Chapter 8

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I am sooo sorry I haven't updated the in basically forever. The school year just ended and I started some summer classes but now that I've gotten into a schedule I've found a time to write! Yay :)
On another noted, I'd like to send a special thanks to FantasyHalfa, who helped me realize this my story isn't half bad. So without further ado, here it is;

Now, Keith has never been one for sightseeing, but there is no way in hell he could not stop and wonder at the sight before him. There, right before him, stands a feat of architecture. Where a cave once stood, a majestic castle has appeared. It's beautiful in every single way. The white walls sparkle in the sun, the silver topped towers glisten nearly blindingly, and the windows shine as if they are made of the stars themselves. Keith is so distracted by sight that Lance has to shout in his ear to snap him out of it.

"KEITH," Lance screeches in his ear, causing Keith to flinch. "We're going inside. Coming?"

"Ya, ya," Keith waves him off while smiling inwardly. Lance smiles brightly before grabbing his hand and starting off towards the castle's door. Fortunately for Keith, Lance's head is turned so he doesn't notice the red hue lighting up his face. As they approach the rest of the group, Pidge shots them a thumbs-up, which only causes Keith's redness skyrocket.


Lance doesn't seem to notice, instead focusing on the problem before him;

How to open the giant, 10 feet tall, 1 foot deep, doors made out of a substance unknown to any of them and, with Lance's luck, probably weighs a gazillion tons.

-You see, Lance has always had the worst of luck, it's just become a daily routine by now. Which, can be seen as sad, but it also can lead one to not create expectations, which can benefit one because if they have no expectations then they cannot be let down. And that's a good thing, right? At least that's what Lance has come to believe. Yikes, these narrator cut ins are just getting darker and darker...-

Seeing as Lance usually doesn't have good luck, the fact that the doors opened as he approached him surprises him. Which is almost weirder than the doors opening by themselves, seeing as everything that's happened over the course of the last couple of days has been surprising. You'd think he'd be used to it by now.

"Without words, but quite a few nervous glances, the group continues onward, drawn through lifeless hallways, past closed doors and dusty window ledges, to the heart of the castle, where a certain princess lies in wait of a prince to awake her from her slumber with a delicate kiss..."

"Lance!" the group shouts in harmony. "Shut up!"

Lance quiets quickly afterward.

Embraced in a deep quiet, they group trots through the unlit hallways, taking care to stay close in a tight knit circle. You know, just in case an ax-wielding maniac comes jumping out from behind a corner. At least that's why Lance is doing it, he has no idea why the others are though.

-Lance has been binge watching horror movies as of late and some seemed to have stuck with him since.-

Speaking of movies, this was starting to look weirdly familiar to the movie Lance was describing earlier, for as the gang entered a large room near the center of the castle, they discovered something unexpected. A woman and a man laying out on some sort of glowing large flat stones were they're...sleeping? 

The group approaches them warily, even Pidge, who is tempted immensely by the wide array of foreign tech filling the room, follows Shiro's lead. The discovery only becoming more puzzling when they reach the stones. The two strangers are different in build and appearance than any human the group has ever seen. Both have intricate markings decorating the skin under each of their eyes. While the man's are blue, the woman's are a deep pink and pop against her olive skin and white, almost silver, hair.

It only takes a second for Lance to come to the conclusion that these strangers can not be humans.

It only takes a second more for two pairs of eyes to open simultaneously and their owners to jerk up from their resting place, gasping for air


There you go, the long awaited chapter eight, which I apologize for putting off for so long. Plus, sorry for it's shortness. - TheGirlBehindTheMask

Word count; 746

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