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Petra headed to the field afterwards. It was a little late compared to the other days she visited, but it was still alright, somehow. The sun unusually hid itself beneath the clouds, which turned dark.

The first thing that came to her mind, was something that she didn't want to happen.

So she immediately said her prayers, her greetings, and caressed both certain objects on the field before heading back inside to close all the windows.

At days like this, she would hurry and go to Hange to stay in one of the secret society's rooms. She had a fear of rain and storm. And it all began that day when the tragic storm hit the town.

Every time that happened, she tried to contain the fear inside her. She tried to stay strong, but even she has weak spots. And this is one of it. Petra sighed, grabbing a cup of coffee before heading up to her room alone.

Levi was cleaning the floors and everything mostly, so he didn't notice the petite woman going up to her room. A little later would he go and finish things upstairs. But he was careful not to intrude.

Yes, he may be ill-mannered. A sharp tongue at times, and considered cold to others, but he knows how to control himself. Very much likely. People think he could control whatever happens when on ground, but no.

Even he has to make tough decisions. Like from that time.

Inside her room, Petra stared at the clouds, it continued to become darker. Until she heard a low roar from the skies. Even the slightest noise from it made her tremble.

The inside of her was starting to cower in fear.

Back in that day, she and her father were out there peacefully on the field. And then out of nowhere, a big gust of wind blew her from where she's standing. The force was strong so she forced herself to stay on the ground.

But once her father carried her so they could evacuate, all she could do was cry as she took in the sight of the houses getting destroyed. The fields go along with it and the loudest booming of thunder.

The flood was too much, it drowned many people, even if many survived. She and her father were one of the survivors. Including her co-worker and her friends.

Petra still couldn't forget whatever happened that day, but she knew she will have to overcome her fear of storms and rains in order to persist. Or else, she would just end up being fearful of the next worst thing that could happen.

The strawberry-blonde looked at the window, droplets of rain pouring all over it. She sighs and sits down on her bed, sipping her coffee. Minutes later, she emptied her cup and went back down to fetch another one, but found no one.

At first she thought, she could do this on her own, without freaking out, but she was wrong. Her instincts were telling her, that the rain will get stronger any moment.

She reluctantly, turned her heel and walked in front of her father's room. The door made 3 soft knocks, but still audible through the sound of rain. The Ackerman walked and opened it.

"What do you want?" He asks.

"Levi...may I ask you one favor?"

He crossed his arms, with his eyes narrowed. "Mm." She bit her lip and squinted her eyes. "Is it alright if you accompany me downstairs?"

He frowned soon after that, "Why? Can't you go downstairs by yourself?" She shook her head. "Not when it is raining. You see, I have a...fear, with rain...and storms."

For a moment, he looked away, deciding if he really should, or if he shouldn't. But knowing, he'd have to hear her scream possibly from downstairs, which he might find irritating to hear.

And out of that reason, he agreed and went behind her going to the kitchen.

Petra stepped up a little to open the cupboard, and she stretched her arm a little further, getting a packet. She then starts with the mixing and heating. But when she heard a thunder strike, she immediately, but accidentally, hugged him a little too tight.

He winced when he felt her grip tightening. "Hey, don't squeeze me." He muttered, lightly giving her a glare. "I am so sorry Levi! I...I was just afraid..." And then the next thing she did was hug him again. He froze under her grasp.

"There. Is it much better?"

He felt warm, hugging her. Her hair smelt like peach. Her skin smelt like a flower, and her hands were soft as it touched his back. He felt himself relax suddenly. When she pulled back, she gave him an embarrassed smile.

"I am sorry for hugging you!" She says then walked back up with the coffee in hand. Levi was there alone in the kitchen, processing from whatever happened.


Another hour passed, the rain was still there, and each moment the thunder boomed, she felt like it'd grow stronger any moment. She was beginning to be worried, and not just that.

She hid herself underneath her sheets, obviously clutching onto her pillow for dear life if another roar from the skies is heard. Her legs were shaking in fear, her eyes struck in fear as well.

She tried to rest and wake up to see the sun again, but no, it would still be raining and due to the fact that it would wake her up terribly.

Petra refused to get off her bed to get something she needed. Like her coffee. She misplaced it on the wooden desk earlier, thinking that the rain died down, but no, it went to an uprising 30 minutes ago.

And so, she just trembled and cried silently whenever the thunder boomed. From the sound, it felt like it would make an impact on the rooftop, even though it won't happen.

She was worrying.

And trying to satisfy herself with other things in her head weren't working. So she headed out again, knocked on his door and he answered it. "What?" He frowned.

"L-Levi...can I ask you another favor? I promise, this will be the last."

"What is it,"

"Is it alright if you stay with me in my room? I...I'm scared."

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