His Sins

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They stared at each other for awhile, before he started to speak, "Why did you follow me?" His voice was stern and it showed a hint of irritation. Petra held in a couple of breaths before taking her turn to speak.

"Levi...why're you leaving?"

He just looked down with a blank face. Then turned his attention back to her. "It's none of your business." He mumbled. "It is. It's my priority to-" "To act nosy around people like me?" Sensing the rise of argument between them, they paused and he sighed.

"Levi! Please, don't leave. You can tell me what is wrong, there is no need to run away. I would like to help."

"You can't help me."

"Why not? Is it something personal?"

"What do you think? And why're we talking here?"

"Let's talk outside. Please. I want you to tell me what made you leave."

Levi shook his head. "Petra, you should go. There is no place for me there. I appreciate the hospitality you've shown to the number of days I have stayed. But, I need to find what I need to do. This is what I decided."

She gasped.

She held his hand again, this time to soothe whatever negative feeling he had inside of him. "Tell me, have I done something wrong?" Surprised by her hand, he roughly pulled it away from her. His back now faced her and with her face holding shock.

"No. You did not,"

"Have I not given you enough? Please! Tell me!" She pleaded. Petra couldn't stop whatever's coming out of her mouth, and it definitely surprised them both. Levi continued walking to his seat when a guard started to grip the Ral woman on the arm.

"Miss, you are leaving." The guard ordered, but she struggled and swat his arm away. "Levi! Please...where are you going?" She asks. "This boat will set for France. If you wish to go with him, you will pay a certain price."

"You're going to France, why?" She questioned while walking to his seat. He doesn't answer. "You must leave now." Levi demanded, but she didn't listen. "Levi, have I done wrong? Have I provided you very little? Was your stay not enough?"

Since he was bombarded with questions, Petra didn't realize the ship was already filled up with passengers. "Please. Don't leave. I will do better." She said with her hand placed on top of his. His eyes widened.

"Petra. Leave, you've done enough for me." He says. "Levi, I have to tell you something...something I have held within me from the first time you arrived." He was listening when a guard approached the two.

"Monsieur, nous partons maintenant. Elle doit partir si elle ne veut pas partir avec vous." (Sir, we are departing now. She must leave if she isn't planning to leave with you.)

Levi then sighed and stood up. He grab a hold of Petra's arm, dragging her with him. When she was brought outside the ship with him, he gave her an annoyed glare. "You should go." He said.

"No! I...I need to tell you something!"

"Could it be more important?" He muttered angrily. "Levi...the reason for all those kindness, the times that I would smile at you and provide you everything you wanted, I did it for you."

He stopped.

"The reason why I've shown so much hospitality, to someone like you, was because..." She paused, with a blush in her cheeks. Her heart fluttered. "Levi, I- I love you. I want you to stay...I want someone to keep me company, someone I can trust wholly."

He gasped.

"You've helped me too, as I have helped you, and I can't thank you enough for that, but...I just want you to stay. My friends are busy with their lives, I don't want to go and ask them this favor,"

"But I have found out, that there can be someone like you, who can do the favor for me..."

His head faced down.

"I don't want to be alone anymore," She concluded.

"Petra, I can't." He says, and she gasped. "I don't want the same thing to happen to you..." He murmured, a sorrowful look in his eyes. Before he walked away back to the ship, Petra pulled him to her and kissed him.

The guard gave up and ordered the captain to set sail. The people looked at Petra and Levi who were still kissing. But it came to a stop when Levi pulled away. He looked her in the eyes and imagined seeing Farlan and Isabel alive.

"There is something more worthy than money, Levi." She says and his head shot up. He could also hear voices in his head, saying the same thing. Farlan and Isabel, from a distance, stared at Levi and Petra with a small smile before fading into the wind.

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