Another Friend

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Levi woke up with a dry throat and a growling stomach. He excused himself from her room 7 minutes ago after having his own nightmare. He sat there on the table, alone.

His eyes were set on the plain wood.

As Levi was gonna reach Farlan and Isabel, the two guards who held them pulled the trigger and his two friends end up on the floor. He gasped, kneeling down with a devastated expression.

The guards took no second for them to leave, but Levi wasn't just gonna let them. He easily strangled one of the officers, twisting their neck in an uneven shape. Then to the other, where he completely stabbed with a knife.

The two guards were already inside the carriage when Levi kicked them both out with his leg. The coach, seeing the commotion from outside, departed from the venue in hopes of not getting involved.

Levi ruthlessly grabbed one of them, stabbing one of the two guards with a knife everywhere in his body. The other just watched in horror, while Levi released everything.

"G-Go away you damn filthy brat!" The lone guard screamed as he ran away. But due to the differences in their speed, Levi ran to him holding a gun and shot him on the spine 24 times.

Levi knelt down on the pebbled road, a single tear running down his face.

The people backed away.

This part had witnesses.

Yet none of them reported to the guards.

Levi frowned, closing his eyes. He went to fetch himself a glass of water. Then he found bread from the cupboard, he decides to eat early. Levi bent down to open the cupboard door and grabbed the loaf of bread from the basket.

He sits back down on the chair with his own breakfast in hand. Once he was about to bite on the small piece of bread he tore, he heard light thumping from the stairs. No creaks were heard.

"Good morning Levi,"

He tried not to reveal the surprised look on his face. "Good morning." He responded, taking a bite on his bread. "I feel much better, thanks to you." She says with a smile. Levi's eyebrows rose. Then he went back to his food, not saying anything.

Petra went to the counter, grabbing a certain amount of money, and putting it in a two-hand-sized pouch. Back at the kitchen, she tosses it on the table and gave him a thankful grin.

"My sign of thanks!"

He frowned as his eyes stared at the pouch. "Should I feel suspicious you're giving me this much?" He asks and she laughed. "No! I am giving it to you because I mean it. It is not because you've done all that for me,"

Nevertheless, he grabbed the pouch.

"You are very most welcome! Once the year finishes, your salary will add up to what I have given you today."

He looked at her with a stunned expression.


They had begun working. Customers enter, buying shoes, having them repaired or polished, and some were selling their old ones that wouldn't fit them any longer or have lost interest in it.

The door opens, revealing a man with blonde hair, tied up in a bun. His face showed surprise when he entered.


Once she heard the voice, she turned from the sandal she was working on. Her eyes went wide and she took no second to run forward, hugging the man in the suit.

"It's great to see you again friend!" She said with a blissful smile. Her hug tightened and he chuckled, pulling away. "How is your wife, Eld?" She inquired. "She is great. We are expecting a child soon!"

"Great! Will I be able to see your child?"

"You are free to visit anytime! Just like the good old days." Eld replied. His eyes traveled from Petra's feet, to her duster then to her face. "You've grown. It's been...4 months since we've last gathered as friends."

"Oluo visits from time to time. Gunther may be busy, but I remember him visiting 1 week ago!"

"I see," Eld's eyes searched across the area. The walls were new and polished. The floor was as well and he noticed another person working on the stock of shoes by the counter. He held a smirk, which seemed to be noticed by the 23-year old woman in front of him.

"What are you smirking about?"

"I haven't known about your current status. Are you now married with him?"

As if there was a bell ringing, with the wind blowing silently, Levi and Petra froze. With Petra trying to suppress the blush in her cheeks. Levi just couldn't move and continue what he was doing. What Eld said just struck him completely.

"We aren't married!" Petra recovered. "I see, so you two are lovers. Lovers who aren't married yet?" After a playful slap, he chuckled. "I am joking. So, who is he then?"

"He is my co-worker."

"Oh." Eld replied grimly. As if disappointed with her answer. "Well, it's time to do what I came here for." Petra stood up with a curious expression. "What?"

"Have my leather shoes repaired. I will come back in an hour, I will have to take care of something. Is that fine?"

"Of course! It's great to see you again, Eld." Petra replied with a curt wave and the man left with a grin. Once the door closed, she stared at Levi for no reason. Which seemed to trigger a light and dark blush on both persons.

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