Chapter 15: Prisoner

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Song- No song this time, sorry. I just really wanted to get something out quickly, so I'm not gonna spend like 1 hour searching for a song.

/[:Jerome's POV:]\

I wake up with a groan.

I look around. I'm in a cage, handcuffs bound to my wrists and ankles that are attached to the wall behind me, yet they still give me room to move around.

"Curse these horrid handcuffs! Grr... whoever captured me is going to pay!" I thought angrily to myself.

I pulled as hard as I could on the handcuffs and tried to cut them open with my claws, but nothing happened.

Examining the handcuffs closer, I realize that they are infused with obsidian.

"Guess I'm not getting out of here anytime soon..." I think to myself.

Then, I notice someone awkwardly shuffling their feet in the corner of the room, glancing up at me every few minutes.

I growl at them. "I don't appreciate you staring at me..." I think.

The stranger stays quiet. As they slowly move towards my cage, I take in their appearance.

They have brown hair, and hazel eyes. They're wearing a red and black checkered jacket, jeans, red sneakers, and dogtags.

"Hi..." They say quietly, yet I can still hear them. They seem familiar to me for some reason, but I don't know why.

I growl at them out of instinct. They back up a bit. Loosing the meek stance they had before, they look at me with as much courage as they could muster.

"What do you want, human?" I growl at them.

"I'm supposed to be watching you, obviously." They say nonchalantly, rolling their eyes. I growl at them once more.

"Who are you?" I demand.

"I was going to ask the same for you, but then I remembered I already know who you are, Jerome." They say, a smirk on their face.

My fur stands on edge. "How do they know me? I should know them if they know me..." I wonder to myself.

/[:Mitch's POV:]\


Why am I doing this?

I hate it, but I have to have courage.

He doesn't remember me, so I have to stay strong while Seto researches what happened to him.


That's it.

I can't do this.

My smirk falters, and I sigh.

"Sorry..." I look away.

Thing is, I can't be brave.

Jerome smirks at me.

"Not so brave now are you? I hope you've learnt your place, human." He growls at me.

I hate it.

I miss him, the real him.

The one that remembers me.

The one that I love.


Hey guys! Just a filler type chapter. Sorry for lack of updates on this book! I kind of forgot how to write this part part of the story. I didn't think out this part very well, so it's been holding me back a bit. Sorry.

LS!Jerome: it's okay :) I-i'm sure everyone forgives you :3

Good to see that your stutter is getting better LS!Jerome!

LS!Jerome: Y-yeah! I'm getting used to speaking in the A/Ns n-now.

Anyways, peace out my Technos, and as always....

Both: Stay classy! Bye!

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