets him, "What are you doing?"

"Morning Mitch. I'm making breakfast." Quentin responds, rolling his eyes.

   Nodding, Mitch sits down at the table. Once everyone is finally awake, the team eats breakfast together and heads their separate ways.

~{Time Skip}~

/[:Jerome's POV:]\

   Walking up to Mitch's door, the bacca knocked lightly, hoping he wasn't out doing something. When Mitch finally opens the door, Jerome is surprised to find him without a shirt on. Mitch was only wearing his checkered hoodie, but it wasn't zipped up. Jerome blushes from under his fur.

"Thank Notch that you can't see my blush from under my fur..."  Jerome thought.

   "Hey Jerome! What's up?" Jerome could see that Mitch was trying not to blush, but he pretended to ignore it.

   "Hey buddy! I just wanted to let you know that I'm going to go hunting right now incase you need me." Jerome told his best friend. (Or are they more? *wiggles eyebrows* Okay I'll continue... ~Nano)

"Okay, I'll message the others." Mitch responds.

"Okay, sweet! C'ya Mitch!" Jerome said.

"Bye biggums!" Mitch said, giving a small wave before he closed the door.

   Jerome turns and leaves, heading down the stairs. He walks quickly through the halls and out the front gate of the Sky Army's base. He quietly makes his way through the oak forest, his enhanced senses being a huge help.

~{Another time skip later...}~

/[:Still Jerome's POV:]\

   He was a decent amount of blocks away from the base now, so his sence of hearing and smell finally worked to their full effect. He had already gathered a bit of raw beef and mutton (since Jason would probably faint if he found out that Jerome had hunted pigs).

   Suddenly, Jerome could hear bushes rustling nearby. Sniffing the air, he growled in frustration. Whatever it was, it had masked it's scent. Now on high alert, Jerome continued walking and pretended that he didn't know it was there.

   As he continued walking, he heard the bushes rustle two more times, each time closer than the last.

   "Whatever it is, it's following me..."  Jerome was starting to get a bit nervous, but he tried to stay calm. It didn't help that the leaves made the forest around him a bit darker.

   The rustling kept getting closer and closer the more he kept walking. Eventually, Jerome stopped walking, as the rustling had gotten to close for comfort. The rustling had stopped, but he could hear something- no, there were more than one- moving closer to his location. It made his fur stand up at how creepy this was starting to get.

   Cautiously, Jerome looked around, trying to figure out what was following him. All of a sudden, something slimy holds his arms together and covers his nose and mouth.

   "Squids! I should have known it would be them..."  Jerome tries to wiggle out of their grip, but to no evail. He was outnumbered.

   Jerome could feel himself running out of oxygen. His struggling got weaker, and black spots dotted his vision. Eventually, he was too weak to fight back.

   Before he completely blacked out, however, he had one final thought:

"I'm so screwed...."


Well! That was the first chapter!
I would've gotten this out two days ago, but for the past 3 days we've had the Math State Test, so I've been really tired. It doesn't help that I'm sick due to allergies either. I might get another chapter out today to make up for the days that I didn't post the first chapter, but I'm not sure what to do for the second chapter.

Anyways, what do you think will happen to Jerome?

That's all for now! Peace out Technos and as always, stay classy!


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