A Place To Return To, A Place To Stay

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Resuming their work for the time of the day, Petra ordered her co-worker to help with the shoemaking. He had been taught how to do the things needed to do if customers were to enter under his watch.

He's able to learn them not for long and was at ease doing the job with her. The door opened and Oluo had a smirk displayed across his face. Since Levi's head was ducked under the counter, he wasn't able to see anyone else but Petra.

The woman gave him a wave. "Hello Oluo!" She says. "Hey Petra," He then saw Levi standing up from his seat. Curious, he asks her, "Who's this?"

"He's my co-worker, Levi."

Levi had a bored look in his eyes as he continued with whatever he's doing. Oluo's face fell after they shared their first glance. He felt unwanted because of this man. And he thought, that this guy is just new.

And he had the guts to make him feel unwanted?

He suddenly pushed those thoughts away and said, "Never mind, I just came in to visit you, Petra. I hope you're doing well with him." He says with a fake smile and left the shop.

From outside, he already swore to himself that no one will get to her. As Petra got up from her seat, a question popped inside her head. She had been meaning to ask this from him.

"Levi, do you have somewhere to stay?"

He stopped from his work and frowned. "It's...complicated." With that, she took another stool and sat in front of him. "Please, tell me." She might go too far, but she wanted to make sure he felt alright with whatever he's doing and that there's a place he can return to at least.

"I'm sorry if you feel like I'm trying to meddle in with your private life...but, I must know what makes you feel uneasy. I don't want a co-worker to run away all because I didn't give them what they need."

"You're too kind."

"Whatever is wrong with that?"

"I am completely fine wherever I stay," He frowns and looks at a pair of shoes, "That's enough for me." Petra sighs, "Are you...an orphan?"

"You can say that."

"Who is looking after you right now?"

"There's no one looking after me. I live for myself. I try to survive on my own. And that involves-" He paused before he spills too much. "My uncle left me at the age of 11." He grimly replied and continued with his work.

"Where is your house?"

"Do you need to know that too?" He said with an irritated look on his face. "If your house doesn't feel enough for you, and you want to feel comfortable, I am happy to lend you my father's room." She said with a smile.

"Why would you offer me so much? I'm just...working for you. I'm not someone special." He lightly glared at her. "I told you, being kind helps." She then continued with her work and the day went by with all the jobs assigned to him done.

He was thinking whether he should accept her offer. It was the least he could do, and even if he considered himself rude, he doesn't want to make himself feel bad all because he couldn't repay her hospitality back.

Once he headed to his shelter, he took all of his belongings. He left the mattress on the floor and he looked at what he left for the last time, before leaving.

With a knock, Petra opened the door and gave him a welcome. He was still overwhelmed by her kindness, but he just went with it since he was working for her now.

When Petra showed him her father's room, he noticed how cleaned it looked. The truth is, Petra didn't really want him to clean Mr. Ral's room. Even opening the door of his room reminded her of too much.

But now she was ready to let it pass.

"I'm sure my father's clothes will fit you. He has old ones that do," He nodded in agreement.

"You can stay here for as long as you wish. Goodnight, Levi." She says with a smile, and returned to her room with a blissful look on her face.

She began to lay herself down on her bed and her mind went to think of the things she was looking forward to.

Not only that, she had been reflecting on her behavior. To her surprising guest, who soon became a co-worker, her right-hand man. And now, she had offered him to stay here for as long as he wished.

And she granted him something he had wished for for a long time. A new home, a place to return to. But the part he and she weren't sure, was the part of who meant to be their home.

Petra's family are gone.

And so is his.

She was thinking, is it possible for that to happen? And words she remembered from her father were, something about boots. Something about her life partner wearing them.


As Levi looked at his recently repaired boots, the moonlight illuminated the dark room. He remembered the times he and his two best friends and the people whom he called family himself, would look at the stars.

He couldn't bear the thought of when he lost them to the town's guards. No, it wasn't because he left them there. They protected him. They told him to believe in them. And he did.

Even up to the end.

They were unstoppable, but even crimes they've committed and the times they have trespassed on high grounds can't be stopped either. The money they've stolen countless times, were eagerly spent.

They couldn't control themselves.

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