Panny the pancake..

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I'm back!So I hope you Enjoy this chappie!Or not!I love you all,well the ones who COMMENT and VOTE!!!!

Lol just kidding!

And did you know that 'Konohamaru' has the word'Konoha'in it? So Konohamaru's name has SOMETHING to do with Leaves/Leaf.


At the Earth Kingdom


Deidara huffed from running around CHASING Tobi and Tenten,well was still at it.NOT even breaking a sweat!

Tenten stopped in front of Deidara and said"Hop on my back!"


She Gawked at him and said"I didn't stutter,did I?"

Deidara sighed and Got on.

It looked so cute!!!(In my head I can see it!!!IMAGINE IT PEOPLE!!!)

Tenten held Deidara and started running after Tobi.Deidara's whole body was flailing behind Tenten except his legs.

He Fainted and his last thoughts were'HOW can she keep all this steam?!?!'


At the Forest(where we last left off with the Weirdos being attacked by brooms...)


Tsunade kept Inhaling Through her nose really Hard.IS she like a DOG or something?

Then she stopped and started at the Feet marks being willing-Ly pulled somewhere.

Shizune said"Look!shoe marks!"then everyone examined the marks and said"THIS WAY!!"and pointed in all different directions.

Tsunade Sighed in Bordem and said"let's just keep going straight."

Kakashi grabbed his broom and said"Come on BROOMY!We have a Person To Save!!!"

Shizune Growled as Mumble"why don't you pay attention to reality??"

Kakashi Glared at Shizune."alright STOP YOUR UNYOUTHFUL FIGHTING!!!!!"Screamed Gai.Here we go....

King Jairiya sighed and said"CAN YOU TWO NOT BE AT IT FOR ONCE!?!?"Gai was JUST about to scream but stopped.

Hinata trembled in fury.She walked ahead and kept walking.Neji Noticed and followed.He only Did because 1) They were all arguing at Brooms 2) He cared about Tenten 3)It's no like they would have gotten any where with the group.

Hinata said"you didn't need to come you know."

Neji nodded and said"Yes,But I'd rather be doing this instead of hearing People Bicker."

Hinata Sighed in relief.They started walking Deeper into the forest.


At earth Kingdom


Tobi had been Cornered.Deidara and Tenten Laughed Like Maniacs.Tobi screamed High pitched as loud as he could.

All you could her wear loud Punch nosies and Smacking noises.After they were down Tobi was dead.Not LITERALLY just an Hyperbole.

Deidara smacked His hands to take off the dust. Tenten just starred at nothing.Deidara asked"do you wanna see my Art models?"

Tenten scratched the back of her head and said"No....But I guess so."

He grabbed her hand and ran around the kingdom into his room.(JUST to show her his Art NOT that meaning/way...)


BACK with Hinata and Neji


Hinata didn't stop for anything.Hinata asked"so w-why'd y-you f-follow m-me,N-Neji Nii-San?"

Yeah,they were that close.Neji was Nii-San and Hinata was Sama(Like in shippuden.)

"Well Hinata-Sama,It's better to do something then being attacked by brooms.."

Hinata Giggled and said"O-oh really?I know a-another r-reason w-why y-you c-came.."

Neji was JUST about to speak but Kakashi was running after Them with BROOMY saying"WHERE'D YA GO??"

Looks were exchanged and the Two ran further into the Forest and Kakashi stopped and fell on his knees screaming"WHY DOES THIS HAPPEN TO ME?!?!?"

Hinata stopped to catch her breath.She looked up and said"Look!We're here!"

Neji looked up and saw a Beautiful,Large,Kingdom.

Hinata sighed in relief."let's go!"

Neji said"Wa-"but Hinata Literally grabbed his hair and dragged him to the Kingdom.

Then walked in.Two flashes Passed them;a Blonde one and a Brunette one.

One of the flashes stopped and turned to The two."Hinata!Neji!"

"T....Tenten!"They both said in Unison.

Tenten was then pulled by the hair by a Ravenette,quickly.

Neji's lavender eyes watched her suffer.He hesitated and In a FLASH BAM SHE WAS GONE.

Hinata had tears in her eyes.She ran after Her Best friend into No where.

Tenten was reaching out for her Sister and their hands were merely A few Inches away,Then feet away.

Hinata stopped.There was nothing else she could do.

Tenten was put back in "her" room and was slammed on the wall and fell to the ground.

"What the hell was that f-"Tenten couldn't finish when Itachi covered her mouth.Her Chocolate eyes Watched him confused.He removed his hand and she screamed"WHY....."

She thought'Damn,HE DON'T GOT ANY PANCAKE MIX!!!'

Itachi closed the door an turned on the light."If you don't tell me the kingdoms strategies ill do something to your Friends."

"I'll never tell."

Itachi Said"Alright then.....Bring them in."

The door slammed open and Neji and Hinata walked in being held by Deidara and Tobi."Guys?Why would you..."Tenten asked.

"Sorry...We have to."Tobi said.

Hinata looked at Neji and he nodded.

They forced they're way out of the two guys arms and Hinata said"Gentle step,Twin Pancake Fists!"(Yeah I know it's Lion fist not Pancake fist!!)

She shoved her two fist that have Pancakes on them into Tobi.Tobi was sent flying back screaming"PANCAKES TURNED ON ME!!!!"

Neji said"Eight Trigrams Sixty-four Pancakes!!"Then He kept poking Deidara with Pancakes.Deidara screamed"PANCAKY!!!"

Then all eyes were on Itachi.

Tenten summoned her scrolls.She launched them in the Air and jumped up.She started spinning with the Scrolls and Summoned something.She grasped them in her hands.Then,Pancakes started Flying out of the scrolls.

They hit Itachi and he said"Wow,Im Badly damaged!"Sarcasticly.

Tenten landed and said"Explode!"

Then Itachi saw the Paper bombs.after they exploded,Itachi flew away Screaming"CURSE YOU PANNY THE PANCAKE!!!!

Tenten smiled slightly.Due to the LACK of sleep,she fainted and fell foward.Neji catched her and carried her bridal style.

Hinata said"Let's go!"

They read out the kingdom back into the forest.Hinata spotted The group and THOUSANDS of brooms on the ground.

Tenten woke up to see Neji's face.She jumped out his arms and walked next to Hinata.

All eyes turned to the Three.The princesses screamed"TENNIE!!"They all Glomped her and she Got mad."Guys......"She Hit Temari,Sakura and Ino Hard with her Paper fan.

"Geez you guys never learn..."Hinata said.

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