Chapter 18: Before The Battle

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/[:Mitch's POV:]\

I walked swiftly to Seto's room. Knocking on the door, I wait as the door opens with magic. I step into the room.

"Hello Mitch. Do you need something?" Seto asks, a small smile on his face.

"Yeah... can you call a meeting for me please? It's urgent."

Nodding, Seto closes his eyes and mutters something, which I assume is a spell. I feel a small breeze go through my mind for a moment.

"I just told everyone to meet in the meeting room with telepathy. Anything else?" Seto asks me.

I shake my head. "No, I'm good.... can I bring Jerome too?.. If it's okay...."

Seto smiles. "As long as he's good now, we should be fine. I'm going to get going to the meeting room." Seto nods to me and walks out of his room. I follow after him, going into the dungeon-like area we have.

Walking up to Jerome's cage, I smile. He's sleeping, curled up as comfortably as he can get. I blush at his adorably cute snores. I grab the keys off the wall, still blushing a bit.

Walking into the cage, I sit on the floor and gently nudge him. "Jerome? Jeroooooome? Wake up sleepy~...."

Jerome slowly opens his grayish-blue eyes- which I had just noticed now. "Mmmm... what is it?..." He says, letting out a yawn.

"I need to take you to the meeting room to talk to the Team. Is that okay?"

He nods. "Yeah, I'm okay with that..."

Reaching behind him, I use the keys to detach the cuffs from the chains. Jerome stretches, letting out another yawn.

"It feels soooo good to finally be able to stretch..." He says with a chuckle.

"Yeah... now come on! I want you to see the others." I say with a smile, lightly grabbing his wrist and pulling him along with me.

As we walk, Jerome turns to me. "Hey... Mitch?...."

I look at his eyes, resisting the desire to kiss him. "Yeah?"

".....Was I friends with your team too? Like how me and you we- well, are friends?" He says to me.

I nod. "Yeah, Team Crafted... we're all like one big family, I suppose. Just a group of friends trying to survive, while at the same time having fun. It's.... nice, in a way." I explain to him, smiling as I remember all of the memories I've shared with the Team.

Jerome smiles. "That sounds so nice.... I just wish I remembered it.... I feel horrible not remembering the people I called friends..." He says, sighing sadly.

"Don't worry! You'll remember them, just give it some time." I smile warmly at him.

He smiles back. "Alright... I will."

I blush as I realize that I'm now holding his hand as opposed to holding his wrist. He doesn't drop his grip on my hand, so neither do I, just enjoying the time we have.

Once we reach the meeting room, I let go of his hand. I hate having to do it, but I have to. I don't want anyone to get suspicious.

And with that, we stepped into the meeting room.

/[:Jerome's POV:]\

I tensed up slightly as we ended the meeting room, but calmed down when I realized Mitch was giving me a comforting smile. I smiled back at him, blushing slightly from under my fur.

I could feel all of the stares in the room, so I try my best to ignore it. Mitch leads me over to the front of the meeting table, so I stand next to him.

I look around the table at all of their faces, taking in their familiar appearances. I try to see if my mind will let me remember them yet, but nothing happens.

I turn my attention to Mitch as he begins speaking. "So, I recently found out that the squids are planning to attack us I believe 3 days from now?" Mitch looks at me for clarification. I nod simply.

Mitch turns to look at his- our Team. "So, I wanted to let everyone know so that we could begin preparing. Any ideas?"

A brunette with a rattail hairstyle and sunglasses speaks up. "We could attack the day before they plan to attack us?"

Another brunette wearing a gray, white, and purple sorcerer's robe shakes his head. "No, they would most likely be too prepared by then. We should do it two days before so that they aren't prepared as much."

Murmurs of agreement go around the table. Mitch smiles. "Alright then, it's settled. Now, who's going to prepare what?"

A mudkip hybrid- which I have the random urge to call a fish- speaks up. "Me and Seto will work on potions." He says, gesturing to the sorcerer.

A brunette with headphones and his hair over one eye decides to speak. "Me and Ian can work on weapons, and you can too if you want Mitch." They say, looking at a male with black hair in a longer rattail than the brunette's.

A male with light brown hair and blueish-purple eyes speaks next. "I guess that leaves me and Sky to do armor then!" He says, giving a high five to the brunette with the rattail.

Mitch nods, a smile on his face. "Well, that settles that then! I suppose this meeting is dismissed." Everyone smiles and heads their separate ways.

I smile, looking at Mitch. "No need to be worried, see?" He says, smiling. I smile back at him.

"So, did you feel that they were familiar to you?" Mitch decides to ask, looking at me with those beautiful hazel eyes of his.

I nod slightly. "Yeah.... but I didn't remember any of their names."

He smiles warmly at me. "That's okay! You'll remember someday."

I smile back at him. He states into my eyes, and I don't look away. We end up slowly leaning forwards until our noses almost touch.

Suddenly, Mitch kisses me.

/[:Mitch's POV:]\

Without warning I kiss him, unable to control my urges. I needed his love, it was like my lifeline.

Jerome hesitates for a moment before kissing me back. The kiss is full of passion and love, and I knew at that moment that he loved me.

I smile through the kiss. We soon break away for air. I blush, and I can see Jerome's blush slightly through his fur.

He smiles at me. "Hey, Mitch?"

I stare into his eyes- which I had noticed had a bit more gray coloring in it than before- and smiled. "Yeah?"

"Even if I didn't remember my friends, there's one thing I did remember...."

"And that is?"...." I ask him.

"How much I love you." He says, leaning forwards to kiss me once more. I kiss back, happy that my crush liked me back.


Awww! Don't you love Merome? They're such a cute couple!

LS!Jerome: I agree! :3

Same here buddy. I finally got to the part where Jerome confesses! Aren't you glad it took this long? Character development made this extra special!

LS!Jerome: *nods*

Anyways peace out Technos, and as always....

Both: Stay classy! Bye!~

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