Chapter 14

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Eek! 7K! Wow. Just wow.

On another note, it has come to my attention that people actually enjoy my weird humor and bad jokes. Never thought THAT would happen. But than again I never thought anyone would actually read this so....

Here you go. Bad jokes and all. CHAPTER 14;
Lance has this habit. Not bad, but not exactly good either.

           You see, he is constantly finding himself asking himself a single question.

           How the hell did he get here?

           In this particular case it is actually quite easy to recall the very moment that set him on the course that got him here. Technically it started the second he decided to go surfing two days ago, but it's much easier to just say that it began half an hour ago, when Shiro decided to help some random alien princess collect her lost jewelry and the rest of them rallied behind him.

So then they all set out, Pidge and Shiro heading out to some forest while Hunk, Keith, and Lance were sent to find a portal, on a bloody mountain, and then use said portal to get to another place, which ended up being a bloody canyon. Neither of these places having any positive impact on Lances complexion whatsoever, as Lance has made sure to mention every. Bloody. Second.

--Bloody. Bloody. Bloody. By our lady! I feel quite English today. Would you like some sugar with your tea, darling? One lump or two? Ooh ooh! Fun fact! I lived in England for a year after moving there from Australia, where I was born, 'ello mates, by the way. But no accent here except Good ol' Amer'can. Moving on...--

It was Shiro's polite "yes" that set  Lance on the course to this very moment. The moment that he swears, and will continue to swear for the rest of his life, he definitely did not scream "like a fangirl."

-- Keith must be crazy for saying that, or maybe all those years in a secluded cabin drove him nuts. Because no one sane would even dare to say that. Fangirl's have much too loud of screams for Lance to even compete with. Like seriously? Do you get a megaphone on the "Welcome to the Fangirl Cult- I mean club"? Sign me up!! Back to the story--

Even if Lance had screamed a bit, how could anyone blame him? It's kinda hard to not scream when you're kinda about to die. Why you ask, would Lance be about to die? Well, turns out that bush, which you will learn of later, was not, in fact, a bush. And, whoops! Blue magic amulets don't actually come with directions!

So it's pretty safe to assume that Lance was about to die, and of course, it would be by the hands of frickin purple cats.

--------------------*Play weird harp going in back in time music because I'm an author and therefore an all powerful omniscient goddess.*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

"Does he have to come with us?"

"Ya, do I really have to go with him?"

"So you agree you're a nunsince?"

"No, you're just too emo for me."

"Me! I'm too emo! Says Mr. Full Of Himself!"


"Wow, so original."

"You know what's original, my hate for you."


"That look is about as bad for you as the monstrosity of a mullet."

"Bite me."

"Oh, gladly."

"Guys!" Shiro's patience finally snaps, his yell echoing through the now quiet room. Lance and Keith jump, nearly banging their heads against each other in their hurry--yes they were that close--and lower their heads like scolded puppies.

"Hmm, very interesting. Sexual tension residing in a form of aggression..." Pidge notes scientifically.

"PIDGE," Lance yells, but red can be seen creeping up his neck. As for Keith, well, he's pretty much turned as red as the majority of his closet, the rest being black and shades of gray. Shiro clears his throat, giving Lance "The look" before continuing.

"Once again, Lance, Hunk and Keith, you guys will find the portal on Mountain Zubraz. From there you will take said portal to the Alles Dimension, where you should find the yellow amulet. Meanwhile Pidge and me will go to Xeli Forest and retrieve the green amulet. Allura and Corran will stay behind to search for the red amulet and repair the castle systems." Shiro says it simply, as if he hadn't just condemned them to death and all that.

"Yes sir!" Lance replies, snapping his wrist in a quick salute.

"Oh goodness seriously Lance?" You can practically hear the eye roll in Keith's voice.

"Yep," Pidge nods to herself. "Definitely sexual tension."

"Pidge. Lance. Keith. Get yourselves together and get to it." Shiro scolds.

"Ok, ok. Lance's group, move out!" Lance calls out and begins marching towards the door, hands held high, Keith and Hunk following behind.

"Oh it's your group now?"

"Oh god," Hunk shivers, "you guys aren't gonna...right?"




The room pauses, Keith, Lances and Pidge's eyes meeting before turning back and hurrying back to their business.

"What was th-" Shiro was cut off.

I'm sorry. It's been too long. High school has just begun. In other, more poetic, words, the beginning of the end.

Word count: 876 words

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