Nuts, Old friends, And......Pokémans?

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I feel like I do WAY TOO MANY Authors notes in the end and beginning of my chapters so I will do a little one at the end
Btw The picture is of one of my cats,Muffin!
Sakura's POV

I was dragging two 'Men', Emphasis on the MEN, And a Sexy shark. did that bring me down? Plus,
I had to walk up a flight of stairs. Russia was just Smiling for some reason while Sasuke got dragged lifelessly. I pulled them into my Room when suddenly They disappeared. "CANADA NO" I heard Temari yell, Stretching out the 'O'
"MY BOOTYYYYYYY" Ino yelled and I heard faint sobbings. I knew the rest where just shrugging. Sasuke shot up and Came Merely inches away from my face saying" I see we are alone now..." and he lunged in my direction, but I ran to the right Causing him to Lung straight into the Wall. He groaned,and turned facing my direction. Of course he had a Slight bruising Mark on his forehead, Causing me to snicker uncontrollable. Sasuke Death-glared Me, Rubbing his head. "Hn,Its not funny." He said Pissed-ly-ish. "You know, You're adorable when you're pissed." I Grinned.He turned slightly pink and Mouthed 'Fuck you' BUT It just made him cuter!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"D'aaaawwwwwwwwwwww Swauskwe Don't Bwe Wupswet!" I said All baby-like while pinching his cheeks, a Smile pulling on my lips. He Growled, Tackling me and Pinching my cheeks. I laughed softly and said"Okay okay", waving my Hands in a way of saying'Alright alriiiiiiiiight'. "You're lucky though Sasuke," He looked at me In a confused way. "I could've ripped off your clothes right then and there."
All the color drained from his face as a Devilish grin grew onto my face. Aside from having fear,His face was Red."Eh? Do you have a fever?" I extended my hand out to his forehead. he flinched and crawled away Backwards towards the corner.
I chuckled at his response and Crawled next to him."Does Sasuke need a toma-" I suddenly got cut off by a warm embrace, My words being muffled into His Shirt. All was silent. he slowly began to wrap his arms around me, as I did the same.
Me and Sasuke have a weird way Of showing Our affections... but some how it works. What can I say.....

Love is Love.

•Temari's Pov-

I was in the corner, Sobbing because Canada Left to go back to the Hetalia world. I sniffled because i know How ignored he is.


I tensed up as i felt A hand on my shoulder. "You'll be fine..." The voice made me relax a bit as His thumb Rubbed my Shoulder in a Circular Motion. i Looked back at him with a about-to-cry face and he chuckle softly.

"Don't cry, It'll Mess up your pretty face." Shika Winked and i scoffed, Smiling slightly as i rolled my eyes.

He Helped me Up, more like THREW me up -.-, and Said"We should go check on the Gang." i nodded as he wrapped and arm around my shoulder. I Decided to Being Derpy and I Held onto His hand (That was around my Shoulder), I could tell he was smiling.

"Hey Shikamaru.."


"Your new name is





•Tenten's Pov-

I sighed in relief as i was Finally free from China's Death grip!


I Looked over to The source of the voice and saw Neji Pouting, well at least trying. and looking away with arms crossed.

"Awwww Is someone Jearous??"

"Bitch Prease."

"Now now Neji you've gotta be Friendry!"

"I don't Terr you how to Rive your rife."

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