Chapter 11

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Now I feel like I'm letting y'all down with this sh*ty chapter in which pretty much nothing happens :( ):

I sincerely apologize profusely.

Wow that's a lot of thousand dollar words packed into a four word sentence. (Fun fact about me; I ramble when I'm tired.)

Enough about me though, here it is;
Now, just as everyone knows that Lance can make utterly stupid decisions without thinking, everyone is also aware of Pidge's horrible filter. She has been known to go on for entire conversations throwing out swear words every other word. Lance even remembers a time when she strung twenty, TWENTY, into one sentence. All facts considered, Lance had put green hair dye in her shampoo earlier that very same day, though he denies any such happening. So most everyone is unsurprised when the small but powerful word, much like the girl would wields it, stabs through the air, and is quite fine with it, seeing as it fits the situation perfectly.

Well, everyone except Shiro.

You see, Shiro has a swearing problem as well. Or rather, a problem with swearing. Call it the mother, I mean father... ;), in him, but he can't stand when people resort to such foul ways to show their emotions. There was even a time when he passed someone swearing up a storm and Shiro couldn't help but stop and scold him to heaven and back... It soon became Shiro's first, and last, run in with the law.

"Language!" Shiro scolds. Pidge merely shrugs in response, her signature evil smirk plastered across her face.

The two strangers watch with a renewed curiosity, their attacks having come to an abrupt end. They've never seen creatures such as these. The five beings seem to be of the same species, but each one is slightly different. They vary in size, color, height-one of them even has a small contraption made of two large circles balanced on its nose. They are by far the most strange creatures they've ever seen, but by some twisted trick, they're also the ones they've been waiting for. Their appearance doesn't matter, the female told herself, as long as they ca-before she can finish the thought her eyes fall on the most horrid, ugly thing she's ever seen.

They're horrid.

They're wretched.


"Your e-ears!" She stutters, raising a hand to point at the side of Lances head.

"What wrong with my ears!?" Lances asks defensively.

"They're absolutely hideous!" She exclaimed, earning a few snickers from Keith. Lance is getting pretty sick of these strangers. First they hurt his friends, then they try to blast him into next week, and now they have a problem with his ears! Seriously uncool.

"What sort of creatures are you!?" The orange haired man asks, having somehow made it across the room without detection and is now switching from peering into Shiro's face to tapping at Pidge's glasses in rapid succession.

"Uhh," Shiro blinks before taking one large step back. Pidge follows, gripping the sides of her wire thin glasses and sending a narrowed glare at the man. "We're...humans.."

The woman tilts her head slightly, only more confused. "Hoo-men-zz?" She asks, absolutely brutalizing the word.

The situation is worse than she thought.

"Yes...we're from Earth," Shiro continues.

"E-are-th.." the woman pauses a moment, looking off into a distance, trying to grab hold of the memory itching at the back of her brain. "Ah!" Her eyes light up and she returns her gaze to Shiro's, whom she had already declared leader of their group. "You're from that green planet in the Universe dimension! If I remember correctly it is a barbaric planet filled with 'cave men' and huge green monsters!" The woman comes to a stop, a proud smile growing on her face. But as she takes in the faces in front of her, she is only meet by an array of confusion and downright weird looks.

"I believe the 'huge green monsters' you're talking about are actually called Dinosaurs," Pidge lectures, pushing her glasses up higher along the bridge of her nose and morphing into flow blown professor mode," which haven't lived since the end of the Triassic-Jurassic period. Cave men have evolved since their first appearance 200,000 years ago, and now thousands of years later humans, highly intelligent and sophisticated, for the most part." Pidge shots Lance a glance at this line. Lance is too preoccupied with rubbing his ear and mumbling something under his breath to notice. (Sorry if this info is wrong. Wrote it at 1 in the morning -_- )

The woman's eyes widen in realization bordering on panic. She whips towards the her male companion. "Corran," she asks urgently, "how long were we asleep?!" The orange haired man, Corran it seems, scrambles forwards towards a small device implanted in the side of the large stone beds. After a few small swipes and taps against it's clear surface, Corran gasps, quite over dramatically, in Keith's opinion.

"What is it!?" The Princess demands fiercely.

"Princess Allura..." he begins, pity tinting his voice, "it's been 10,000 years."
(Special thanks to Resuri-chan for pointing out that it's 10,000 years, not 1,000)
Wrote this at 4am.

The things I do for writing *Sigh*

Probably sucks. Soorryy.

Can't suck that much though if your actually still reading this.

How many people actually read these author notes anyway? I could probably communicate secret codes through these or something crazy like that cause it's cHEESBALLING 4 IN THE MORNING AND THE ONLY IDEAS I CAN COME UP WITH ARE INSANE.

I'm going to bed.

Merry Christmas, and to all goodnight.

Or is it morning!?!?!


Word count: 903

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