Chapter 4: The Reveal and Unexpected Friendship

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Trigger Warning: (slight) Mentions of torture

/[:Jerome's POV:]\

"N-no... it can't be! Y-you died! How are you still alive?!" Jerome was shocked.

"I'm stronger than you'd think! This is what happens when you underestimate me!" Their voice yelled at him.

"You're a traitor!" He growled at them.

"As are you, Fluffy. Don't you remember you betrayed your tribe when you befriended a human?" Their words cut through him like a knife.

Having nothing as a comeback, Jerome simply growled at them, hoping they would leave him alone.

"Whatever. See you soon.... old friend." They soon left the dungeon-like area, leaving Jerome to his thoughts.

"Why? Why betray the Sky Army, Dawn?"

/[:Dawn's POV:]\

Chuckling lightly to herself, she leaves the dungeon, heading to the king's throne room. Once she got there,  she bowed in front of the king. He has dark blue hair and dark blue eyes, and he's wearing a black trench coat, dark blue pants, and black combat boots with a black crown atop his head with a shining blue gem in it. Dawn has a tiara matching his.

"My king, the prisoner is captured and has awoken." She says, now standing up straight. The squid king smiles at her.

"Dawn, how many times must I tell you that you can call me by my real name when we are alone? Also, you don't have to bow to me, Queen Dawn." The squid king tells her.

"Sorry, Octavius," Dawn apologizes,  "I keep forgetting."

"It's fine, my queen. Now, come. We must decide what to do with our prisoner."

The two walk off into a separate room to decide what types of torture the prisoner will suffer from.

~{Time Skip}~

/[:Octavius' POV:]\

"That's an excellent idea!" Octavius praises her.

"Yes, this way, he will easily fall to despair and have no choice but to join our side." Dawn says to Octavius.

The two, pleased with their idea, head out of the room.

"I shall send our son to tend to the prisoner. Sound good?" Octavius asks his queen. Dawn nods,  and says something to a guard. The guard nods at her and rushes off.

The two lovers then headed their separate ways to tend to their kingdom.

/[:Callumari's POV:]\

A young squid is seen in his room drawing. He has curly dark blue hair with silver and light blue tips, electric light blue eyes, and he is wearing a pastel blue sweater that goes off both shoulders, jean shorts, and blue-violet sneakers.

Suddenly, a guard comes into his room.

"You are in charge of taking care of the prisoner,  as ordered by the King and Queen". The guard told him.

The prince nodded. "C-can you lead me to them?" Callumari asked, stuttering due to his shyness.

The guard nods and motions for him to follow. Following the guard, the squid prince is led into the dungeon.

"Just call for me if you are in danger." The guard tells him. Callumari nods, and heads to the prisoner's cage.

The prisoner has fluffy brown fur with a short brown tail and ears. They are wearing a black suit with a red tie, black dress pants, and black dress shoes. They also have piercing grey eyes with brown flecks in them.

"H-hello there!" Callumari says, catching the prisoner's attention. "I-im going to be taking care of you!"

"Go away, squid. I don't want anything to do with your kind." They growl at him.

"I-im not like the other squids! They are really m-mean to me... I-im Callumari, b-by the way..." Callumari says, flinching under the prisoner's fearsome glare of hatred.

The prisoner's face seems to soften as he says, "I'm Jerome."

The two shake hands -or paws in Jerome's case. Callumari soon realized that maybe, just maybe, this could be the start of peace for squids and the Sky Army.

He just had to hold onto his hope.

/[:Jerome's POV:]\

The two unexpected friends were simply talking to learn more about each other.

"S-so, if it's not rude of me to ask.... w-what are you?" Callumari asks.

"I'm a bacca, if you must know."

"That's really c-cool!"

Jerome chuckles. "Yeah, it is. If I can ask, what relations do you have in the squid army?"

Callumari seems shocked- no, fearful- but he answers anyway. "I-im the squid p-prince.." He answers.

"So, who are your parents then?" Jerome asks.

"U-uhm... Q-queen Dawn and K-king Octavius..."

Jerome's eyes widened in shock. "Dawn had a child?!"

Callumari seems to read Jerome's mind. "Q-queen Dawn isn't m-my biological mom though... I don't k-know what happened to my actual mom.."

Jerome hugs Callumari through the bars of his cage. Sniffling, Callumari melts into his embrace, neither saying a word.

"T-thank you Jerome..." Callumari says, looking up at his new friend.

"No problem Cal, it's what friends do." Jerome says, looking down at Cal.

"I could get used to having Cal as my friend.... I just hope that once we get out of here that the others will accept him..."


The two antagonists have been revealed!

This long extra special chapter took me awhile, so I hope you enjoyed it!

Will Jerome and Callumari get out before it's too late?

What are Dawn and Octavius planning to do to Jerome?

Find out next time on Finding the Lost!

(XD All the references!)

Anyways peace out Technos and as always.....

Stay classy!


P.S.- I've decided to switch back and forth from short chapters to long chapters.

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