Chapter 16

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On another note, I hope you like Hunk cause I realized I haven't given him enough POV representation so wala-- our favorite cinnamon roll.


Hunk loves food. He also loves cooking and big hugs and warm beds and...most things actually. But their are still things that he hates. Like not cooking and not giving big hugs and not warm beds. Or at least that's what he hated before.  Before he was sent to a different dimension and all that his life seemed so simple, the hardest task being what to make for dinner. But now, with his life, and the universe's future at risk, it's easy to discern numerous things he hates. For example, being whisked to a different dimension. Or, another example, hiking across two miles of mountains to get to a portal.

To paraphrase, Hunk's entire world was sent spinning the second they entered that cave, and he didn't like it.




Especially the whole "climbing a mountain range" thing.

With a grunt Hunk raises himself up the final foot of mountain, and with the grace of a pirate, flops down on the ground. It's been too long since I've taken a nap, he thinks to himself as a wave of exhaustion hits him. For a second he lets himself just lay there, pushing the bickering voices of Keith and Lance from his mind and focusing on the grass beneath him.

At least he thinks it's grass. It has soft blades likes grass, that bend under the weight of his hand, and the tips are dull as well. But there's something off about them, they don't feel like the grass Hunk's accustomed to. The plant feels plump, almost as if there's some sort of liquid inside....almost as if he could just squeeze and it would....

Hunk's hold unconsciously strengthens, and with a quick snap the skin of the plant breaks and the thick liquid is quick to escape. As is Lance's shriek.

With a jerk Hunk jumps into a sitting position to find a syrupy orange substance slowly dripping down the majority of Lance's arm.


"EEEEEKKKKKK," Lance screams again, just incase no one heard him the first time, and precedes to jump up and down. "THERE'S SOMETHING ON MY ARM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SOMEONE GET IT OFFFFFFFF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

"Lance! Calm down," Keith tugs on Lance's non-slimed arm and he quiets to a slow bob.


"No buts," Keith interrupts whatever exaggerated complaint that Lance was about the curse their ears with.

Lance crunches his eyebrows together before swiveling his head to look at something behind Keith's back. "Are you sure?"

"Hmm?" Keith hums in confusion.

"Are you sure there's no buts?" Lance leans forward slightly, "Cause you've got one fine a-"

"Lance," Hunk interrupts tiredly, successfully cutting off whatever a-word he was about the say. Probably something like 'agenda'..... Or maybe 'amplifier'.....No, he was definitely going to say 'anaconda'.... ;D "Slime, remember?"

"Right! Thanks for reminding me." Lance nods in appreciation and turns back to his original position before continuing his shrieking abruptly. "SOMEBODY SAVE MEEEEE!!!!!!!!!! IT'S GOING TO KILLLLL ME!!!!!!! OR EVEN WORSE, RUIN MY PERFECT COMPLEXION!!!!!!"

Keith rolls his eyes once again, this time going for a double round. How annoying can this guy get? Even so, he immediately goes to Lance's aid.



"Lance sta-"




"SHUT UP WON'T YOU." Lance's mouth snaps shut. "That's better," Keith mumbles under a sigh.

Without complaint Keith helps Lance to  remove the foreign goo-with the aid of some other foreign object, hopefully a leaf-to Lance's satisfaction- meaning an intense ten minute scrub that only halted once every skin cell that could have been touched was brutally murdered.

"There." Keith looks up from Lances forearm. "Better now?"

Lance nods softly, unable to meet the boys eyes. No one's ever wiped weird alien slime off of me before....

"Lance?" Keith leans forward, trying to catch his gaze. "Whats wrong? Did it finally reach your brain?"

Lance rolls his eyes, sniffling a chuckle. Why am I laughing? Lance scolds himself. It wasn't even that funny. "No."

"Are you sure? You were using a lot of adjectives earlier. Didn't think your vocabulary went that far," Keith taunts.

"Hey!" Lance takes the bait and finally raises his head. "I know lots of fancy words."

"Like what?" Keith smirks as Lance furrows his eyebrows.

"Like...." Lance pauses a second as he searches for a suitable answer, and grins once he does. "Copulation."

"What?" Keith questions, and Lance's eyes widen. He doesn't know....

"You know... copulation."

Keith exhales heavily. "That's not even a real word is it?"

"No, it is!" Lance scrambles for a way to explain, but his brain seems to have lost all function.

"Fine then." Keith turns to Hunk, who had been snacking on a few crackers he'd found in his pocket for the last two scenes cause the author doesn't have any other explanations. "Is 'copulation' a word?"

It takes more than a few coughs for Hunk to dislodge the cracker he'd swallowed in surprise. "Why are you talking abou-" He pauses halfway through, his thoughts bringing a blush to his cheeks. "Are you guys-"

"IT'S NOT A WORD," Lance jumps up and stops Hunk mid-question, nearly blue faced with panic. "I was lying."

Keith scoffs."Of course." Then lower he mumbles, "copulation, sounded weird." He turns back to them and continues, "we should probably get going then." Lance nods shakily, silently thanking any god listening for getting out of that without completely embarrassing himself. After sending Hunk a look saying "don't you dare say anything", Lance follows after Keith and tries to calm his mind.

"Why were you guys getting all worked up anyway? It's not like we were talking about something inappropriate or something," Keith asks to no one in particular as he begins their trek up the last mountain. Lance and Hunk share a brief look before scrambling to follow.

Keith never does get an answer

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Just in case you were really confused look up the definition of copulation--cause I'm too lazy to type it in myself--and you'll get it


Word Count: 971

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