Chapter 18

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—Heyo! The guy everyone assumes is just dead but still expect to write more(aka the author) here! Just wanted to make sure to congratulates mysel- I mean all y'all....-for getting this far! I'd get y'all some gifts or somethin but then I remembered!

Wait.... what did I remember?

Oh right!

You suc- nope. Not that. That's the reason for the other thing.

It was more like something along the lines of....

Wait! Got it. I remember it clearly now. The reason I decided not to give you guys something is simple.

I'm an writer, y'all think I have the money for that?!

Y'all are crazy, can't believe you even brought it up. And even after you haven't even figured out what the bush is!? Absolutely ridiculous.


Well to be fair I don't even have an exact idea of what the bush is either.... so I guess we're both gonna find out right about... now.

When Lance was younger and not hiking across alien planets, he would visit his Abuela every weekend. Her house was petite, much like the woman herself. It was yellow, with a red door and black window shutters, the entire color scheme was both horrid and welcoming at the same time. He couldn't count the number of times he ran up her front steps for her to emerge at his knock and lead him across the stone steps lining her house to the garden concealed behind it. Lance didn't partially like gardening, at least not at the time, but he enjoyed it when Abuela was there.  They worked out there for hours sometimes, digging and planting and weeding while they talked and joked and laughed. Some days all they did was sit while Abuela name all the plants and their properties until Lance could identify one in a sandstorm. There were carnations and lilies and boxwoods and cabbage and hydrangeas and violets and vervain and wooly thyme and rosemary and so much more. Abuela knew so much so therefore Lance learned so much.

Unfortunately there was only so much time Abuela had to teach, and Lance's botanical education ended as Abuela did. But, Lance can now say he used her teachings at least once. Because in all the days of lectures, he had never heard of a bush such like this. In fact, Lance can definitively say that it's not a bush whatsoever.

—But then what is it? you ask. Don't ask me! I don't know either. Now shush, I'm trying to watch something here! I want to figure out what it is.

*grabs handful of popcorn*

*chews on popcorn*—

The not-bush begins to move and Lance tenses. Oh no, oh no. It's moving. Lance internally panics, meanwhile also externally panicking(he's a good multitasker). It's gonna be some monster slug!! Or maybe a hundred foot gladiator!? Lance can almost see it's face now. Wait? What if it doesn't have a face?? PLEASE DON'T STEAL MY FACE.

He can see it now, and he wish he hadn't.

It's horrid,

it's disgusting,

it's very existence sends shivers through your soul(those with one at least),

it's a terrifyingly scary

"GIANT PURPLE CAT!!!!" Lance screams at the top of his lungs. The purple figure jumps slightly, surprised at the new arrival, before settling back down to enter a staring contest with Lance in which neither dare to move.

It's seven foot statue towers over Lance, it's yellow eyes easily able to see the top of his head. But this isn't what mesmerizes Lance. Nope. He's more focused on the purple fur covering every inch of strangers body. It's thick, and reminds Lance of the carpet his younger sister bought only to be thrown away after they found a dead rat in it. He can imagine it would be soft, but he wouldn't dare reach out and touch it, not with the menacing teeth peeking out from inside its mouth.

Now that Lance has actually looked it over, the big, purple cat is everything he claimed, except the cat part. Though it's cat like ears might make it seem so from afar, or when you realize that the bush you'd been leaning on was actually an alien being, it's not; Rule #2 of the life handbook, #1 being always remember to ask for the free money after passing GO cause some people are jerks and don't remind you.

Unfortunately for Lance, he didn't read the handbook, and has therefore lost many games of monopoly.

And—almost forgot this part—is now looking down the barrel of a glowing piece of technology that looks way too much like a gun for his liking.

Without thinking, Lance jumps sideways, narrowly missing the beam of laser that blasts from it. The alien spins, repositioning it's gun at Lance and sending another blast.

Lance ducks this time, turning back to see Keith and Hunk still shaking off the fall from the portal. Are they deaf?!?!?!

Lances thoughts are cut off as another blast fires, finding place in the ground between his feet. His eyes widen. Sh*t. Now would be a good time to scream. Lance opens wide[ ;) ] letting lose a blood curdling scream that echoes throughout the entire canyon and sends his attacker stumbling in surprise. This is not what it signed up for when it chose sentry.

Lance takes his chance, jumping up from his squat and sprinting as fast as he can back to Keith and Hunk, who have finally decided to notice that he's in life threatening peril. Goodness. It's like they don't even care, or the author just couldn't find a good excuse.

—Definitely not the second one—

Keith jumps as the scream reaches his ears, shaking his head a little more to get rid of the water in his ears before focusing on the figure running towards them with shrieks flowing from their mouth. Keith would know that scream anywhere, seeing as he's heard it way too many times within the span of the last couple days. It's the scream of a bi gu- *cough* *cough* Lance.

Keith shifts to look behind Lance. What could possibly have him running that fast? Keith spots the attacker quickly, the alien's purple exterior easy to spot against the otherwise beige ground. But Keith doesn't dwell on that for long. He's a little too preoccupied with the blaster pointed at Lance's back, and the claw about to pull the trigger.


Pidge has never liked nature. She doesn't particularly hate it, she'd just rather be inside, snuggled up with her laptop than, well anything. She just... doesn't like it. As simple as that.

Unfortunately, it seems the feeling is mutual.

How does Pidge know this? you may ask. It's not like you can just go out and ask the trees if they like you or something. Or is this author crazy? You see, Pidge doesn't need to talk to them to know they don't like her, especially when they decide to fall as she's climbing a temple and send her tumbling through a hole in the steps to land right smack in the middle a basin in the center of temple.

If that isn't a sign of dislike, than Pidge has to rethink a lot of her life choices.

Starting a slow prattle towards the edge of the water, Pidge swears under her breath. She been doing that a lot lately, but it's not like it's not hard to see why. Taking a swim in mold covered water that has who-knows-what living in it isn't how she saw this day going.

A low rumble shakes the water, and Pidge pulls herself from her thoughts. She stills for a moment, and another rumble-probably more like a growl-sends shivers up her spine. She swears again, this time it echos, sending a chorus back at her. Apparently whatever creature she had crossed paths with does not appreciate her language and the growling intensifies, growing from a hum to a yell within seconds. Pidge takes this as her hint to GET OUT and starts a mad swim for the edge.

Almost there she tells herself, ignoring the paranoia beginning to set in. Only ten more strokes. Something brushes her leg and she falters. The creature takes advantage and bursts from the water in front of her. For a second Pidge is blinded, the water crashing over her and almost taking her under. But she holds above and quickly clears her sight.

Shit. Pidge takes the creature in, the hopelessness of the situation pecking at her brain. I really fudging hate trees.
Action chapter!!!!!! Finally. Another one to come. And don't get used to this long chapters!

Word Count: 1441

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