Chapter 3

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A/N: Hello! TheGirlBehindTheMask speaking! Just some quick announcements;

1) I will try to post twice a week, which means eight times a month, once over the weekend and the other sometime middle week with a word count of around 1000 words each

2) Whenever I wrap "--" around a section of text it signals that I, the author, am stepping out of the role of narrator and talking directly to you, the audience. For example:

story. --author talking-- story continuing.

So if the story doesn't make sense you just read the stuff before and after I finish my little fourth wall break and the story should still flow. If this doesn't make any sense, it hopefully will later in the chapter when I actually do this.

And 3) To whoever's reading this, thank you for that.

Thanks for reading! Please enjoy!


When Lance had left home earlier that day to catch a few waves, he hadn't expected to end up here-in an unfamiliar house with the cutest darn stranger he'd ever met. Sure he had to go through 45 stitches to do so, waking up to the adorable mullet head made everything worth it.

After they had introduced themselves, Lance explained to Keith that his family was currently out of town visiting family and would be gone for a few weeks until Lance joined them after finishing up school. It was quickly decided that Lance should therefore stay with Keith for a little while, at least until his injury was mostly healed and Keith was sure he wouldn't end up killing himself somehow. And now, after five bowls of microwave mac n cheese-what!? They're growing boys!-four pepsi and an unhealthy amount of terrible jokes, Keith and Lance were already having their first argument.

"You should take the bed, you need the sleep more than I do."

"No, I can't do that. Its your bed, your house, and I don't want to bother you more than I already have."

"You're not bothering me!"

"My point exactly."


"See, you can't get past my killer logic."

"Lance, please just get in."

"I will not."

"Yes you will."


"Get in the bed"

"Whoa their cowboy, you've got to take me on a date first."

"What? Wait...LANCE!"



"You know you're starting to sound like my mother."

It seems Keith didn't appreciate Lances comment because before he knows it, he's being hauled over someone's shoulder like a sack of potatoes. He didn't mean anything mean by it. Lance's mother is a wonderful person that he sees as an amazing role model. Yes she can get mad sometimes, but Lance always know that she has her children's best interests at heart.

Lance lands with an omph on Keith's bed, his head barely avoiding the bed's wooden backboard as it arcs down and onto the white, stereotypical pillow adorning the mattress along with a thick black comforter.

"Now stay," Keith commands sternly before turning back towards the door. Right as he does, Lance sits back up and moves to get off the bed. But before he can, Keith turns back, catching him mid move. Keith's eyes narrow, his mouth forming into a thin line. Lance is quick to sink back into the mattress, the look being sent his way all to similar to the one of his mother before a stern scolding. Keith nods, satisfied with the situation and once again makes his way towards the door, but Lance doesn't give up that easily. Nope, never.

Lance prides himself with what he calls his level of persistence, known to others as straight up stubbornness, or simply annoying resilience. Therefore, Lance cant stop himself from once again sitting up while Keith's back is turned, though he should of. Lance finds himself regretting his action the moment Keith turns around again. This time Lance doesn't know what to relate the expression to other than a volcano ready to explode. Lance braces himself, having been with Keith long enough to know he never wants to feel Keith's wrath, but is surprised when Keith in fact does not spew lava in his face.

With a stunned expression, Lance watches as Keith lets out a long sigh and makes his way back to the bed before motioning Lance to move over. Lance obliges, curious to where this is going. Keith lowers himself fully onto the bed and pulls the comforter over Lance and himself before letting his head drop to the pillow. Still slightly puzzled to whats happening, Lance watches on in silence as Keith reaches over and turns the bedside lamp off, plunging to room into darkness.

"Good night," Keith says, breaking his strike of silence. Wait, Keith...good night...lights off. Keith plans to sleep in the same bed as Lance. As in, together. In one bed. Confined to a four by seven rectangle. All night.

--Did Lance mention the 'together' part? Just making sure. Oh, and did Lance say anything about 'in one bed' part? Good, good. What about the 'all night' thing? Okay, okay, I get it. Yeash, just making sure you to stress how bad the situation is for Lance, who, by the way, might have small thing for guys. Okay, maybe a big thing. Ha ha! Get it, bi? Cause he's bisexual? No? Never mind. You guys have no sense of humor. Guess it's time to get back to Lance, who by the way, is still trying to wrap his mind around the whole 'spending the night together in one bed' thing.--



    This has got to be the biggest mistake of Keith's life. No kidding. The time he was five and slipped on the ice and ended up spraining his wrist because he refused to walk around the patch of ice wasn't as bad as this. Nothing, no mix up, no mishap, could ever be any worse than this one right here. The one that landed Keith in the same bed as Lance McClain.

    Why did he always have to be so stupid!? Crawling into bed with a stranger, an attractive one at that, knowing full well that he, himself, is gay! Though the fact had gotten him kicked out of more foster homes than he could count, he'd come to terms with it a long time ago. He liked guys, simple as that. He had lived happily knowing that he had finally accepted who he was, but he never actually found someone who'd piked his interest, which is probably connected to the fact that he never actually met any boys his age, having lived in a secluded cabin with bare minimum human contact for nearly two years. And now here he was; condemning himself to a full night in the same bed as first boy he'd seen in ages.

What had he been thinking? Keith reasoned that he had been really tired and just really wanted to go to sleep. But somewhere in the back of his mind, the truth bites.

No matter how hard he tried, Keith couldn't push it from his mind. How inviting the bed had seemed. How he had yearned to crawl into it. How his face had reddened like a tomato after Lance's date reference, and how badly he had wanted to get into the bed, but not because he was tired, because Lance was in it.

But that's crazy. Keith must be going insane. He just met Lance, its not like he could already have feelings for him.



See ya again mid-week!-TheGirlBehindTheMask

Word count: 1260

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