I was tagged...?

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So earlier today I was tagged by TransgenderAndProud. Thanks for that. I've actually never been tagged before, surprise!

So... I guess I'll just answer the questions and annoy you guys by posting it in this story?

Okay. Here I Go!

1. Do you have a crush?
Why yes I do you nosy little bugs

2. Middle name?
Carolina. Not like South Car-oo-line. It's Caro-lean-a. Got it? Good. Moving on...

3. Height?
5' 8" Yes. I know. I'm tall.

4. Shoe size?
Hm. This one is actually kinda embarrassing. I have REALLY big feet. Like size Ten and a half big...

5. Last time you cried?
Wow. Getting all personal aren't we? Probably... a couple days a ago.

6. Biggest fear?
This is going to sound like really weird but I'm scared of paper towels. The rough feeling of it reminds me of sand paper and the idea of using it as a napkin and having sand paper near my mouth just... *shivers* I just can't.

7. Last song you listened to?
How to save a life by The Fray. AWESOME SONG BY THE WAY.

8. Last person I texted?
It was my crush actually. Yep. I know. I'm such a lady's woman *wink*

9. Favorite app?
As of now, Spotify. But don't worry, I promise Wattpad is just below it in my second favorite add slot.

Okay. This has been...a bit funner than expected. A bit. But I like this next part! I get to inflict this upon twenty of y'all. He he he. Okay, who shall I chose... how about...

FoxYaYu 1sup21 CoolMeowCat london_soccer WillOnCyper ImGoinToHellForThis PaladinOfVoltron BlurryFacePsycho _FunkyandFunIris_ Bandit3219 Fangirl7099 angel-of-the-gays SunhineGem porkcutletbowl_ cupcake4451519 MakennaShores2 Yanderegirl95 Resuri-chan FantasyHalfa JimMoriartyWasReal Selection_stories Ellayesay

Whew. That was a lot of typing. Well there it is. Gooooooddddd Byyyyyeeeee.

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