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He just stood there, unmoved.

Petra looked at him shyly, with a light blush forming on her cheeks. Her hands were behind her back, fingers fiddling with each other nervously. Levi just looked down to the ground.

The last time a person asked him to stay in their room for company was when they had their last gathering as friends. It was his sister-like friend, who seemed nothing more than family to him.

Isabel would call her brother-like friend Levi due to the fact that Farlan and her don't really get along. And despite the fact they struggled together, rivaled each other, she still loves and cares for him.

But the only thing is, she's just shy and a little afraid to call Farlan.

The thought of this memory made Levi space out. With Petra waiting for his answer patiently. But 3 minutes later, she had given up. "It's alright, I shall try to rest on my own. I'm sorry for asking too much."

As if he had woken up from a sleep, his head shot up from his thoughts. Levi watched as Petra walked helplessly back into her room, clearly frightened. He didn't know why, but trying to be there for her was another step of losing something precious.

He wouldn't want to go through that again.

Not after he found his family - Farlan Church and Isabel Magnolia. They weren't only his best friends. Altogether, they have struggled, lived their life on the streets as thugs who had no other intention than survive and give hope to those in need.

He lost both of them to corruption.

And the fact that he was faced with a tough decision. Sure they told him to save what they had, but he wanted to do both. Let his family live with what they have.

Even some things can't be controlled.

He started having second thoughts 4 days after he started working for Petra. And it involved his future. He was asking himself, is he willing to throw away everything they've worked for? Is he willing to let it all go just like that?

He wouldn't want to disappoint them.

Not after everything.

Levi lowly sighed and went back to his room to contemplate. Sometimes even he thought he made the wrong decision, but there was nothing wrong with giving the easy way a try.

He wanted to take a break from unnecessary deaths. All for his personal satisfaction.

He wouldn't want to get caught and end up facing death because of his crimes. Part of his life needed him to lay low and keep a low profile in order to conceal what he really did.

But it doesn't mean no one will find out. And he won't let Petra find out anytime soon.

As the rain pours violently on the windows, he sat on the bed, arms resting on his lap while he held an emotional expression on his face. Levi continued to think of what he needed to do next.

It's time to make decisions whether he'd like it or not.


With tears falling down from her face, she held the painting slightly to her chest. "Oh papa...I wish you were here..." She said with a broken whisper. Her hair covered her face due to her head facing down.

She hears the roaring thunder, which caused her to whimper, letting out tears of fear. A gasp escaped from her mouth once she noticed that the tears were staining the small portrait. Quickly, she wiped them away and hugged it.

She was hoping the tree would still be standing. She would be devastated if it weren't. Other than that, she made herself feel ashamed for asking her co-worker to stay with her.

But she understands, it was too much to ask.


4 months have passed, Levi still had to think of what he needed to do. Everyday, he felt like that behind his back, his friends were watching him. Telling him that he needed to go back to the usual.

But he can't hear them still.

His mind was too clouded with decisions that it had been interfering with his work. He had ignored his boss for more than a week. They only happen to share eye contact when needed. Some hand gestures and monotonous greetings.

Petra made her stop to the secret society. Hange had favored her to assist with Eren and Mikasa's training. Armin was still behind, but was eagerly catching up as Jean and Annie had been helping him.

Eren landed a few good punches with Petra blocking it easily. Though he never got to hit her, his punch almost broke her defense due to the hardness and the force he put through his fists.

"You're doing great. Remember, it's not about how hard you hit. It's how you hit. If you get it right, not even them can counter that." She told him and he nodded. It was his last turn and Mikasa came in next.

This became a bit of a challenge for her. One, because she herself landed more than one great punches. Two, her kicks have managed to sneak through her defense. And three, Mikasa trained herself to protect Eren.

But even she knows that Eren strives to protect her as well. It may have been the reason for his anger towards her. She knew Eren had his ways of expressing his affection towards her. And unfortunately, it was through anger. Which she completely understands.

Petra and Mikasa have their spar. Always flawless and strong as ever. Petra thought that even Mikasa beats her in strength. Kid shows prodigious talent in her.

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