Chapter 4

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Lance has always loved the sound of the ocean in the morning. It somehow felt different than listening to it at any other time of day. For some reason the lapping of small waves against soft sand just felt more mesmerizing during the hours following dawn than those leading up to dusk. Dont misinterpret Lances opinion, the numerous sounds that came with the beach always created a beautiful song, but in the morning, the beach is an orchestra. Every wave, every bird, an instrument. And when they play, they play as a whole, weaving a majestic hymn like none other, one fit for any king.

But for every ounce of love he held for the ocean, he had a responsibility to uphold. Ever since Lances dad had up and left Lances mother with their children to take care of by herself, he had had less and less chances to escape to the place he loved so much. His mother tried her best, but with a nine children to take care of, it quickly became a burden to both care for her kids and hold a job, so Lance decided it was time to do what he did best, help others selflessly.

Lance started looking after the younger kids, dropping them off at school in the morning and picking them up in the afternoon, not caring that he usually ended up coming to school late because of it. During the summers he worked a job at a local yogurt stand, ignoring the jokes and fingers sent his way from classmates. He gave up all his free time, and most of his supposedly booked time, to help his family. But Lance is okay because his mother is finally smiling again.

So when Lance woke up to the song of the ocean, having not heard it in way too long, he smiled. Taking it as a sign that today would be a good one.

Boy was he wrong.

The first sign of his mistake in judgement occurred immediately upon the opening of his eyes. They were immediately filled with the sight of another pair, this one a deep, mesmerizing color that shone purple in the light and sent tingling sensations down his back and pushed the air from his lungs in a surprised gasp. But that is not the sign. No, its what follows this event that is.

As soon as their eyes meet, the other pair of eyes pulls away, far away. So far, that the person they belong to rolls right over the edge of the bed, landing with a thump on against the hardwood floor. Lance springs upward quickly and leans over the edge of the bed, peering down on the still half asleep Keith and says the first thing that comes to mind;

"Falling for me already, I see." Once again, Lance didn't mean to offend anybody, his brain was just hardwired to flirt, but Keith didn't seem to think so. Before Lance can blink a fist is connecting with the side of his jaw. The surprise sends him off keeter and he falls flat against the hardwood floor next to Keith.

"Whaaa taa heth maaann." Lance tries to scold Keith but only achieves a few mangled letters. He pokes at the area cautiously, testing if its broken, only to hiss in pain when he discovers a nasty bruise growing along his jaw line instead.

"I'll go get some ice," Keith says, ignoring Lances question. Lance watches as Keith's back as it disappears through the bedroom door before reaching up to hover his fingers above his bruise. Even now it still hurts.

That Keith boy got some muscle.


Keith sits quietly on the sofa, Lance next to him with a bag of ice pressed against his jaw. Every once in awhile Lance will winch and bring the bag away from his face before bringing it back, but other than that the room is still.

"I'm sorry I hit you." Keith barely looks up.

"Its fine, really. I shouldn't have said that stuff in the first place." Keith smiles at Lances attempt at gentlemanly-ness.

"Hows your jaw?" Lance removes the ice from his jaw and opens and closes his mouth a couple of times, testing it.

"Its better. Thanks for the ice."

"No problem." The conversation trials off once again, the silence hanging heavily over their heads.

"Wanna watch some TV?" Keith asks hesitantly.

"Sure," Lance answers.


Sorry its so short. I wanted to write more this week but I had two track meets and my sister had a band concert so it didn't really work out very well. Will hopefully have more next time. See ya this weekend! -TheGirlBehindTheMask

Word Count: 776

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