Chapter 13

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So I was just checking my story, all calm and everything when I saw that it suddenly had 2K VIEWS!!! And I was like AWESOME!!! WOOO WHOOO and all and then I checked again X days later and it BAM. IT HAD 3K VIEWS!!!!!



Computing error. Can. Not. Processsss.
*hiss* *beep* *alarm* *explosion* *death* *steal resurrection stone from the grave* *revive thy self* *back to life* *continues bombarding my readers with useless rambling*

I didn't even know this story was that good and

Thanketh you, my readers, for maketh me feel goodth abouth me story!

In other, more comprehensible words;

Thanks y'all 🤠

(Make sure to read with really fake cowboy accent)

Also, I'm actually really sorry that I haven't updated in forever.

Trust me, as a fellow Wattpad reader, I know what it feels like.

Soooo, without further ado, CHAPTER 13;

Wait, forgot something. I kinda went over the top with swearing at the end sooo, sorry for the Shiros out there.

Now, without any, and I promise no more, ado, CHAPTER 13;


"So what you're trying to tell us is that our world is just one of hundreds of dimensions?" Keith asks, receiving a tired nod in reply. Keith, Allura and Shiro been going at this for ten minutes now. Pidge and Hunk were off goggling at the Altean technology, and Lance was facing off with that weird orange haired man with the even weirder name.

--Like seriously, who would ever name their child Coran Hieronymus Wimbleton Smythe? My tongue twists just reading it! And who would actually admit to it being their name? Weird orange haired men with even weirder names, it turns out.--

"I would have totally beat you," Keith overhears Lance say cockily. Though it's hard to tell seeing as he's just naturally cocky.

"Na-awwww," Coran Heer-on-ie-mus Wim-b-- I give up! How are you possibly supposed to say that!--disagrees, reminding Keith of a five year old. "Not if I came at you like this!" The man begins waving his hands around in in the air randomly. He steps back, catching his boot heel on the steps as he goes, resulting in Keith's second groaning man on the floor this week. That must be a new record.... Lance erupts in laughter, barely able stand. Even after his fit fades away a smile remains spread across his lips. Corran finally finds his footing and stands up with a huff, only leading Lance to more laughter. Keith can't help but smile watching them. Lance's smile is still as beautiful as the first time he saw it. And his eyes, the way they light up just sends tingles up his spine and makes him want to run right over and kiss Lance to his heart's content.

Wait what....he seriously did not just think that. This whole finding-an-alien-castle-and-meeting-magic-strangers-who-attacked-us-but-now-want-our-help-finding-some-amulets-that-supposedly-contain-lion-spirits thing is just messing with his mind. That's it...yeah....

The princess's voice rips Keith from his thoughts.

"Yes," Allura says, repeating the same thing she had just two minutes ago. "And Zarkon has gained control over most of these. We must find Voltron!" The words once again have an odd effect on Shiro. Keith can visibly see him tensing at the name 'Zarkon'. And his eyes... they're distant and it's easy to tell that his mind isn't entirely focused on the present, but instead upon events of the past.

This state of mind, a limbo between then, whenever that is, and now, is a familiar one to Keith, and he had seen it on Shiro's face before. A few summers ago when a roach infestation sent Keith packing(his one true fear is bugs. And clowns. But who isn't afraid of them? Those white faces and red noses.... *shiver*). He found refuge at a nearby summer camp, where Shiro was consequently working as a counselor, and spent his days hidden in his cabin while avoiding all human contact. The flu worked quite well for that. A couple broken thermometers, a few flushed cheeks, and numerous buckets of canned soup and Keith was left to himself for the majority of the summer, but Shiro, he knew. Keith even knew Shiro knew, but he never said a thing. Things carried on smoothly for the entirety of the summer. Every day Shiro would drop by, check if he was up for camp activities--the answer was always 'no'-- and leave after chatting for a bit. Keith still wonders to this day why he never told on him...

"Princ--" Shiro begins, having pulled himself from the void that had befallen him, and in the process also pulling Keith from his own thoughts.

"Please," Princess Alllura interrupts, "call me Allura." Shiro nods in acknowledgment, a small smile present on his face.

"Allura, we want to help you. Where are the amulets as of now?" Allura sighs in relief, thanking the kings and queens before her that they were willing to help. She turns and meets eyes with Coran, who immediately receives her message and scurries over to a control panel of sorts currently being drooled over by Pidge.

"Hey!" Lance protests, having been left mid-fake karate fight, and moves to follow the orange haired man, but is interrupted when a loud sound alerting that the machine had turned on spits through the silence. An audible squeak escapes the tall boy's lips and he instinctively jumps. And of course ends of tumbling right over the edge of the stairs. Lance squeezes his eyes closed, waiting to meet the ground, but it never comes. Instead he's encircled by a strong pair of arms. Lean but muscular, they catch him from his doomed descent and lift him bridal style to a warm chest. The noise quickly subsides and Lance dares to peel his eyes open only to meet the gaze of Keith Fricking Kogane. Of course. The cheeky bastard even has the nerve to smile with those beautiful, red lips....

Lance's mouth gapes open, searching for a line, a word, anything.

"Close your mouth, you'll catch flies," Keith jokes, zapping Lance back to reality. Lance huffs in response. In a swift move Lance sits up and wraps his arms around the bewildered boys necks before bringing his lips to his ear. Each warm breath sends shivers down Keith neck and he can barely stop his arms from shaking.

"The only thing I'm looking to catch is you," Lance whispers, smirking as Keith squirms. And with that he tips backwards and moves from his position in Keith's arms into a back handspring, landing flawlessly by Keith's side. Lance chuckles lowly at Keith's paralyzed state then turns, swaying his hips as he makes his way to a grinning Pidge's side. Heat rushes to his face and a deep blush overcomes Keith.







But nevertheless, Keith was still falling hard for that cocky, flexible, flirtatious, little, b****rd.

Why does the world hate him so fucking much?


Phew. There it is guys. I need sleep now. Byeeeeee.


Word count; 1151 words

BTW; word count includes author notes so that explains why the chapter is short but the word count is big

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