Chapter 15

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Okay okay. I have a few things to rant about before I begin.
1) How come nobody told me that season 4 comes out OCTOBER THIRTEENTH. Why, by the way, is Friday the thirteenth. I think. Can never be to sure of anything these days.

And 2) What the frick is going on!? 10K!? Is this another one of those weird famous dreams. Is Emma Watson about to walk out of my closet or something? I just can't. Thank you so much guys. Thanks for reading. Thanks for the hilarious arguments you have in my comment section, and...sorry running out of compliments here...moving on

Finally 3) I've been told that there isn't enough shipping in here. Well SORRY FRIEND(you know I'm talking to you)FOR TAKING IT SLOW AND TRYING TO THROW IN SOME REAL LIFE ELEMENTS LIKE SERIOUSLY WHO KISSES A DAY AFTER MEETING AND I STILL HAVEN'T FORGIVEN YOU FOR STEALING MY BLUEBERRIES IN FIFTH GRADE. Phew that felt good. So , back on track, WARNING; severe klance moments attempted ahead.

That's everything! Enjoy!


This whole thing-stumbling upon an unconscious boy on a beach, finding a blue glowing necklace, and accepting a quest from a strange foreign princess-has made Keith realize something. Well actually two things.

    1)This feeling of having a purpose, both exhilarating and scary at the same time, was what he had been missing from his life all this time

    And 2)he's way gayer than he thought.

    Both are evident in the flutter of Keith's chest as he reaches the top of their current climb with a sweaty Lance following grudgingly behind him.

    "How much farther?" Lance whines, coming to a stop and reaching up to run his hand through his damp locks, inadvertently tensing his biceps and- Keith! Get it together!

    "Maybe if you used your eyes you would see that it right there," Keith retorts, shaking off any thoughts about Lance and pointing off about a quarter mile into the distance where a purple glow can be seen clearly against the rocky landscape.

Lance rolls his eyes, mumbling something under his breath about "stupid keith and his stupid purple eyes." Keith merely snickers in response before turning back to the map in hand. "Hey! Who you laughing at?" Lance steps closer, looking down at the smaller boy. Keith looks up, his eyes skimming over Lance's lips before meeting his gaze.

"You of course," Keith taunts, shuffling forward slightly.

"Well, I thin-" Lance begins but never finishes, his voice replaced instead with that of Hunk, who had still been suffering up the hill for the last two questions and a flirt.

"How-humph-much-humph-farther-humph?" Hunk manages through deep breaths, nearly dropping and taking a nap right there and then. Lance rushes forward, dissovling the mood that had befallen him and Keith,  and helps Hunk finds his legs before giving him a couple pats on the back.

"Almost there buddy," Lance chants before pointing out their destination on the horizon. Hunk visibly slouches at the distance, his face falling. "But, I bet once we get back they'll be a bunch of food waiting!" Lance adds on, grinning as a smile makes it way back to Hunk's face.

    "You think so?"

    "Yeah!" Lance continues. "I bet they even have a kitchen with weird alien gadgets!"

    Hunk gasps at this, all the possibilities running through his head at rapid pace. He starts walking again, mumbling under his breath as he goes, nearly tripping as he makes his way to the next hill to conquer. Lance smiles as he leaves, and Keith can't help the smile that spreads across his own face.

"What you smiling at?" Lance asks with narrow eyes, and Keith can barely resist noticing how cute-weird, he means weird. Definitely cu-weird!- it looks.

"You're not such a bad guy, Lance." Keith regrets the words as soon as the smirk spreads across Lance's face.

"Did you just say something remotely positive about me Keith!?"

"Shut up." Keith turns away.

"I feel so honored-"

"I said shut up." Lance listens this time and follows Hunk with a grin. Keith smiles as he watches him walk away.

Maybe this won't be all that bad.

-Just to be clear, yes it is going to be that bad.

Oh, okay. Just making sure you got the whole irony thing.

Well, if I'd thought you were smart I wouldn't have started this whole thing.

Oh so now I'm the bad guy!?

    Fine! Just leave!

    *door slams*

    *soft crying*

    And  END SCENE.

    -A Summer Breakup by TheGirlBehidTheMask.

    Wow, even I didn't know where that was going. I'm tired. Okay, back to the story we go...-

    Meanwhile in some made up forest in some made up dimension(The Xeli forest if you recall Shut up), a midget and a body builder are marveling at the incredible feat of nature before them. The temple stands tall and sturdy, it's stone steps crumbling and dusty. But even more magnificent are the vines that fill it. The thick plants, unlike any on earth, wrap around the structure in a gentle way, almost hugging it. Pidge gazes up at it with only one thought in mind. What in the world was the crazy lady thinking?! Pidge had always thought of herself as a woman of technology and science, not...plants.

    "Are you ready?" Shiro snaps Pidge from her haze. She nods her head sharply, before beginning her nimble climb up the steps to find a magic green amulet in an ancient temple filled with weird plants in a foreign dimension. What could go wrong?

-Once again, everything apparently-


Hey again. Sorry that its short and sh*tty but I'm too tired for this. Also, turns out all my big klance moments that I planned are going to be in next couple chapters.

Another thing; advice please!

That's all for now, signing off.


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