Chapter 9

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Wow, more than 400 views! I'm so surprised! Thank you to all of my readers for bearing with me :)

Lance has always been one to do things without thinking. Hunk knows it, Pidge knows it, Keith knows it. Heck, even Shiro knows it and he met him less than an hour ago. So when Lance approaches the just awoken, dazed, non human, possibly hostile, feminine stranger, the group is generally unsurprised.

"Who are you? Where am I? Where's King Alfor? What are you doing in my castle?" The woman's questions spill out in rabbit fire, her eyes now wide open. There's something in her eyes, something clouding the bright blue orbs that Lance knows much too well- panic.

"I'm Lance and-" Before Lance can finish whatever impromptu flirt had arose in his mind(-as a way to calm the woman, of course. Not because Lance though she was pretty or anything, no-), a loud voice fills the room.

"Princess!" Before Lance knows it, his feet leave the ground as he flies across the room and crashes right into...Keith. Of course it just had to be Keith who saved him from cracking his skull against a wall.

Why does the world have to be so unfair?

By the time Lance realized that there was no known answer to his question, Keith had helped him to his feet gingerly and was now shaking him to heaven and back.


"Laaaaanccce." Pidge decided to join in the effort of reviving Lance.

"Usually it takes more on my part to get someone calling my name like that." Lance winked at Pidge. Keith drops his concerned look, along with Lance, pretty quickly after that.

"Yep, he's fine." Keith and Pidge walked over to stand beside Shiro and a hyperventilating Hunk.

"D-did you see that? He just shot o-orange stuff from his hands! We're going to die! They're going to kill us! I never got to say goodbye to my mom! I-" Hunk's panic attack mumbles come to a close when yet another blast of, whatever it is, hits right in between him and Shiro before exploding, sending both off their feet and skidding across the floor. Shiro is quick to jump back up. Hunk, no so much.

"Hey!" Lance yells, simultaneously jumping up from his position on the floor and gaining the two strangers attention in one movement. "You can mess with me, but you can't mess with my friends."

Keith snickers at Lance's 'action movie hero voice'; unfortunately, it turns out Lance has very good hearing. He turns so fast, Keith swears if Lance doesn't have whiplash, there is something seriously wrong with that guy.

Keith watches as Lance opens his mouth, probably readying a snappy retort, but Keith doesn't dwell on that long. No, he's a little too focused on the giant surge of purple energy flying straight towards Lance's back, who has yet to notice. Without needing to think, a panicked yell escapes his mouth. Lance whips back around and his eyes dilate in fear. It's coming right towards him.

There's no way he can stop it. He's going to die and he never said goodbye to his mom. He's even starting to sound like Hunk!

The team watches from their places around the room, unable to help, their mouths open in silent yells.

Keith lunges forward. Maybe he can make it, maybe he can push Lance out of the way. Maybe...

Keith's eyelids fall closed. Lance is the only thing running through his mind. He knows they just met a couple days ago but... he can't stop his heart from clenching at the thought of Lance getting hurt, the thought of Lance being in pain, the thought of being without him.

Hunk has risen from his position sprawled across the floor by now. His back shoots with pain with every move, but that's the least of his worries as of right now. His breathing has grown to an alarming speed and he can feel a full blown panic attack coming on. Lance, his best friend in the entire world, is standing just ten feet away, about to blasted by a beam of god-knows-what and he can't help him.

Pidge-smart, sarcastic, part time hacker, full time prankster, Pidge-is fighting tears. Lance has always been there for her, and now that he needs her, she can't even do anything. All she can do is slap her hands over her glasses and stand there, wishing that none of this had ever happened, that they were running around town playing pranks like every other day.

Shiro, the unproclaimed leader of the group, has found himself at a lost. He never planned any of this. He was just going to investigate a silly blue light that some drunken idiot probably hallucinated but instead he ended up here, in a strange castle, with strange people, shooting strange beams of light feeling like they feel strangely familiar to he'd seen them in a dream...

But that doesn't matter right now.

The purple light has almost reached Lance now. The sharp crackle of  energy cutting through air fills his ears. He can feel it's heat on the flesh of his cheeks, and the deep lilac hue is all he can see.

Oh how he wishes he'd learned to think when he had the chance.


There it is! What ya think? Sorry that I kind of went a little over dramatic at the end, I was just in a very over dramatic mode. Probably should have saved it for an actual battle scene. Whoops :b -GirlBehindTheMask

Word count: 914

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