Ill News

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Despite not visiting the secret society for more than 3 days since Levi's betrayal, she held herself up strong. She decided to confront him, get her revenge and kill him.

She prepared herself for this, what could go wrong?

For 11 years, she trained herself. She was devoted to her goal, she made no distractions and dealt with pain herself. Is she not made for this? She asks herself. But then, this wasn't supposed to be a moment of doubt.

She made clear of her goal.

But there was one thing that obstructed her view of it - him.

If she can be as ruthless as him, why not? She needed no heart for this. She promised herself to hurt whoever who'd dare to harm anyone she loved and cared. Even if it meant killing someone she loved.

Yes, killing.

Her eyes then trained on the Corinthian-leathered boots beside the door. To think a bastard would wear those...she felt even more than betrayed.

She was broken.

Like what happened that day when her father was killed. It felt like that day. That certain night when there were no witnesses.

As the sun rose, she then wore a manly suit, concealing herself from the people. She hasn't consumed breakfast yet, but she believed she is capable to move around and survive without eating for one meal of the day.

She wore, not her combat boots, but the very boots her father made. The one with Corinthian leather. Oh, how special it is, just like her lover. But no more of her lover than it is now.

The knife is stored safely in her keep. The people yet stared at her, and she felt suspicious. She was gonna commit a crime, but how will killing Levi carry everything out?

On the back of her mind, she thought it wouldn't be enough to confront Levi. His strength was far more great compared to hers, but maybe it's just enough to defend herself from him if he was to fight back.

She continued walking in a steady pace, her footsteps echoing up to the silent alleyways, alerting the town's guards from the current vibe. A certain man stopped her on her path.


She looked up and he noticed something. "What seems to be the problem?" She then looked back down. "Oluo, I will tell you when I finish some business." She said. "What business?" Before he could seek out an answer, she moved away then walked.


Levi sat alone in his bed, pondering for what seems to be the nth time of the week. He's still not over what happened. He knows what'll happen next, but he can't be sure when it's gonna happen.

Petra will seek her revenge, and pursue him.

Despite months being together, he still not knew of her prowess in combat. But he never was to underestimate anyone. Although he knew that Petra would leave the house every now and then to get stronger.

He just needs to see it in person.

So he got up from his bed, changed into a different outfit. He was only bare-footed, but thanks to his uncle, he was able to sport boots with good leather. But it wasn't as good as the last boots he wore, and stole.

He frowned at his suit, thinking if her presence can make him fall again. He does admit, that he still loved her. And he wished no bad in first place. It was his fault to begin with.

He shouldn't have had accepted her offer. He doesn't even believe that fate brought them together. Levi just loved her, because he made her happy, and so did she. But what did it bring? Further hurt.

Every time he stumbles upon a warm and kind person like her, he brings trouble. And what's worse, he couldn't think of the most horrible way to hurt them. He just done what he did.


Petra roamed around the whole town for 2 hours, searching for the one man who she cared deeply, but soon felt betrayed. The townspeople who answered her seemed to be in fear, but it was understandable for her.

After walking, she felt someone shove her down an empty street. She grunted as soon as her face met with the ground. The shove was hard, which made her hold her forehead in pain.

As soon as she turned to the intruder, her eyes widened. Then her whole expression changed to anger.


He soon responded, "Petra."

He used the same cold tone, but it was even colder than before. She glowered at the person before her before clenching her fists and brought it to his face, only, to be blocked by Levi with one hand.

One hand grasped her fist tightly, she was unable to free it. Petra struggled and wriggled her hand away. "You. Will. Pay." She says with her teeth closed. "Make me." He answered and she growled, already starting with a low kick.

He blocked it with his arm, then another, with his hand. He pushed her to the side after she slid down and nearly kicked the side of his leg. Petra grunted and ran towards him, attempting to do a flying kick.

Levi effortlessly dodged her attack and attempted an uppercut to her jaw. She winced from the impact and gathered full strength on her right fist. She swung it towards his face, yet he was able to deflect it.

The Ral woman then flipped back, tossing the knife she kept. It was now in her hand, sharp but stale. Levi, without hesitation, brought out his, twisting it with his fingers before gripping it tight.

The two shared a glare before charging straight towards each other. She was able to counter his attack with her arm, but he was adding force to his defense. Levi jumped back, and tried to swing his knife, but she kicked it out from him.

Petra pins him down to the wall with full force. She then cried and carried her own, ready to stab him anywhere. But then a wave of hesitation struck her the moment she was about to kill him.

"What're you waiting for?" He spat.

Can she do it, really?

She breathed heavy breaths, panting even. The knife was pointed towards him, directing to his heart, but she was frozen. Then her eyes shook, tears forming.

She then suddenly felt an ill feeling in the stomach, which made her drop to her knees. The knife fell from her hands, and she held her stomach in pain. Levi lightly gasped and fought the urge to help her up.

Petra also fought the urge to vomit. She felt like it, these days she didn't feel like going out, and she would feel sluggish. Levi stared at her with cold eyes as he hears the slow fall of rain upon them.

"Why..." She murmured, clutching her stomach. "Why...would you do this, Levi...?" She whispered, audible enough for him to hear. He couldn't find himself to answer, so he left the scene and she fell down to the ground.

She wanted to vomit again, but nothing would come out. And as she felt her stomach again, she could feel it was slightly bigger than before.

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