Chapter 11: Trust

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[|A/N|] Song-  Shatter Me (I don't know the artist, sorry)

/[:Callumari's POV:]\

"Our friend? Who?" Jason asks curiously.  His statement seemed to have even intrigued Seto, who was looking at Callumari curiously.


"You've seen him? Where?" Seto asks.

"I-i want everyone on your team to hear it at once s-so no one has to repeat anything." Callumari answers.

Jason nods. "Alright, I'll go call a team meeting. Seto, you lead Callumari to the meeting room without anyone seeing him." With that, Jason leaves the room.

"Okay, come here." Seto gestures for him to come to him, so Callumari walks over to Seto.

"W-what are you going to do?..." Callumari was curious.

"I'm going to put a spell on us both so that we're invisible, but we can see each other. Are you okay with that?" Seto asks. Callumari simply nods.

Seto's hands start to glow purple as he mutters the spell. Soon, both Seto and Callumari are glowing purple.

"Okay, it's done. It may not look like we're invisible, but no one can see us. Now come on, follow me to the meeting room."

Callumari silently follows Seto through the base, being careful so that his tentacles don't knock into anything.

Soon, the two reach the meeting room. Callumari can hear people talking inside.

Looking around quickly to make sure no one is watching, Seto undos the invisibility spell on them both. He gestures for Callumari to stay behind him, and Callumari does so, making sure his tentacles are behind his back as well.
/[:Jason's POV:]\

"What's taking Seto so long? Wasn't he with you Jason?" Ty asks.

"Yeah, where is Seto?" Ian asks as well.

"Seto just had to go get something, don't worry." Jason reassured them. What was taking Seto so long? He was silently starting to panic, but regained his cool when he saw the door open and Seto step into the room.

"Hello guys, sorry I'm late..." Seto apologizes.

"Naw, it's okay Seto!" Sky says, smiling.

"Now that Seto is here.... we have to show you guys something..." Jason says. He can feel all eyes on him, so he looks at Seto as if to say,"A little help?"

/[:Seto's POV:]\

Nodding, Seto steps to the side to reveal Callumari behind him.

Callumari simply looks at the ground, too scared to look up. Seto lightly nudges him to reassure him, so Callumari looks up, addressing everyone looking at him.

"I-I'm Callumari..." He says shyly.

Some look confused, others are sort of angry.

Seto blushes sheepishly. "Can we explain?"

Murmurs of agreement go around the table, and everyone nods. Seto, Jason, and Callumari go to stand at the head of the table.

"Remember how Jerome went missing a few days ago? Well, we may finally have a lead on him." Jason states.

Seto nods, nudging Callumari slightly. Callumari nods as well.

"I-I know where he is..."

Everyone at the table looks at each other.

"Can uh... Callumari was it? Can you wait outside please?" Sky asks.

/[:Callumari's POV:]\

Nodding, he walks outside of the meeting room and sits down on the left next to the door.

"I just hope they will trust me... and that they won't hurt me... otherwise Jerome might not make it..." He thought, remembering what he had overheard in the Squid HQ.


The King had just ordered him to his room, telling him he couldn't take care of Jerome anymore.

Walking past the King's office, he stops to listen to something.

"Is it done?" The Queen asks.

"Yes, now that we have taken away Jerome's only hope, he will succumb to despair easily. It will be easier for him to trust us instead of the enemy now." The King replies.

Callumari's eyes widen in shock. He walks away to his room quickly, not wanting to be caught.

*End of Flashback...*

Callumari sighs sadly. Jerome is like a brother to him, and he is really worried about him. This might be his only chance.

He hears the door open next to him and someone sits on his left.

"Hey Callumari..." someone says to him.

"H-hi u-uhm.."

"Sky." Sky says.

"H-hi Sky..." He says, sadness lacing his voice.

"I'm sorry for snapping at you before... you're only a kid... I hope we can be friends..." Sky apologizes.

"I-It's okay, I forgive you." Callumari says, hugging Sky.

Sky hugs back. "I'm just glad that you trust me." Callumari says.



LS!Jerome: Yay! I missed you! *hugs*

Me: I missed you too buddy! *hugs him back*

Me: As to why I haven't updated this book, it takes a lot of time, unlike my random book. Also, I've been busy in school with finals this upcoming week, so I've been focusing so much on school rather than updating. I hope you guys forgive me.

LS!Jerome: Well I forgive you!

Me: Thanks :) So yeah, expect more updates once I'm officially out for summer! Anyways peace out my Technos, and as always...

Both: Stay classy! Bye!~

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