Chapter 20

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So.... it's been like two years. I'm terribly sorry, but, I'm back! Hopefully for a while. I have a lot of time on my hands right now, seeing as my school was canceled so I decided it was time to continue this story because I don't want to be one of those authors whose stories I read and am sad to see they never ended it. 

Some changes to note; I went through and edited the story lightly for misspellings, and also changed some things like the censoring of swear words, and also changed Keith's age to 17, making Lance 16, and so forth. I did this mostly because I'm older now and feel silly writing characters so much younger than me... also I swear so often it would be funny to censor myself in my writing. Another note, my writing style has change, slightly. I still like making jokes and so forth but I don't know if I'm going to be able to keep up the same amount of silliness and tone that I had before. High school changes you...

Once upon a time in a galaxy far far away Keith had a somewhat normal life void of life threatening dimensional travel and sacrificial idiots. Apparently that all changed the moment he meet Lance, cause if he really thinks about it Lance is the only reason he's there in the first place. It was Lance that lead him to the cave and found the first amulet, accidentally teleported them all to Altea, lead them through the castle to Ms. Alien Princess, fought with said princess, activated the portal to this dimension of sand and rock, literally ran into an enemy, and to top it off, fell down a cliff face to fight a flock of cats while waiting for his friend to find a lost glowing necklace. Is it just Keith or has everything dramatic that's happened in the last couple of days happened because of Lance? It's almost as if he's one of the main characters in an overly dramatic fanfiction.

... *cricket noises*

But seeing as this was definitely real life, and currently that real life was going to shit, Keith pushes the thought to the back of his mind and decides to do something about it.

It being the fact that his boy crush was currently being surrounded by a squad of murderous feline creatures armed only with a rock. 

Keith clenches his fists to keep his hands steady as he watches from above. He knows that throwing himself down the hill will draw attention, but he'll be so dazed by the time he reaches the bottom that the soldiers will easily overwhelm him, and than Lance. He rakes the ground around him will his eyes, stopping only to focus on a glint of metal peeking out from the side of a rock. Keith glances once more at the scene down below before running around to see what it is, and quickly discovering that it was a shield. He doesn't think long about whose it was - probably the soldier's who had been stationed there earlier - before picking it up and setting it on the ground near the edge of the valley. 

He hesitates for a moment, wondering if it was strong enough, but than a shoot goes off down below, and he pushes himself off without a second thought, riding the shield down the hill and using his heel to stir towards Lance and hoping he'll get there in time.


The danger of the situation sunk into Lance when the first laser hit near his face. The soldiers were better at aiming than he'd wished, and his amulet was being as stubborn as, well, him. Lance stumbled backwards, fear making his feet numb. He has half a mind to run after Hunk into the cave, but than he remembers they actually had a plan, and he should actually stick to it. Lance ducks behind an outcropping of rocks as more lasers shoot past him, cringing when one blows apart the edge of his hiding place. 

He sends a look around the side to make sure the soldiers were still a few feet away before turning his glare to the amulet around his neck.

"Why won't you work!?" He whisper-yells at it.

The amulet doesn't respond, and he feels not tug of power whatsoever. 

Lance groans. "Of course the one time I do something truly heroic I end up dying while talking to a necklace." 

Another laser hits the rock behind him, but this time Lance's tension loosens rather than builds. 

"Time to face my judgment, huh?" The gem stays silent, and Lance sighs. He really thought he was going to be a hero, thought he'd save the day. I guess not, he thinks to himself. 

Lance reaches out to collect a handful of rocks and uses his shirt to hold them like a pouch. He glances at the unresponsive amulet one last time before standing fully. 

"Blaze of glory time," he says to himself before charging out, a rock in his hand ready to throw. The rock doesn't leave his hand before he feels a laser burn it's way into his forearm, but he keeps going. Unfortunately, or fortunately, fate(or physics I suppose) had other plans, and before he knows it Lance is literally swept off his feet by a shield riding mullet head, the momentum sending them both back a few feet and scaring the shit out of the purple aliens -- think about it; these weird aliens with suicidal tendencies come to raid you, and all you want to do is make a living for pete's sake. Like really, send these kids to therapy and let me do my job --  giving them enough time for the two angsty gay teens to snuggle up behind the shield. 

"Keith!" Lance remarks, grinning. Keith doesn't look so happy.

"Lance. You're an idiot," Keith replies, glancing around the shield to see the solider's coming back together, guns raised.

"Me?! You just sled into a gun fight."

"At least I wasn't being a rock-wielding, sacrificial, IDIOT," Keith fumes. Yes, he'd been going verY fast down that hill, but he'd still seen what happened. Watching Lance walk out from his hiding place only to throw rocks at armed aliens made his heart beat in all the wrong ways. 

"I'm confused. You're mad?" Lance squints at Keith's expression, gasping when he realizes. "Oh, you're worried! About me! How adorable." Lance smiles and laughs. "Don't worry just got shoot once."

"I'm not worrie- YOU GOT SHOT?!" Keith rips his eyes away from the soldiers now approaching them and their shield to run his gaze over Lance. Once he decided the other boy wasn't in risk of dying he let up. "We're talking about this later-"

"Ok, MOM," Lance says, rolling his eyes.

"But right now, we have bigger problems." Keith continues, having not heard Lance over the sight of the soldiers raising their guns in unison, and the shock of the first laser to rattle their shield. 

Lance gulps as the gun fire increases. "You might be right." He looks back, hoping for a glimpse of Hunk but finding only back cave. If that's not a bad omen I don't know what is. 


Wow! First chapter in a while! I know it sounds a little different style wise, but I hope you guys enjoy the story! I'll hopefully be posting again soon.

Stay healthy!


Word Count: 1237

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