Chapter 20

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"When my mom signed me up for this she didn't say anything about 'learning'." Max complained as our little group minus Emma and Jordan walked around the streets of Berlin trying to get to a specific park our main guide Lights told us was our destination. 

It was our 'first lesson of orientation' as she worded it. 

"Just imagine that your bass is there." Josh told him.

"You play bass?" Vegan turned to Max. "I do too." 

"That's so awesome!" Max exclaimed dropping his whining as he turned to Vegan.

I looked at them rolling my eyes then back at Josh. 

"They seem to be bonding quite quickly, don't you think?" I whispered to him.

"They're practically just two halves of a whole idiot." Josh chuckled. 

"I heard that!" Max called out.

"Was my intention!" Josh yelled back at him laughing. 

We were all walking in a group trying not to bump into other people which was quite a task considering how crowded the streets were, and for being foreign's I think we were a bit too loud.

"I feel like we're gonna get lost." I told Josh looking around. 

We've been trying to get to that park for almost an hour now and there wasn't a thing anywhere near as that would indicate that there could be a park somewhere around here.

"They're gonna detect us through that app they made us all install if it happens, so you have nothing to worry about." Josh said. "And plus I think it would be kinda fun if they forgot us here or something." 

"This is not the responsible behavior our moms were talking about." I reminded him and he just laughed.

"I actually agree with him." Chris pushed me to the side standing between Josh and I. 

I bit on the inside of my cheek not to groan in annoyance.

"I think we should also all delete the app so they can't find us." Chris went on and I pushed my hands into my pocket not to face palm. 

He got on my nerves so bad that I was almost certain I was starting to hate him.

It was not just that he was my bully, it was just that he was the worse out of Dan, him and Matt. It was also that he was still cooperating with Abigail even though she hates Josh. And the fact that he seemed to do all he could to keep Josh and I apart from each other didn't make him annoy me any less. 

"You're constantly just looking for trouble, huh?" Josh laughed not even getting how hard Chris tried to exclude me from everything.

But of course, why would he suspect anything? Chris was his friend and both him and I acted like everything was fine when Josh was around. 

"Wait, wait, guys..." Vegan waved his hand towards us making us stop. "I think we missed it." He said turning around and pointing up the street. "I think the park is right up there behind that building."

"Not sure mate, I think I spotted it down there." Chris contradicted. 

"You've got to be kidding me?!" Max sighed. "My knee is already hurting and I'm not going nor down nor up just to go back, so you better be sure where the fucking park is." He pointed towards Vegan then Chris.

"It's down." Chris said. 

"It's up." Vegan said at the same time.

"Then I guess we'll have to split up." Dan suggested. 

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